17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I am in trouble now, A reporter just PM'd me asking if he has permission to publish my Section By Section Analysis of Remaining Seats. Claims he could not get any info on remaining 2010 tickets from Jets and needs a source. Asked me if I wanted my real name used. I declined. His source will be rowonejetfan. His theory is publish my Analysis of remaining seats to force Jets into some type of response regarding 2010 ticket sales.

    I fully expect my body to be discovered when they tear down newmeadowands stadium in the year 2040. It was nice chatting about this topic while I was alive.
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    dont forget all the old timers that turned in their seats after the jets collapsed with favre and knew they wouldnt renew for the new stadium.
  3. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    And The Beat Goes On...

    Just received this email from the Jets:

  4. buickrob

    buickrob New Member

    Feb 12, 2003
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    I purchased 2 tix in the corner of the Mezz A on Tuesday. Called Wednesday for a tour and was told I could swing by any day next week for a 1 hour tour with my sales agent. Pretty sweet, 10AM.
  5. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Wow man, that is awesome. Enjoy those seats.
  6. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    It has nothing to with dedication or $, we are simply out numbered by a team that's been around 30 more years then us. The Giants have 3 times the amount of fans we do, trust me, probably 30% of them don't even go to night games. Outside of Long Island, we live in Giant country, its such a populated area there are lot of Jet fans for sure, but not even close to Giant fans. I live in Bergen County, the heart of Giant counrty, believe me, they are all over the place. And they act like they won the Super Bowl last year, did they watch the piece of crap they put on the field last year? When I say I am a Jet fan, they smirk, I want to spit in their faces.. SOB's.... calm down, take a deep breath.
    #6646 sec314, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  7. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Which section were you able to land? I'm in 230.
  8. trojannation

    trojannation New Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Is this just for UD ticketholders as last time?
  9. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest


    Someone please post this link on jetsinsider.com PSL thread!!!!

    I am now published!!!!!

    Since I am banned from writing un-nice things about PSL on jetsinsider there I can't post it myself.

    Of course Woody Johnson is digging a grave for me right now so I might enjoy my fame before I get two bullets in the back of the head and find out where Jimmy Hoffa was buried!!
  10. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    How did you prove your sources??

    I always thought you made this stuff up, aren't you??

    It's a message board too--??
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Sorry I totally disagree with U. At one time we had a waiting list & a sold out stadium year after year. We burnt thru the W/list & using every other method have still not sold 27,000 less PSL then the NYGs. That says a whole lot about the NYJ fans. It smacks of the same kind of attitude that existed in 84 when most of the LI STHs dumped the team because they do not want to commute from LI to East Rutherford. Now it is the PSL instead of the commute as the alibi

    I lived in NJ from 69 to 95 so I think I am rather familiar with the amount of NYJ fan vs NYG fans. I also worked in NYC in large offices with lots of workers so I think in my time I ran into a NYG fan from time to time & there are more of them then there of us

    Actually I think our terrific record over the last 40 some odd years has some effect on the situation as well

    #6651 championjets69, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  12. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    When you said a reporter called you..we didn't think you were referring to another fansite.

    And BTW...Posting a JN link on JI can get you banned.
    (well not you specificallly..because you already are banned...three times...and counting) :smile:
  13. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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  14. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    interesting. i may need to go take a look over there, i like the fact that posters arent allowed to be arrogant and talk down to others.

    rojf that was an interesting breakdown on the amount of seats left by cost/section. i am interested in where you got that info from or if it is just what you think.

    i was sitting here thinking HOW in the world could there be 20k seats left when the best available were in such poor locations, now looking at what you posted it makes a little more sense as far as how it could happen. thanks for the info even if it is only opinion it gave me a better understanding of how there could be 20k seats left.
  15. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I found this site the other day looking for information on the new stadium. I love this thread, over 6000 posts. I started reading at the beginning, then jumped ahead to around 5800, and read all the way to the end. I have to say, this is a loyal group of fans. Thanks for sharing all the information.

    I'll tell you a bit about me, and how I wound up where I will be sitting. It seems to me that most of the people here are avoiding the PSL and sitting upstairs. I didn't have that option, as my date was 1998. I had a friend transfer me three tickets of his in section 107, row 2. He had a few other seats. Since my wife, daughter (You can see the pic of my daughter in my avatar to the left) and I are big fans, he passed three on to us. We made some good football friends there in section 107, and we will miss them. The four guys that sat in front of us were great, I never did get their names, but they all knew Sara (Our daughter). They treated her like one of the gang, even when she was a small fry.

    I travel a great deal for my job, I try and make at least half the home games each year. My wife and daughter go without me if I am away. They are real fans too. I have looked around at games and it is rare to see a mother and duaghter together without the dad along too. I have a great family.:breakdance:

    Fast forward to last fall. I got the call and asked if the alcohol free section was available. I know, sacrilege! No beer? I don't drink, and staying away from other rowdy drinkers is always a good idea with a young daughter. I thought that is where I wanted to sit, but I refused to pay a deposit until I got to see the stadium. I wanted to be under cover, and wanted to be sure I had a good view....sitting down so close has its bad points, no cover from the rain, and if the ball went past the 50 yard lne, my only real view was the Jumbotron.

