Good McNight, Joe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Lantern, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    What exactly has Leon done this season other than those two KR touchdowns and that one TD during the game? He hasn't exactly been lighting it up. He's basically Chad Morton right now.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's going to take some time to really get back to normal.

    I'm talking rushing wise w/ Jones, he was slated to get less carries than Greene. Things change but that was the thinking and that he could also catch balls out of the backfield but they would be wise to limit LT's touches based on all the touches he has in his career and leon could have hlped w/ that(McKnight was supposed to).

    It's always easy to say things after the fact, he would have been back this year and been happy and contributing.

    I saw both returns, the first one he just ran but the 2nd one 3-4 Chargers had a chance to tackle him and he made great moves to shake free. He did a great job.

    You called SD's STs shoddy, you didn't say they were shoddy for that game alone and I pointed out the fact that they shut down opposing KRs the first 2 weeks.

    I'm not ignoring anything, I know we could have kept him and we'd be even more dangerous. Don't confuse this w/ me whining we should have kept him. It's done, we cannot do anything about it. We made a mistake and let's move on. The last thing I want to discuss is Leon after our 2 big wins the last weeks but I'm not going to sit here and watch misinformation get spewed. It's ok to admit we made a mistake, it happens from time to time.
  3. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    EXACTLY. And we haven't seen how long that's going to take. We also have no idea how long it'll take McKnight to be able to contribute a few carries. It's not like one side is certain and the other is a crapshoot. I happen to think Leon will improve as time goes on, but I certainly can't say that I know he will. And if he does, who's to say it happens this season? We may not have gotten anything out of him. Don't act like it's some certainty that he would have helped us in his one year.

    Leon's 2.5 YPC would have been a great asset to this team right now.

    Based on what? I'm giving you an actual interview he conducted yesterday, you're giving me some assumption based on what you'd like to believe. Where are you getting the idea that he'd just automatically be happy?

    Yes. He did. And San Diego did a poor job. I watched almost the whole game and saw those returns several times.

    LOL. I said he did it against shoddy STs, which he did. San Diego's STs were shoddy that day. I never said "against a team with shoddy STs". In fact, my original quote was "a team with coverage like San Diego's on Sunday". San Diego's coverage on Sunday was terrible. You go ahead and fight against whatever made up argument you'd like to, though.

    We'd be even more dangerous in your fantasy world in which Leon is a surefire return to his old self. We'd also be less dangerous and less competitive going forward with no Conner on our roster. You suggest that we could have gotten Conner another way by packaging draft picks. Which FUTURE draft picks would you have liked to see us give up in order to get him? A 5th this year is worth at least a 4th next year.

    There was no mistake made.
  4. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Calling it a mistake after one good game as a returner is the issue some are having. If Leon breaks his leg again next week Tanny looks like a genius. Hell, if Leon returns 2 more kicks for TD's by the end of the season the worst it looks like is a wash because Brad Smith will probably return a few of his own sometime this year.

    Nobody was bumping threads to call it the right move after two bad games. Nobody should be freaking out about one good game either.

    P.S. I don't hope Leon gets hurt and I hope he has a good season and career. He just had no spot on this team and I don't get how people can't see that.
  5. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    leon washington is 28 years old and an UFA after this season

    also, rookie year leon wouldnt have gotten any burn on this current jets squad either ... especially the way he struggled early
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I can say w/ confidence we'll sooner se Leon contributing on O than we will see McKnight.

    Leon has barely touched the ball so his YPC doesn't disturb me as much as say Shonn Greene and his 3.5 YPC.

    That's great that he is saying that now, it's easy to say now.

    I thought you meant SD's STs were shoddy in general up to that point.

    Actually your quote was "He's had two KOR for touchdowns against shoddy special teams"(post #231)

    Again, you are acting like we couldn't get Connor w/o trading Leon which is 100% incorrect.
  7. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    FYI................SD's special teams have not been good at all this year..... look what McCluster did to them in week 1.
  8. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    the fact that he cant get carries in one of the weakest backfields in the league doesnt concern you? then you shouldnt be concerned at all the mcknight cant get carries on this team
  9. xjets2002x

    xjets2002x Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I love Leon Washington, I know him personally, and he's a great guy and was a great player, but he has a metal rod in his leg, is 28 years old, and was seeking a multi-year extension. His value is as a low risk, high reward pickup for a team like Seattle, not as a long term financial commitment for a contender. I wish him all the best.

