Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. DustinK

    DustinK New Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    What I found really disturbing is seeing Mark in shotgun for almost every snap in the first couple of drives. The stadium is loud, and it is hard to communicate. The obvious thing to do is to run it down their porous defense to set a tone and to get the crowd of the game.
    Shonn Greene should have taken over this game since the first drive. He was tearing the defense to shreds when he was given the opportunity. Schottenheimer is always a step behind the defense.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yes, it was his fault the QB was erratic and made bad reads, it was his fault the receivers dropped a ton of balls, it was his fault 5 OL couldn't clock 3 DL.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I had no problem w/ that, they came showing a new look and loking to attack a poor pass D. the problem was we couldn't make accurate throws and when we did our recievers couldn't catch. the game is very different if LT catches that 3rd down ball ont he 1st drive or if Edwards catches that 1st down pass inside the NE 15 later int he 1st half.
  4. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    It was also his fault that Weatherford looked like he never punted a football in his life, Rex forgot how to coach, the defense looked like the 80's bucs, on and on and on.
  5. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    How do you not find ways of getting Keller involved in the offense?
  6. flajetfanson

    flajetfanson New Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    if no one is getting open is it not up to the cord to make changes? Stop covering for him, you want to sanchez had a bad night fine he did but so did schotty he called a horrible game. He is as much to blame if not more then Sanchez because he is supposed to make adjustments and he didn't. Also our dfense looked like crap and that is ryans fault. So don't say i am playing favorites. At least the defense has injuries to two starters whta is the offenses excuse again? Schotty?
  7. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Im not saying schotty called a great game last night. I was simply saying that you were contradicting yourself. If Sanchez is throwing into double coverage all night or quadruple coverage like he did in the red zone, then someone has to be open. Thats what a QB's number one job is. Read the D and find the open receiver. Sanchez did a very poor job of this. And when he did find the right receiver, he threw the ball poorly. Next thing you know, its 24-3. Game over
  8. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Honestly the blame for this game falls squarely on Rex's shoulders. This was a total team meltdown. Nobody did anything right. You can't blame any individual in this, but if you had to, it has to be the man in charge.
  9. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Schotty's the offensive coordinator, so if the offense is dropping balls, throwing into quadruple coverage, etc, then he definitely takes some of the blame. The offensive coordinator is supposed to coach the players, too.
  10. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Schotty cant teach Braylon to get open. And Im pretty sure at this point, Schotty has explained to Sanchez that throwing into quadruple coverage is not reccomended
  11. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    This post pretty much sums it up perfectly!

    I ask you this, if you switched QB's on the teams last night, and Sanchez was throwing to wide open Welker, Woodhead, Hernandez, Branch, etc., because of all the mismatches, and

    Brady was throwing into tiny windows because the Patriots were on the Jets like white on Rice, would the result have been any different?

    I say yes, it probably would have been something like 31 - 10.

    Still would have gotten our asses handed to us.

    Schitthead is a poor OC, period.
  12. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    Not when your cutesy plays are predictable.

    Here is the problem with Schotty as I see it. He takes the concept that football is like a game of chess TOO literally in that he assumes being successful always means doing something different from what your opponent thinks you are going to do. Now, for the most part that is a sound strategy in football....EXCEPT when your opponent has a clear weakness that just happens to be your strength. He will literally look at a team like the Patriots, who were last in pass defense, and say to himself "ah ha! they will expect us to throw deep against them and spread the ball instead, I shall run up the middle and throw only short passes. That will catch them off guard!"

    You don't always have to surprise your opponent! You can say to the Patriots "Your pass defense has been terrible all season, so we are going to live and die with the pass. To beat us, your secondary will have to play like they've never played before, or drop 8 men in coverage after which we will pound the running game up your ass." But Schotty doesn't do that. He passes against teams that can't stop the run, runs against teams that can't stop the pass...all for the sake of surprise.

