I watched McKight play against the Giants. I heard Ryan's comments. That is more than just Hard Knocks, it's football. McKnight is lucky he wasn't the one that got hog tied. We shall see.... but I don't think Ryan is afraid to cut a 4th rounder if he doesn't show ability and desire.
Thank God you're not coaching this team. Giving up on a 4th round draft pick after 2 weeks of training camp. It's absolutely hilarious. It's funny, I haven't heard "lack of desire" except from people on here. All I hear from Rex is that he tries for the home run on every play when he needs to be content with 3, 4 yard gains. When he was puking, all I heard was that he's all hyped up and ready to go and too anxious. Now, suddenly it's all a lack of desire? He has a rough go of it in one preseason game and suddenly he has no ability? Adrian Peterson managed 3.0 YPC in his preseason debut and went on to have one hell of a rookie season. And no, I'm obviously not comparing Peterson to McKnight, so you can avoid that easy straw man. You're ready to cut the guy...no, you PREDICTED the guy gets cut...after two weeks. He's suddenly at his last chance. How does that make any sense to you?
Wasn't it just mentioned in the OTHER McKnight thread that people had to be reminded of Leon Washington have a horrible first couple weeks of camp? sigh.
He isn't being cut. This is just some knuckleheads reaction to a heavily edited cable tv show. By heavily edited I mean they shoot 100's of hours of tape and condense it into a 53 minute show. At best we see 1 10th of 1% of what they record. Oh yeah that is a representative sample size...........
Yeah if I remember correctly, Leon was awful the first few weeks of camp. He did eventually give Mangini a reason for him to make the final roster and thats because he made some great plays in the preseason. We have 3 games left to play and I expect Mcknight to get a ton of play time to give the coaching staff a reason as to why they drafted him in the 4th round this year.
I dont know how people are expecting so much from McKnight already. Its not like we drafted this guy in the first or second round. As far as im concerned hes meant to replace LT in a year maybe 2 depending on how long he stays, meanwhile carrying his weight via special teams and learning from one of the all time greats. The guy is obviously a project and the FO obviously doesnt expect him to do alot this year or else LT wouldnt be on the team.
Bullshit speculation, I hate this crap. He is going to make the team, but I wouldn't rule out adding another RB to the roster for insurance or to light a fire under McKnight.
I recall Tanenbaum saying that he requested we trade up for greene. I am pretty sure that this is on Sanchez since he vouched for him
If McKnights a bust its not on Sanchez. The guys in the FO still need to do their jobs. That said this is a non issue for at least another 2 years
Yes, let's fire our scouts that drafted Revis, Mangold, Brick, Harris, Washington, Keller, and Sanchez because a 4th round pick might not contribute in his first season.
Well, there's a reason he was a 4th round pick and not a first rounder. You don't expect 4th rounders to be great anyways. They are 'usually' there as backups with a few players actually getting the nod to start. We have been very lucky with our 4th round picks so I guess thats what has kept our expectations high, but there would be several 4th rounders that won't be on the teams a year from now. It doesn't mean we did a terrible job of scouting, rather we took a chance on him and missed. There has been tons of praise for Wilson so Im sure he won't be anywhere near the bust status. John Conner seems to be the real deal. Ducasse is raw so even if he doesn't start this year, a year under this offense should bring him up to speed (or close to it). Tanny has valued quality over quantity in recent drafts. Out of the 4 man draft, we already know that two players would be great (wilson and Conner). Ducasse has the potential and so does McKnight.
Every team has that. Show me one team that hasn't missed in last 6-7 years. Here's an article on our draft success since 2006: http://www.nfltouchdown.com/the-jets-recent-success-in-april/ A lot of homerism, but picks don't lie.
Yeah, cuz he was told by the scouts about Greene's abilities. Do you really think Tanny was the one who scouted him? Tanny got the words from his scout team, and he then made the move to jump up to grab him.
This I agree with 100%. He isn't supposed to start. If somehow he did, it means either we just hit a jackpot on him starting him over Greene, or we have shit loads of injuries. He's a project that probably will be an excellent backup to Greene if he lives up to his expectations. Greene will have a monster year IMO, and I think he'll have more TDs than LT since Greene can move the pile with his power shoulder moves. Most people think LT would get goal line carries, but I believe it will be Greene who'd step it up at goal line situations. Absolutely loved that pick. If healthy, expect Greene to post pro bowl caliber stats.