17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Every day in every way, the Jets' desperate methods to sell PSLs seem to have turned the team into a boiler-room operation, the kind of team for which only a Wayne Root could root.

    Everything attached to the Jets' friendly persuasions seems greasy, as if soaked in discarded Johnson & Johnson baby oil.

    Now former ticket subscribers who have rejected PSLs because of their ludicrous price tags -- and there's no shortage of such folks -- are being told they'll receive free parking if they return as PSL holders.

    In other words, they'll get a less onerous deal than those who've already bought in. Parking fees are $250 -- $25 for each home game, including two preseason games -- or $35 per home game, $350 for the 10 dates.

    What about those who'd already paid for PSLs, tickets and parking? Tough.

    But the Jets seem to have a new PSL incentive offer every day. One recent pitch was directed at Facebook members, offering "two free premium seats to an upcoming concert at the new Meadowlands stadium" in exchange for buying a PSL.

    It's now apparent that patrons in the same sections will discover that they're paying more or less than those seated nearby. The Jets might have to begin a "Don't ask, don't tell" campaign, if they haven't already. Either way, the scent of lawsuits is on the wind.

    But the Jets can lean on the easily missed or ignored, read-it-and-retch small-print entries in their PSL contracts. Section 11e, for example, is a clause that absolves the Jets of all exaggerations, deceptions, unfulfilled promises and outright lies used by Jets' sales reps to have one purchase a PSL.
    Hey, maybe the Jets can bring in Joe Namath to throw out the first lawsuit.

    But from the start, when the Jets' sales strategists allowed a team-connected mortgage broker to pose as the "winner" of an auction through which he "purchased" two 50-yard-line PSLs for more than $414,000 -- this fine fellow has since been indicted for $11 million in bank fraud -- the Jets seem to be working from the Big Book of Three-Card Monte.

    And, in case you missed it, Roger Goodell has joined Bud Selig as another commissioner who lets team owners know that, until further notice, the "steal" sign is always on

    I'm surprised there aren't more articles out there like this one in an attempt to expose the way the whole PSL process has been conducted.

    The bold item in the article is disturbing to me and I don't have a PSL.
  2. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    If the change the Mezz A to $3000, they can upgrade me immediately.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I hear you. And as unbelievable as it sounds, it's even worse in person. "No way," someone would say. "How can it be worse in person?" Well, it is.

    I did my "tour" in early June (when the escalators were.. uh... er... well,... "not working") and my rep suggested we go down to his office to discuss what other options I might have for some really good seats that were in the PSL areas. All that hiking up the stairs was invigorating, to say the least.

    Okay, I figured, I'm here already and might as well bust some balls. But we don't go into his office where his computer is, instead he leads me into a closing room... a conference table with chairs and 4 walls. Then he's up and down like a fucking yo-yo, running out of the office and back to his computer screen, then back to me again. "I have Row 23, first four on the aisle." "Well, what about closer?" "Okay, but it won't be on the aile, but let me see ahw I have." He comes back with another set.

    After about 4-5 tirps back to his computer in his office (which was right down the hall) he gets tired of running back and forth and tries to pin me down: "Look, we've already reviewed everything you said you wanted. I don't have any other options."

    The professional way to handle it would be to let the customer look at the seating options. In fact, he MIGHT have gotten closer to selling me something if he had been stright up and honest with me. But no. He had to play "Wouldja Take," like a fucking car salesman. "I could get you two rows closer but you'd be on the opther side of this section."

    "Fuck this," I told myself. This is half the reason why I didn't do it in the first place. All this fucking around. It pisses me off and still pisses me today. I tole him I've been in the stands since 1985 and a Jets fan for much longer and it didn't faze him. Still the fuckaround. I left telling myself, "Fuck this guy and fuck Woody Johnson. I hope they choke on all these PSLs." The sales tactics are so cheesy full of shit it's incredible to me. I never thought this Jets organization would stoop as low as it has. Honestly, I think it's absolutely dispicable. Instead of being straight up and honest from Day One they've played this game. I would have had a lot more respect for them had they been honest and up-front. I may have even bought a PSL if they had been priced reasonably from the start and presented honestly and in an orderly fashion.

