Too many teams going black uni's these days. Looks like Atlanta. Someone made the same comment, too. hehehehehehehehe
F! Sorry folks. Mods, if you please give my thread the smackdown it deserves. Nothing new to see here.
A co-worker of mine just saw this picture over my shoulder and asked if the Falcons changed their uniforms.
Haha. Black to the Future. I smell Hollywood remake. From the makers of "Whatever The Hell The Remakes of Can't Buy Me Love and Heaven Can Wait Were Called".
Surprised Kerry Rhodes wasn't there to model out the new uni's. Could it be that he's actually trying to learn a playbook?
They should have had Michael Vick pose for that picture for old time's sake. Hey! Did you guys know he used to play for the Falcons?
Rhodes wasn't available as he was in the San Fernando Valley shooting a low-budget raunchy film. Per his twitter: ' @JasonTaylor dayuumm, my ass hurts yo. Never took one that big before.. it was good tho!!!'
Ha! Actually something tells me Rhodes was somewhere in the background trying to call the shots and attempting to line everyone up for the photo-shoot. Adrian Wilson's "lost" pose/look is a dead give-away.
its a little off topic, sorry before i say it. its a shame, there are too many of those these days. i loved the old falcons unis with the red helmets. hopefully the jets never go the way of denver, atlanta, minnesota with their new fashionable uniforms.