Love Keller! He's going to be a great weapon for a long time at end and will be considered elite before too long.
I'd like to see more consistency from him. He seems to be a streaky player so far, showing up big for a few games at a clip, then disappearing for a while.
I think the team as a whole is still find its way, throwing Holmes in the mix definitely has taken some throws away from Keller. They should find a good balance soon, Keller will be Sanchez's number 1 target in big spots for a long time.
I'm talking about since he was drafted. He tends to show up big for a few games then disappear. Maybe that's directly related to inconsistent QB play, I don't know.
Oh okay, gotcha. Hopefully this is the year where he really makes a name for himself, I predicted as such. I just hope he doesn't get lost in the mix, because with all the other weapons there is not 1 team that can cover Keller. If Schotty really learns how to exploit that there is no telling how big a season he could have.
Very happy we have DK on the team.. He has been great on the Jets. We never used to use the TE, now that we have a WR/TE in one, we have no choice but to use him..
This sorta got me to thinking... would you want to be famous? And rich? OK, rich, sure... but Keller is a tweener now. Lots of the bennies, but he can walk down a street without getting mobbed. I really don't envy players or anyone else for that matter that can't go out in public without getting mobbed. I really would prefer to be a Keller or Dallas Clark vs. being a Sanchez or Peyton Manning. Plenty of $$$, but a quasi-normal life. I think I would hate the harrassment that fame brings. If Sanchez goes on a date, it's page 6. Keller can date an ugly (not that he would have to) and not even get caught.
I think its about certain teams game planning for him and the offense not being able to overcome it. Perhaps more time is needed to work that out.