    I'm in the Upper Deck and proud of it. They can go fuck themselves. My family is still going to go to the games and we'll tailgate and have fun and make a day of it and enjoy the game and they can shove their PSLs and ever-higher escalating, 10% add-on PSL ticket prices up their ass.
  4. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    I believe that jets schemed to sell poorer seats first, the Reps are full of it, and the Jets lie about avaliable seats. Where we differ is that I just dont believe Sec 110 Row 1 seats were offered to ROJF 2 months ago. If there was a hold on those seats (which certainaly is plausable), I believe others would be offered those seats, not ROJF. Was just looking for an explanation why HE would be offered those seats.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You gotta love it.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Believe what you want about the reps, but NOTHING is beyond suspicion at this point.

    And as far as reps "offering" these seats to others before ROJF, poppycock. These guys operate on a "whoever the hell happens to be on the phone at the time" priority. It's quite conceivable ROJF was offered these seats, seeing as how he's apparently on the telephone with these dispicable morons 24/7.
  7. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    JETS PSL's

    Very Well said, and you speak for a lot of us. I have almost 30 years as an STH in, and the entire process has stunk to high heaven.
  8. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    100% Agree.

    In retrospect though, if the Jets had the lower PSL prices (current ones), were up front with the parking situation, stuck to the seniority first list for choosing your seat, and were customer friendly, I think the Jets wouldn't have the animosity directed towards them like they currently do. I would have been a win/win.

    In this case, most of the "customers," the fans, have some sort of bad taste in our mouths about the new situation.

    But like you said 227, Im going to enjoy myself when the season begins.
  9. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    That's exactly what it reminds me of, buying a car. Of course, the major difference is a dealer doesn't show you just one car, say "that's about as good as it gets", while hiding the rest out in the back lot.

    Honestly, I haven't held season tickets before and I've already had to deal with partial frustration, so I can only imagine what it's like for long-time holders. That's why I've reserved myself to just accepting my seats, and not looking back. If price cuts happen or better seats become available at a reasonable cost, I will give it a weak attempt to move, but not let myself get worked up. It's just not worth the stress.

    As it stands, 148, row 35 for me.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's the best of both worlds, when you think about it. We get to go to the games and watch it live and for a ticket price that's reasonable and with no PSL. If you want to opt for a PSL later on in life, there will be no shortage of them and you always have the option of buying one and probably at a very decent price. We still have all the amenities we want (who TF wants air-conditioned lounges anyway? Who TF goes to games worrying about fucking "amenities?"). Wait until you see all the concessions we have in the Uppers... anything you could ask for and then some. And we still get to be outside with friends and family on gameday and enjoy a tailgate and all the fun that entails and when you go home at least you're not walking out talking to yourself saying, "These four seats today cost me a G-note and I'm still paying off this fucking PSL on top of it... and next week I can't go and don't have a buyer for the tickets. I ought to have my fucking head examined."

    Believe me, I've been going to the stadium for 30 years. We've got the best of both worlds up in the Upper Deck.
  11. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    And all the airplane exhaust we can breathe in.

    Bet you PSL guys are hating about that!
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Lots of software allows you to watch TV remotely via the internet. ESPN itself does interet streaming. Just use Wifi to broadcast games on your tv in parking lot

    also slingbox via internet allows you to watch your home tv cable channels remotely.

  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I got offered it when 110 was 15k a seat right after LGL was reduced to 7.5k. Remember, only 17 seats in section and I was offered in middle. I was only 8 seats away from a 7.5k PSL with a $125 price.

    Section 110 was pretty much vacant pre price cut any seat within ten seats of 109. Remember, 143 on side near 142 is same exact yardage line as 110 in those seats. I was offered it if I was willing to pay a 100% premimun and $15 bucks a ticket more than the guy 8 seats over.

