John Geiger GeigerGeiger That is Darrelle's 'best friend' these two always together. Revis must be hiding out at his house. edit: Oh shit he is also his manager.
He is a great he worth 16 mill He will be here for 2-3 years min under his current deal and can bitch and moan or we trade him and get probably 2 x 1 picks and a 2nd from some clown like the Raiders or redskins.
+1000000000000 Honestly we got him for 2-3 years, if he wants to act like a diva so be it, if he wants that much money i'm keeping him for a couple years maybe we'll win the big one then i'm shipping him for 2 first rounders to a horrible team, the only players that deserve to have that leverage are maybe left tackles, and ELITE QBs. Revis isn't thinking about anybody else but himself and that to me is the worst, I watched a program with Steve Smith from the Panthers and even though he's in his prime he wants better teammates and he's willing not to be the highest paid player for that, we need players with that mindset, you give a little and you get a whole lot back You pay this man 20 mill or whatever, and Sanchez becomes an elite QB how you going to pay Sanchez 100+ mill? Easy answer you won't be able to
He is easily worth 16mil. Trade him, are you kidding me? You don't trade talent like this man. Revis is a lifer.
And you know that how? I didn't know you had a Deloran? If so can I borrow it, i'm trying to get into sports betting
It depends... considering a 110 mill cap 16 means 14.5% of the cap... that's crazy in a 53 man roster!!! 16 mill is relative to the amount each team can spend... if the average payroll of an NFL frachise was 200 mill per year then yeah give him 16, even 20 mill! But in my opinion using more than 10% of the total money you can spend on someone who isn't the QB is crazy! The only way I could see it happening is on a franchise with no star players because even if you pay him that much it's not like it means you have to let some good players leave (mmm... does this sound like... Raiders?). But in a team full of talent giving around 15% of the cap to one guy is absurd!!!
when your working to make someone the highest paid at their position shit doesnt get done overnight, and it doesnt get done in a friendly fashion either. especially with Revis agent being who he is. we'll see. althought if he holds out thru all of mandatory's it doest kind of make him look like a liar in his leadership role. especially when everyone on that team is thinking SB this year.
He isn't worth that at all. Its QB money. Revis is excellent but simply isn't worth ruining the cap for. Superbowls are not won by CB they are won by offense in this modern pass happy era. Look at the Saints/Colts/Steelers/Pats/Giants , none had elite shutdown corners but they all have elite qbs
Sanchez is on the cap for 2011 and 2012 at 15 mill each... it doesn't matter if he will be an elite QB or not... all that matters is that with those figures if there is a cap it will be damn hard to keep everyone!
I was trying to figure out what a deloran was. Then realized what you're taking about. A Delorean. Regarding Sanchez. Not the place to debate this in a Revis thread but IMO he will never be an ELITE QB. He will be great and he will hopefully have a great career for us. Maybe even win a SB but the term elite? I dunno about that.
Excuse my spelling I was in a rush, but we don't know yet until a few years, his work ethic alone could make him elite, remember what Manning said, you work hard to get to the NFL, but you have to work even harder to be the best, Sanchez is working hard to be the best he can be, and I think the sky is the limit
I'm going to be the bad guy here. Screw Revis. No, I don't really mean that...much. The thing is, and Revis needs to realize this, he may be the best cover corner in the game, but he's not integral to the team's success. With Revis, we have a shutdown secondary. Without Revis, we still have a good secondary. The guy that needs to get taken care of right now is Mangold, who is very unhappy. If you paid attention the past couple months you could see this coming too. He was really upset about what happened with Faneca (and IIRC, he was upset about the Kendall situation too.) He was also upset about how things went down for Leon, and we can probably assume he was one of the guys who was upset about the way Jones was treated. He kept repeating that he wasn't worried about his contract and that he expected something to be done before camp all offseason. Yet, the Jets haven't even spoken to him. Now he sees Revis get an offer first, even with one less year experience, and still technically under contract. The fact is, if we had to lose one of those players, losing Mangold is far more crippling to the team than Revis. Mangold knows this. It's time for Tanny to get on the phone and put an offer out there to Nick. We can afford to wait out a Revis tantrum. Our QB wants to be under center when mandatory camp starts later this month. Nick Mangold needs to be the guy snapping the ball to him.
I think a lot of you forget about his original holdout to begin his career, the voidable years being the sticking point IIRC. It's not a new tactic for him, and has obviously not affected his play or leadership in any way. Let the money guys do their thing, and I'm sure we'll all be happy in the end...lest it becomes so big, we can't afford to sign one of our traded WRs.
Revis is the most important player on the team not named Sanchez and it isn't even close. There is not even the slimmest of possibilities that Rex Ryan lets Revis go anywhere, he will get his payday and will deserve whatever he gets. He is integral to the scheme we run.
Puhlease.... Pete Kendall SIGNED a deal and then clained he was promised more under the table.. Really??????? Ridiculous That's pure BS - they paid everyone they wanted to keep and that's what it comes down to... That's the NFL. Don't cry to me about Pete F'n Kendall or Injured Leon Washington... Faneca as well - his time was up HE GOT PAID... Show me one player that we wanted that got shafted. Do the player no have the info we have about salary caps... A player can only get so much if he wants to be on a team with talent... If I'm Revis I say give me a Dollar UNDER the other guy and let's get to work DONE DEAL!
yeah, those playoff wins told us nothing about his ability to play in big pressure situations and in cold weather. you're 1000000% correct.
This is what I think happened. Asomugha signed a contract worth $45 million total for 3 years ($16 million a year roughly). Tanny promised Revis that he'll be the highest paid cornerback ever. Revis wants a longer deal. Revis thinks the Jets offer was insulting. Tanny probably offered Revis a $60 million contract for 6 years ($10 million per year). Revis was probably thinking something along the lines of $15 million per year, or $90 million total.
I disagree, i'd much rather get Mangold and Brick done to protect Sanchez for the next 10 years then just Revis and Revis alone, he's too greedy and it'll bite him in the ass, Shutdown Corners come around here and there, and Revis won't be the only CB that will be coming to the NFL with that impact, we need to protect our QB, without our o-line our running game suffers and our QB suffers You want a 1999 over again? Be my guest, Let Mangold and Brick go without deals, Revis wants too much