Here's a great thread for all Jets fans to express their shame in this horrific loss that demonstrates the complete ineptitude of this team right now. We are forever scarred from this experience. My eyes are still burning from what I saw last night. We are truly the paper tigers of the NFL. Thomas Jones and Leon Washington count themselves lucky this morning. I will now head out into the burned down day and try to forget what I have seen. No, it won't be easy...
No offense, but there's about 20 other threads for this. I'm not scarred. Embarrassed, but shit happens. Hopefully this is a cathartic loss. Kinda like taking a big shit after some bad chili. Usually you feel much better afterward.
Im really ashamed-this f'ing sucks and even IF we win next week it still will. We have been getting the shit kicked out of by NE for a decade now
This probably feels as bad as the Pats loss to Cleveland... except we got our asses kicked by a good team. I still can't understand how a team can win 28-14 in one game and lose 45-3 in another... Does anybody have a freakin' explanation for that? It's mystifying the inconsistency of this damn team.
I know with a win against the fins this loss won't matter on this board anymore. Mostly because all of the cunts that show up just to post retarded bullshit when the Jets lose big will be gone and this place goes back to normal. The more the Jets win the more the tards stay the fuck away.
The only thing I am ashamed off is the fact that people read your stupid posts all week and thought that was how all Jets fans think. If I was petty and emotional I would be inclined to blame your stupid homer posts for creating some type of karmic downfall for the Jets. Since I am not petty or emotional I will just say that your posts all week were retarded and I hope you keep your insanely biased views to a minimum from now on.
I have no shame as I had nothing to do with the embarrasment. The team should have no shame either, they got blown out in embarrasing fashion, they need to get angry and take it out on their remaining opponents, otherwise it will end in disaster.
We got our asses kicked. There are 4 games left. Plenty of time for redemption. If we beat Pitt and Chi., no one will be crying about this loss. I wonder if Brady cried himself to sleep after as he said, his team 'sucked' in the 2nd half in the first game and we made him our bitch, or if he manned up, went to work, and figured out a way to start winning games? We all know the answer when it comes to the Pats*. The future isn't set. Let's hope this team wants to be a team of destiny and not a bunch of pretenders.
It happens on all boards though. I can imagine on some Colts forum right now they're talking about wanting to cut Manning or something.
The Pats beat us by the widest margin they've had all season. They beat Detroit 45-24 the week before but at least Detroit put something on the damn board! How the hell did this team come out so unprepared for such a pivotal game? How can you beat this team by two touchdowns then get destroyed by 42 points in your next meeting? HOW???
Pats fans had been saying that this isn't the same team as the one from week 2 and a lot of Jets fans chalked it up to us saying "Moss leaving made the defense better!!!1". That wasn't the case the offense is more efficient and the defense has improved, stats be damned of course those stats look a little better right now. Yards allowed=/points allowed.
My posts were not insane. They were based on facts and past performance. It's not my fault the millionaires in Jets laundry felt like going home the second they hit the field. To apply even more schizophrenia to the situation, the Jets will probably win if they meet the Patriots in the Playoffs... There is no rhyme or reason to anything in the NFL this year.
No I wasn't wrong, they were wrong. The team was wrong for not living up to their billing and my expectations of them. And now they've even given Miami hope, because if Miami can beat the Jets next sunday they may push us over the edge into freefall and hope the can run the table and get in as a wildcard. This loss has caused so many damned problems and scenarios I can't even explain them all.