I am going to the game tommorow night and we are getting there early to check out the new stadium and we are looking for a tailgate party. I live in Florida and havent been to a home jets game where I tailgated yet. Where are the parties?
If you are going w/ out a crew check out the "Railgate" area by the train station infront of the main gate. Apparently there is a stage w/ a band and "tailgate food" for purchase. Now this is not nearly as cool as my Margarita Madness Tailgate complete with Cruzin' Cooler Races but I'm not going to this game.
We will be in the Bus parking lot right by the Pepsi Gate! Just walk around and see if you can join in someones tailgate ...our bus should be in the back corner ..DJ, TV's, Food, Tailgate games .....so just roam around and join in ...everyone welcomes ya.
Are you having an all inclusive Tailgate for a Price?? I was looking for one of those?? I have a PSl pass and 4 guys this week 8 next.
Cant wait till tommorow, steaks brats burgers and beer, and then a football game as well! Gonna be awesome.
How much u looking to pay? Kidding. Dude, find a tailgate and hang out man. If u have 4 then 8, why not have your own tailgate?
thanks everyone. we will be there early, we are driving down from albany and gonna hit up a White Castle first. I know we are fat... It would be cool to meet some of you guys!