Are there any playmakers left on this defense? The Broncos entire organization is one big ball of fucktards...from senior mgmt, right down to the roster. Herp Derp linky
So where is the media swarm over not suspending him for a game? Oh that's right he doesn't play for a New York team coached by Rex Ryan. Can someone say double standard......................
Denver seems to be racing to get the #1 pick. I know we currently hold that "honor", but the Bills seem like they are trying to win. Denver and Dallas look like they are already folding up their tents.
He dosen't have a prior! Oh wait... He wasn't a starter! Shit... He isn't an integral part of the team! What? Shit... You hit the nail on the head. He's not a Jet. His coach dosen't have a big mouth. Fuck you, media. actually it appears i am a retard and didnt read the article correctly. i stand corrected before someone corrects me.
Waitasekent! Waitasekent! Waitasekent! Deejay willyahms wuz ahhrested in denvah, nout new yu-ork!!! Dee dubya eyes ah less dane-ja-rus in denvah cuz ders less peepul dare!!! Braylon edwaahrds wuz ahressted in new yu-ork!!! New yu-ork