NFL Punch Line.....again

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DeathByJets, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. TorontoJETSfan

    TorontoJETSfan New Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I kept on hearing in my head, Dennis Green saying..."They are who we thought they were".... The key to this season is the next game. I predicted that the Jets would loose by 21 last night, i did not expect Forty-fucking-two. If this team isn't pissed off, embarrased and ready to Fuck someone up...then they are the SOJ.
  2. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^Well, I guess you can go with the "anything can happen in sports" mentality, but the fact is some losses are worse than others. As I said, I didn't expect them to win last night, but come on. Let me ask you, if they do make the playoffs and have to go to Foxboro next month, how confident are you, right now, that they can win? If it was a close, hard fought game, I would say you could confidently give them a good shot. After last night, if you say you still think they could win a playoff game up there, you are not being honest.
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Is this the thread where we vigorously punch ourselves in the testicles and translate it to text?
  4. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Wow, great analogy here.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    One of the basic premises of your post is that there are many other teams in the NFL who lose and have heartbreaking seasons, and that DBJ should take solice in that. He should be aware of these other teams and somehow tell himself last night's loss wasn't that bad.

    But it was. After all the self-proclaimed "playoff contender" bullshit and "we'll kick their ass" talk and proclaimations about "going to the Superbowl" and most recently "this game is huge" by Rex Ryan, our offense basically doesn't show up for a game against the 31-ranked defense and our defense has zero clue how to stop Tom Brady from flat out embarrassing them and laughing hysterically on the sidelines in front of millons while they pile on the points.

    DBJ has every right to be pissed. Give him some time. This is probably Mark Sanchez' worst game of his career (he himself admitted last night that he has to go back to Pop Warner to recall such a drubbing) and the rest of the team, in all three phases, stunk like Holy Hell.

    Give DBJ some space everyone, this was a tough one. We've beaten ONE team that has a winning record so far this year... the Patriots. And now we've got a tough schedule at the end. So yeah, he has the right to be pissed and concerned that this game could go down in history as "the pivital game" of the 2010 season in which the Jets went from 9-2 to possibly just making the playoffs by backing in.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    But... but... Rex Ryan said last night that if the Patriots wanted to replay the game "right now" that he wouldn't back down and would be ready to go!
  7. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Great post. The woe is me Jet fan stuff is just as bad as how Red Sox fans acted for eons. They act like the world is coming to an end. It is not a bad thing to be a Jet fan. Like you mentioned, there are moribund franchises out there that have not tasted a hint of the playoffs in eons.

    Every team has its "SOJ" moments. The Panthers are the SOP. The Lions are the SOL. The Bills are the SOB.

    Meanwhile the Jets have alot of talent, and are in the thick of the playoff race for the third out of the last four years. Not too bad.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You have to remember that some of us old-timer Jets fan mopes HAVE been rooting for a team like the Cardinals since 1969.
  9. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Man, he just does not know when to shut up. Is he mental? When you have your ass handed to you, shut up and go home.
  10. blitzboy54

    blitzboy54 New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    This is ridiculously self indulgent. This is a self inflicted wound. It sucks to loose to a division rival but you all did this to yourselves. I was at the Jets/Bills tilt at the Ralph this year where you guys destroyed us. I was fine with that, the Jets are better team.

    What pissed me off was Sanchez telling the press the Bills were talking shit all week. I am as obsessed with my team as it is possible to be. I can tell you there were exactly 0 stories of the Bills running there mouths. Around here that would have been news.

    I felt like Rex made some shit up to jack up his team and beat down an inferior opponent. The funny thing was every Jets fan I talked to that week all took it as gospel that it happened.

    This team has been built on Talk 1st, Produce 2nd. What you are now experiencing is the let down from the euphoric "sugar high" you all received from buying into Rex's Bullshit.
  11. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Going to disagree with you here.

    I'll start by saying, I've never understood the "If I truly like them, I can never say a negative word about them" mentality, which is quite common on this board. For example, to paraphrase James Baldwin, I LOVE my country, which is why I criticize it so much. I love it so much I want it to be perfect, and I condemn its flaws. This doesn't lessen my love in the slightest. Similarly, I really like Rex. ALOT. What he's brought to me as a Jets fan in these 2 years is a feeling I honestly don't think I had even when Parcells had us 1 game away from the promise land.

    HOWEVER, last night was a CLEAR shit job by the coaching staff, starting with the head coach. That team was woefully unprepared in all 3 phases of the game. WOEFULLY. Once again, he makes questionable challenges. And once again, he relies too much on blitzes when he is going against a head coach who has studied his tendencies and was ready for them all. Yes, the team played like shit. But I don't know how you can possibly give the coaching staff a pass for that debacle!
  12. The Great American

    The Great American Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
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    I've got a punchline for you ... "Is it possible to sound any more homoerotic than Mike Tirico squealing like Jack McFarland that, “the Patriots keep stuffing the Jets in their backfield”?-Dr. Juan
  13. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^^Right on. Say what you will about Sanchez and the players, the fact is this team came out for what was arguably the biggest regular season game over the last 5 - 10 years, and was not ready to play in any facet of the game. As someone pointed out in another thread, if I'm Woody Johnson, Ryan is in my office this morning explaining why the team was not ready to play in the biggest game of the year and getting embarrassed on national television.
  14. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    I get your point, and agree with you. But I think you missed mine.

    I'm not bashing DBJ (at least not intentionally), I'm just trying to point out what seems so obvious to me, but somehow eludes a vast majority of our fanbase: SOJ exists only so far as we let it. It is a self perceived concept, draped in self-centeredness.

    I look around the league and can only be happy my team isn't the Lions, Bills, etc. But, and this is my point, other fans don't even bother to look around. And so, I'm asking those fans: why not?

    Regarding the 2010 Jets hype... if you bought into words, instead of waiting for on-the-field production, you only have yourself to blame. Hopefully, those who did buy in this past week have learned their lesson. However, if history is any indicator, most Jets fans probably didn't.
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Yet, Tom Brady has notoriously struggles against a Rex Ryan Defense.

    After the Leonhard injury beat writers said the team and even more so Rex, was deflated. It looks like that carried over.

    The defense lost us this game, if you look at the offensive stats we rushed when we wanted, but poor plays were called by Schotty.

    Shonn was running with ease, I don't get why we got away from that early on.

    Mark started throwing picks when we had to pass and they had 8 guys in coverage for the most part. Keller being targeted 4 times is ridiculous, he caught 3 for 27 yards.

    Early on we designed plays for Keller, now we don't.

    I'm going to try and stay away.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Because I DON'T WANT to "look around." The Jets are my team and have been since 1968. 4 days before shipping off to Vietnam, Joe Namath won SBIII and IU've never looked back, much less "looked around" at what other teams are suffering around the league. I don't give two shits about what other teams are doing. The Jets are my team ahnd have been for over half my life. My only concern is what THEY are doing.
  17. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^Here here. This whole concept of "there are worse teams so don't be upset" drives me crazy. I DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHER TEAMS. I want the Jets to win the championship. THE JETS. I don't know why that is so hard to understand.
  18. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    You want the team to win the title. Fine.

    Last night was not the Super Bowl.
  19. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Its the idea that there is some grand cosmic inevitability of the Jets' collapse that is really tiresome. Yes, they've been extremely hapless and futile over the years. With a lot of company.
  20. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    That's just it. It is like certain posters wait for something bad to happen, then lay the misery on thick like the world is ending.

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