    I was not offered these seats near the time of the price cut. The most popular and hardest to get seat in stadium pre-price cut was row one sections 143 and 134 near ten yard line. At 7.5k that was biggest value in whole stadium pre 15k price cut. I was offered seats around a week before Jets did the no money down offer for old season ticketholders.

    If you were dead serious about 15k in the narrow jets side sections at the start you could be there too. Most people at start went for the section on jets side by coaches club or visitors side 20 yard line. Even back in 2009 I would have chosen 143 on ten yard line for 10K than 110 on 15 yard for 15k.

    Heck I also could have bought row 4 in section 142 and 135 pre-price cut which is actually a row one seat as that is first row in sectino.

    Bottom line every single one of us, not just me could have bought a crazy good seat in the 15k area anytime between they were first offered and May 2010. I noticed people had advanced notice of price cut as a week or two before price cuts I saw seats in those sections been rapidly reduced on stubhub and I was like wtf. They were being reduced as scalpers wanted to unload when they were perceived as expensive seats.

    As recently as the morning of the price cut people were buying row 8 in the 15k sections.
  14. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    So I figure I have about 10 more weeks to wait before I can buy PSL season tickets with no preseason games and no PSL fee. Looking to get some of those end lower endzone seats, if not I'll be stubhubbing / jets-discounting the whole season
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Good luck with that-
  16. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    ROJF, I am curious to know what section you are in? I would of been happy to grab up two seats within the first 6 rows of newly reduced 10,000 sections (142/135). I have been on many Jets forums over the past 3 months and many people seem to believe that row 29 and up in those sections are the best rows to be in. I know it's all personal taste but I don't see sitting in the last row of those sections and paying a 10 grand PSL fee. For that sit in Mezz A and save that 6 grand. To me the low rows will place you right inside the action and will give you +face on resell. Knowing that my kids will be going to most of the games with me is another reason that I decided to go low! Just my thoughts!
  17. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    You think I kid, but I don't. They Jets have over 20,000 unsold PSL seats and no takers. They've exhausted their mailing lists of former full season holders from every decade, individual buyers from every decade, wait list members, fan club members, NFL fans in the jersey area, anyone who's ever worn green, etc etc etc

    In the old place they couldn't even sell out season tickets in 2009 and they gave up lowers (which I scooped up) with no preseason commitment right before the season started. This year prices are higher and there's more seats. The Jets MUST sell out or they'll be blacked out and lose even more cash. They'll probably offer more discounted PSLs to current licensees, and when those don't sell they'll have no choice but to release all PSL seats with a year to year term and no PSL commitment. Just wait for the shit to hit the fan for that. Then when those don't sell out either, there's always the $15 "military" discount specials!!
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I can see this all happening. It's going to shit up the market something fierce, too. Ticket Office selling PSL seats for face with no PSL required (or worse, the "military" discount) and all hell will break loose. Anyone wanting to sell their seats on StubHJub will be trying to outbid one another to see how much UNDER face they have to ask to get them sold, forget about recouping the PSL. Probably offer Parking at face also. They'll be competing with the NY Jets Ticket Office and have to pay a 15% commission to boot. Un-fucking-believable.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Name a section and he's there.
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I am sitting all the way back in row three this year, sucks to shit, never been that high in my lift.

    last year was amazing. I was 40 yard line row one. I lined up with the instant replay machine and could look right through curtain when reps were discussing call and hear it. Used to talk to camerman during game sometimes and that was cool, also could talk to cheerleaders during game.

    Bad part was 40 yard walk down and up to seats, could not see game and screens or even scoreboard at same time, all this shit going on in sideline and unable to see scoreboards or replay at same time made it hard to see game.

    If I have time I will post some views from my seats last year on row one in the 40 yard line. Most people I took loved it, but some people like my brother said it was very hard to follow game. He would have rather been row 10-20, close but not too close.

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