    Joe McKnight has all the makings of a turd. He comes off like a spoiled brat, or a dullard, maybe both. That said, you never know. You can't write a guy off right away. Irving Fryar and Cris Carter were both considered busts at one point and both had long, successful careers. Ditto Thomas Jones.

    I would have liked to see the Jets retain Danny Woodhead, but there are lots of guys on other teams practice squads who can carry the rock.

  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That was on PRs not KRs.

    That backfield isn't weak at all and they are bringing him along slowly. he's already ahead of where he should have been at this point but they obviously want to limit his touches for now.
  11. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    justin forsett and julius jones is about as weak a duo as there is in the league

    we are getting washingtons value to this team from LdT and brad smith. he might have had a role if he was here but we are getting that production anyway

    so we got a 5th for someone who we are not missing, yet you still complain
  12. SuppaMan

    SuppaMan New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Leon can't cut, has lost a lot of his high-end agility and quickness/acceleration off of cuts, and is still not 100% and probably will never be (because he'll never be the same as he once was).

    That is the reason he is not getting carries out of the backfield. It's not due to Seattle having a lot of great options in front of him.

    I'm rooting for Leon, he was a good player and teammate, and seems like a good guy. However, he isn't the same. He really wouldn't have much purpose on the Jets.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Forsett is averaging almost 5 yards per carry(he averaged over 5 a year ago)
    Jones is struggling but he's not a bad RB.
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    and yet he's still more useful than McKnight is now or maybe ever will be.

    I got it why they traded him, I get that he may never be the same but he's had a miraculous recovery so far and he doesn't have alot of touces in his legs so he'll be a factor for a few years to come as he slowly gets back to normal(or as close as possible).

    Who cares now? he's gone, I diagreed w/ the move then, I disagree now but again our GM doesn't make many bad moves so I cannot be too upset.
  15. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    name 5 worse duo's in the league, and im not talking backfields affected by injury

    forsett is solid, but he got most of his numbers last year in blowout losses

    julius jones has never been more than an avg back, and he hasnt been that for a few years now

    the point is that leon should be able to crack this backfield as a runner, and should at least be the 3rd down back ... dude hasnt even caught a pass
  16. SuppaMan

    SuppaMan New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    He's got a rod in his leg. A few years down the road won't change that. His style of running is changing because it has to, but because of his size, he can't easily change his style and be successful. Pierre Thomas had a crazy injury in college that forced him to change how he runs a bit and he was able to be successful out of the backfield still because he's a big guy.

    If you are small in the NFL, you have to be quick and have excellent agility among other great attributes, his agility is no longer high-end nor will ever be high end again.

    He'll do fine when he can run fairly straight, but if he has to make quick and hard cuts, he won't. He's not incredibly elusive anymore. It sucks but it's just the truth.

    If McKnight fixes the fumbling (people like to single him out, how many high-end backs have you seen have fumbling issues in the past decade?..quite a few) he'll have every shot to be something. His only other issue is working on running with anger/power between the tackles. It took Reggie Bush a few years and he was always celebrated by the media and people. The fact that McKnight is the same style of back and runner and wasn't the 2nd overall pick has much better value. The guy's only 22 and came out of college early. It's amazing how quickly some people right guys off.
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    What about his #s this year? I think Leon will gradually become a bigger part of the offense but maybe I'm wrong, I really liked Leon and I hated losing him. I like it when we have good players who are also good people and he was one of those.
  18. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    i said forsett was solid, but its not like hes gettin 20 carries a game, he needs help

    i feel you, leon was my favorite player on the jets since his rookie year

    i think youre just caught up on what we traded leon for, but his value was what it was

    i could understand you beefing about the mcknight pick if there was someone else you wanted drafted in that spot as the future third down back, but mcknight was the BPA in that role ... and i dont think anyone drafted after him is doing anything in that role either
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I didn't have any problem w/ the Mcknight pick, I've had a problem w/ him since we picked him. I can give him a pass on the throwing up at minicamp but you can't come to TC and fail a conditioning test after that and showed no flashes as a RB in preseason and his attitude looked awful on HK(I know they edit but...).
  20. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    If the Jets were on hard knocks leon's rookie year he would have played the role of Joe McKnight.

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