Ryan wasn't kidding around or anything...give me a damn break. C-Wash got a pre-season game ball for forcing a fumble. 8 carries for 19 yards: 2.4 YPC for Washington. He also had a forced fumble on special team. He's not making this team as a special teamer, so who gives as shit about this? Oh wait...you do. 11 carries for 28 yards: 2.5 YPC for McKnight. He also had a 67 yard punt return. He's most definitely going to play special teams, so this actually matters. Who had the better game?
Woodhead would have never made that cut back at the 45 and likely would've been tackled around Carolina's 40...
Let's not get into a Woodhead-McKnight comparison either. McKnight has uber-talent. Woodhead is a guy that is only here because of his desire and work ethic, his toughness and determination. Nothing like McKnight.
I think Mcknight was drafted with an eye on the return game and to hopefully provide some big plays as a third down back. Yes, he did make one good return until he ran out of gas against some scrubs but other than that he has looked like shit. This team cant afford to carry dead weight at this point in the game. Sussessful teams cut draft picks all the time because they weigh the draft pick compensation against the current depth and needs of the team. In this case i think we will carry this dead weight but he wont dress all yr. In the grand scheme of things this is a big deal because it means a quality db,ol,dl etc player with knowlege of our scheme will be let go or at risk on the ps to carry his sorry ass. Kroul,chauncey wash are both more important this yr and deserve a spot before this kid.
But...but...Chauncey is a LOCK to make the team, right? He...he got a GAME BALL!!! Shonn Greene better watch his ass.
Because we were in a terrible position with Leon and made the decision to get something while we could. I still really like Leon and hope he does well in Seattle. It was a tremendous shame what happened with him, but it's not as simple as saying "Damn. We should have kept him.". We really had no shot of retaining him past this season at this point, an he debated whether to even sign his tender. What really sucks is it was largely the fault of those around him, not of Leon himself.
We didn't get much for him, considering how good he is. I mean the pick looks like it worked out with Conner but it's not like we couldn't have gotten him anyway if we really wanted to, it was the 5th round.
Leon landed us John Connor. I think after 2 or 3 years everyone will be comfortable with that. Just imagine the horror of trading John Abraham for some unproven center named Mangold.
Yeah, I was disappointed with the compensation from a straight draft value standpoint, but I love the Conner pick and think it'll balance out somewhat in the long run. I doubt we could have gotten much more given the injury uncertainty. At this point, with Leon looking to start the Seahawks' 3rd preseason game, it looks like he's fine. The question is whether that leg will hold up.
That was at least a first round pick. How you use it is a seperate issue than what you got for the old player because the draft is a crapshoot. We got Leon with the 4th round pick we got for Herm, a lot of that is coincidence.
What's wrong with his post? It's 100% accurate. McKnight has shown nothing to prove he has an elite work ethic. The guy came out of High School touted to be on the same level as if not better than Reggie Bush. The actual production never comes without work. He was good enough to get into the NFL (very good) but he never lived up to his potential. All signs point to work ethic. Work ethic and heart are about the only things Danny Woodhead have going for him.
These picks don't materialize out of nowhere, if we didn't give up Leon we probably would've had to give up draft picks. The point is, as long as we end up with the better / more valuable player at the end of the day then the trade was good. If Connor is our starter beginning next year, then the trade was worth it. Especially if Leon's health doesn't hold up.
Like McKnight or not...that is fairly accurate.... Reminds me of this quote... P.S... A guy that young in that poor condition, is pretty sad.
I think LW's role on this team is severely overstated. I'd rather not go into it however as the LW debate is tired and frivilous at this stage. Bottom line is there is always gonna be a former Jet that a certain portion of the fan base simply cannot get over. From Hugh Douglas to Vinny to CP to TJ...some people just cannot grasp the reality of the modern NFL.
Sorry, but that's just not true. He was misrepresented coming out of high school. We really need to put these "next Reggie Bush" proclamations to rest after all these years. He's a different back. He's better in some ways, actually, and should be a better true RB in the NFL.
It's way too early to even being to evaluate the Leon Washington trade. We'll see how his leg holds up and how John Connor/Joe McKnight turn out.
I agree with this provided you acknowledge a middle ground. He was a beloved player, underused, but a lot of people recognize that his place with the team had evaporated and readily accept that.