Better corner, aso or revis??

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by nastynice, May 18, 2010.

  1. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Not read pages 2 & 3 so apols. if repeating, but did Asomugha not allow about a 75% completion rate on throws in his direction in 2009?
  2. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Well. QBs Jets faced didn't throw to Revis because they thought they had a shot against him. Rex pretty much funneled the pass attempts at Revis's direction. Pick your poison - triple-covered #2, (This is done by zone schemes, not with personnel coverages) double-covered #3, just take a damn sack or single-covered #1. Which poison you pick?
  3. nastynice

    nastynice New Member

    May 16, 2010
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    well, good points jets fans, if you had read my first post then u'd realize that i already pointed out most of that stuff, I just value aso's shut down skills over revis' versatility, maybe i'm just stayin loyal to the silver and black, either way we got two of the 3 best corners in the game (aso, woodson, revis). And don't get me wrong, just cuz i think aso's the best in the business isn't anything against revis, the guy's an absolute sav, and if he hasn't plateaued yet then get ready to see some amazing things from this guy. And for the record, being a fan of an afc west team, cromartie ain't no slouch, he might be a slight pussy when it comes to contact but his coverage skills are ridiculous, ur 1-2 corner combo is the best in the league 2nd place isnt even close.

    Oakland's been in shambles since '03, in '09 an entire team was held back by the terrible play of one overweight qb, but after the best offseason in over a decade things are starting to turn around, I'm expecting mcclain to knock some heads off, we bout to make some noise this season. You heard it here first

    fuck all u haters in advance, haha :smile:
  4. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    How you do that, baffles me. Again, how u can become a Raider fan is even more disturbing. :breakdance:
  5. Doogstein

    Doogstein Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    I read somewhere that Revis was the most challenged DB in the league last season. And still had the best numbers of anyone by far. Can't seem to find where I read that if anyone knows please post up link.

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