We should definitely sit Braylon for a few games and possibly cut him for his DUI arrest. Over reaction.
Pete Prisco must have come in his pants Sunday night just waiting for Tuesday morning to rip the Jets. It was clearly killing him to say anything nice about them over the previous weeks. The worst part is, I get ripping the Jets for that game, but he got it wrong. He clearly didn't even watch one play of the entire game, as he's ripping on Sanchez, who, if you look at just the stats had a bad game but if you watched it, you knew what the real problem was. Anyways, we all know Prisco's a moron, which is why I didn't think this needed its own thread, but thought it would fit in nicely in the crazy thread.
IMO everyone's just mad that the Jets weren't going to go 14-2/13-3 and win homefield this year (though still possible). I, myself, tried not to get too high on all the winnings and tried to stay levelheaded during our 5 game streak. This team still has growing pains on the offense especially and its going to take some more time until it peaks. I mean even if we only won 10 games and secured a playoff berth (and look like we unquestionably deserve to be there), this team will have improved over last year. As long as we head in the right direction, its not the end of the world.
Well put I wasnt expecting more than 10 wins this year.Many will disagree with this but i believe New England will win 13 games this year.Take a look at their schedule maybe 3 tough games left.
NE has Pitt, Indy, Jets, and GB left. Also rans include Chicago. Jets have NE and Pitt left. Also rans include Chicago and Houston.
The USMC employs a motivational technique designed to raise the overall awareness of an individual's accountability to the unit as a whole. What they do is if an individual fucks up, they'll make the entire platoon PT while the offender looks on. Sometimes they change it up a bit and just punish the squad leaders if the platoon as a whole looks like shit in drill or whatever. They have many variations of this, but the goal is to force the individual to think outside of himself and think more about the consequences of his actions and the impact it has on the whole unit as a whole. Having experienced this myself (as both the “goat” and the “unjustly punished”) I can tell you from experience that this technique is highly effective. They've been churning out elite troops for 200 years, so I guess they know a thing or two about team building and motivation. So the other day I posted a (football related ) thread entitled “Bench Sanchez?” (Note the question mark and absence of exclamation points...no over reaction here) I prefaced this by proposing maybe a half a game or a full game (at most) citing the reasons I outlined above, and adding that it might be a good opportunity to discover whether some of our recent struggles are systemic (Schotty) or perhaps endemic to something Sanchez is doing specifically. So after the first poster admits he didn't read past the thread topic, but I should "pull my head out of my ass"....(wait....what?) the thread was unceremoniously pulled....but only after a couple supercilious jabs which I had no opportunity to respond to. Over-reaction? Hmmmmm..... Anyway...I thought no.... biggie...not my forum...not my problem... Until I saw this piece of shit thread... What? It's not enough that some of you feel the need to shove your moronic fifth grade opinions down people's throats.... and censor people that may see things differently than you...but you feel the need to call me out after I go away quietly? Retard? God I wish one of these punks here in Boston would have the kind of balls some of you forum jockeys seem to have. I would love to unload a whole new level of “over-reaction” on some drunk punk that forgot he wasn't on the internet.
the NFL is not the Marines. Benching Sanchez causes a domino affect that will not help this team get stronger. That's why no one liked it. It causes more problems than it helps. Not to mention he has not done poorly enough to be benched. That thought is indeed laughable.
Amen brother. These clowns are the ones that are constantly on the site and have no life outside of their online world. Pathetic. The Jets lost the 2 games neither the Ravens or the Packers beat them. The Jets lineup is filled with pro bowl players and will only lose when they beat themselves. Super Bowl here we come.
So we bench Sanchez cause his wideouts dropped a bunch of passes? Or are you saying that you've suffered a "code red"?