    This past season was tough for me. I had some medical issues that made it near impossible for me to go to a game. I wound up selling or giving away most of the games. My wife and daughter went to a pair without me. The idea of sitting in those seats for three hours, then walking all the way back to the car just wasn't possible. I wasn't sure if I was even going to continue being a season ticket holder if I couldn't go to the games.

    I finally got my chance to tour the stadium Thanksgiving weekend. It was a cold, windy Saturday. Our daughter was not allowed to come, as it was still a construction site, but the boss (Wife) came along. We went up to our seats out in the alcohol free zone up near one of the scoreboards. They had four seats reserved for us, on the aisle. Nice seats, just in front of the now infamous columns. But the wind whipping through there bothered me.

    Larry, our guide, told us they just lowered the prices on some club seats. I knew my wife wouldn't go for it, but what the heck, why don't we at least look?

    The wider padded seats, the wider rows giving more legroom (I am 6'4" and built like the old college linebacker I once was), and the better view from the sideline rather than the end zone were tempting. After looking at the seats, Larry took us into the club. On that cold, windy November Saturday, it was like a little piece of heaven. Sure, it was nothing more than concrete floors and bare stud walls, but it was out of the wind and warmer than outside.

    Larry explained all the features of the club. Like a prizewinnig fisherman, he slowly drew us in...... How, on a rainy day you can come inside to stay dry, or on those really cold games, you could come inside to warm up at halftime to prepare for the second half. I knew my wife had that hook firmly embedded in her cheek when she asked about the bathrooms. In all the years my wife has gone to baseball and football games with me, she has never used the restroom in the stadiums. Add all that in to the fact that the main reason I didn't attend a game last year was because I couldn't sit in the regular seats comfortably, and I was hooked too.

    We talked dollars and sense. I did the math in my head. The four alcohol free seats would cost me $500 per game, plus $20,000 in PSL fees. We'd always be trying to find a fourth to join us for the game. Plus, as our daughter has entered her teens, she has other interests for Sundays besides going to football games. She has left us stranded with that third empty seat more than a few times the last few years.

    Thinking that through, do we really need four seats? Why don't we get just two? Now, I could get the Club Corner seats for $195 per game, and a $5000 PSL. So now, I am spending $390 per game, and only a $10,000 PSL. I know it is half as many seats, but only my wife and I go regularly. We would probably be giving away the other pair often.

    So, in that warped place where PSL's and the heart meet, I am saving money. LOL. I keep thinking that, and telling the Boss that. That's my story and I am sticking to it.

    So, now we are in section 244, row 13. It is under the small overhang from the seats above, so partially protected from the weather...well, as much as can be expected in that section. Sure, it's the low rent district of the Mezzanine club, but we are there.

    Oh, one last thing. I wound up having surgery just before Christmas that removed the problem body part that was causing all the pain. After a few months of recovery, I am back to a pain free world (Until I got my season ticket invoice, that is).

    I do have one unanticipated problem now.....my daughter is all excited about going to games this year at the new stadium. I will have to figure out how to divvy up the second seat between she and my wife. If anyone has one ticket they need to get rid of on that side of the field, let me know....it might prevent a civil war in our home. I'll sit upstairs and let them enjoy the club. I just want to see the game.

    I can tell you one thing; the game against the Giants, that second seat is already spoken for. My dad goes to that one. He's a Giants fan who taught me how to play and appreciate football. He goes every other year with me to the preseason clash between the NY teams. Why would this year be any different?

    Sorry for the long post......and thanks for reading.

  16. buickrob

    buickrob New Member

    Feb 12, 2003
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    Over in 220, last row which looks like it is on the concourse though:0
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    welcome to the thread rgoltsch, the guys here have done such a fantastic job of educating, sharing and going back and forth on the pros and cons of everything stadium related. in between the 4k or so posts just bitching about what a cluster you know what this whole thing is :)

    good luck with your seats, as much as i despise psls i understand why people do it and you thought about it before bending over and taking it in the place that already hurt. ;) now you just have to make sure the boss, which is probably really boss a and boss b dont gang up on you and leave you at home.
  18. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    I bought a PSL last Oct $5000 with the 10% down 15 year finance. 1st payment May 1 next payment 11/1 2010 to 2023 8%. It is alot in interest but entire balance was interest free until May 1 when the first payment was due. I called the other day paid the $4500 off with a card that carries 0% for 6 months then I will pay that off with a home equity line of credit. So basically I got 7 months no interest from the Jets and 6 months from the bank and then I can deduct the interest from the equity line on my taxes. When you calculate total interest in my opinion this is the best way to go if you went for a PSL.
  19. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    The financing charge is an "insurance policy" You pay the interest in year one as it allows you the option to walkaway.

    The biggest selling point of no money down PSLs are people in LL EZ can buy a pair make first payment of $1,000 and if they tank can walk away while limiting their loss to $1,000. Paying if off saves almost $800 in interest but puts $9,000 at risk. Also PSLs are already going under face for people with PSL remorse. If you have the cash to pay it off and are willing to roll dice the secondary is the way to go. If you have good seats you made right choice.
  20. no psls

    no psls Banned

    May 21, 2009
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    Why did they move this thread ? don't the moderators have better things to do ?

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