And.......a sh*tty punt. Man, the Bills are going to find a way to lose this. Going to be pissed if this game bites the Jets in the ass down the road.
For a Harvard guy Fitzpatrick is really stupid - the one think you CAN'T do in that situation is get sacked. And now the punter kicks it into the end zone. Awful sequence for Buffalo there - from a game-winning TD to Pittsburgh getting it on their 20.
The NFL has restrictions on out of market games. I believe after 4:15 PM CBS is not allowed to show any game in progress live after the local game is done.
No, but that is a gaping hole in their offense, no big possession guy, they have a bunch of shitty slot receivers.
There has to be an Xzibit meme here....... Yo Dawg we herd you wanted to watch this game so put a game in your game so you can watch Bill Cowher watch game while you watch him watch the game.