    Well surprise...your offense is averaging 13 points a game against the three actual playoff contenders we've faced this season (and an average of 4 points per game in our 3 losses against them.)
  13. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    3rd and short was fucking abysmal. Play selection and execution.
  14. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Your right, but HE can DESIGN plays that get receivers open!

    AND, he can design plays were the primary target is not in an area with 4 fucking guys!

    He also can set up his QB for success once in a while, instead of setting him up for failure, which he does constantly.

    Schitthead is a poor OC, period.

    Mangini is gone in large part because of Schitthead, he wanted Schitthead out, the FO wanted Schitthead in.

    They fucking forced the next HC to keep him, it was a condition of the next coach being hired.

    The love affair the FO has for Schitthead is beyond me.
  15. psalyga1987

    psalyga1987 New Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    My B. To clarify. I personally believe the play designs just flat out sucked and our receivers seem to run their routes fully covered. When a receiver breaks open why is Sanchez's primary receiver always a guy who is double or triple covered? Since a quarterback usually has a primary receiver in mind before the play is called I will just go ahead and say the play is a bust to begin with - point for Schotty. I realize that there are many factors to our horrid performance last night, but all I'm trying to say is most of our drives were a result of bad preparation and flawed play designs. It explains our players subpar performance - Sanchez forcing it like a moron/ LT not knowing the ball is flying at him….. Other systems seem to successfully bring in below average players and make them into solid contributors, but for some reason we bring in top talent and make them mediocre. I actually feel embarrassed these players deserve a better coordinator.
  16. RapZiLLa54

    RapZiLLa54 New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    As a young Jets fan (24) I've never really been embarrassed until this season because frankly I knew our teams we're either not so great or it was SOJ.

    I'm a firm believer that SOJ is dead but twice this season we have been absolutely embarrassed and with the talent we have its completely on the coaching staff.

    We go up against the Packers and lay up an egg. Yeah Cotchery had a bad game but we were facing the 25th worst run defense and yet passed all game when we were never down more than 3 points.

    We go up against the worst defense in almost every category and put up 3 fucking points??? Are you kidding me?? The first quarter we take no shots downfield, no real attempt at a vertical passing game but instead now we're running the ball???? So let me get this straight lets attack NOT the weakness but the strength of the D???

    I'm sick of it, absolutely fucking sick of it and I want Schotty out this week. I've been saying it since Holmes has come back that Schotty doesn't know how to use this roster and if this years body of work vs good teams isn't enough evidence I don't know what is.

    Ravens=3 points
    Vikings= 5 fgs
    Packers after a bye missing several starters= 0 points
    Beating Denver, Detroit, Cleveland and Houston by a combined 16 points.

    I think by now the arguement is no longer brainless and the writing is on the wall. All I want for Christmas is a new
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You think the difference in our offenses are the OC's? You don't think it has anythign to do w/ one of the greatest QBs in the history of the game playing as well as he ever has?
  18. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    This is exactly what I've been complaining about for the past 2-3 seasons. My argument has always been the playdesign, not even the playcalling -- the WRs are running routes in which they either don't get open or in which they're within 5 yards of each other. SPREAD.THE.FIELD. it's not that difficult of a concept.

    I would take McDaniels over Schotty as OC in a heartbeat.
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Schitty is supposed to SCHEME Braylon to be open.

    What's going unsaid here, and we should have talked about it PRIOR to the game, is Woodhead.

    Woodhead has been here two years. He basically took the entire playbook in his head to New England.

    It stands to reason there were only two things that made sense.

    Muscle it up and pound on them.

    Change the offense completely.
  20. RapZiLLa54

    RapZiLLa54 New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Offensive philosphy has a lot to do with it. Is Brady the man?? Of course but we need a philosphy change.

    We don't use the entire field, a lot of times you'll see multiple recievers in one general area. We dont run slants, we don't run short screens, we don't run posts. If you can stop the comeback, streak and out pattern which I dont know if you noticed thats all WE RAN YESTERDAY then you will shut us down. IE this game and the Pack game

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