17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Super Crazy, yesterday 3 Season tickets UD prime for all ten games on ebay sold for $3,350 that is $400 under face.


    Item condition: --
    Ended: Apr 18, 201015:16:04 PDT

    Sold For: US $3,350.00
  2. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    It's not retarded at all, the middle part goes to what, 4 rows? The staircases each go to like 20 rows of seats
  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i think the retarded comment was about the spacing on each of them. i am sure you could send people up those stairs 2 by 2 but it would be awfully tight and its usually a tough crowd at halftime, the middle of the first quarter when everyone is coming in and then the middle of the 4th when everyone is leaving ;)

    i am no engineer but its just another of the things that make you say who exactly designed this stadium.
  4. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Just to clarify

    Yes, the portals are narrow.
    However, the two stairwells in each portal are only for rows 8-26 (or whatever is the last row).

    In most sideline sections, walking straight out (the middle part) of the portal puts you on the level for handicap access (hence, no steps). This area (ramp, walkway) replaces rows 5, 6 and 7 on most side line UL sections.
    Once you walk through the middle aisle, you turn right or left to be on the handicap walkway.

    Or, you go down a few more stairs to access rows 1 through 4 (all Upper Prime on sidelines).

    Therefore, the only people using the two stair wells in each UL portal are rows 8 and above.
    Yes, still a little crowded but if you recall the narrow stairs on the OUTSIDE of each portal in the old stadium UL, this is probably about the same.
  5. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Agree that it's awful narrow though for two-way traffic going either of the 3 options
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's not "Super Crazy" at all. It's what the market is willing to bear.

    The thing you have to realize and have failed to realize over the past year is that ALL OF THESE SEATS are overpriced to the max, the PSL seats in particular, but also 95% of the PSL-free Uppers as well. In other words, they are not worth what most of us are currently paying. WE are the ultimate retail customer. There is no one else left in your so-called "secondary market" for these seats (at a profit). Your Secondary Market doesn't really exist, therefore it makes no sense whatsoever to be trying to scalp ANY of these tickets at an attempted profit.

    Hence, it makes zero sense to be buying MORE seats (as you continually advocate) and thinking you are going to be able to recover costs by selling them and therefore make up for the extra seat purchases. It ain't gonna happen. Am I getting through yet? Are we crystal clear?
  7. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I don't get what the ebay seller's angle is. Dump everything at a small a loss as possible so he can hold on to his location in case prices are cut in 2011-12?? Why wouldn't he just walk away from his deposit or at worst sell on a per game basis once the season starts. Seems awful early to be throwing in the towel

    Either that or he just bought a $400 playoff option plus free gift and a bunch of worthless mailings
  8. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    227 you are the voice of reason, but even you must be suprised that 50 yard line row 13 UD tickets are going for $400 under face.

    I am only trying to add two seats. Next to my BIL so we have five as he has five and I have five in my family so we could take turns taking the whole family on occassion.

    That said long shot as I need his three upgraded and me to buy two near him.

    I personally think row 20-26 UD Prime are very overpriced at $125 a ticket. Yea rows 1-4 prime between 20's at 125 ok, but row 26 even on 50 yard line is crazy far away from field (75 rows back!!) Even these row 13 UD seats are over 60 rows back.
  9. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    BTW people put UD tickets on credit card April 15, people who have no intention of going are selling quickly before bill comes in. It is like a 30 day opportunity to find someone who will take a small loss rather than pay 21% interest for four months till the secondary market opens up.
  10. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Exactly! They are things of the past. The levels of reselling are gone more or less.

    And, while I am amongst the "victims" of these overpriced tickets, I do see the reason. Misguided of course, but I see why it happened. The Jets and Giants did this to reap the profits being taken by brokers and did this to cash-in on their wait lists. When Giants/Cowboys tickets for a big late season game are being sold on EBay for a grand each, what would you expect the owners to think? They were getting 12.5% of that. Now those days are over. But, the point I've made here before is that by splitting the stadium with the Giants, Jets fans were subjected to THEIR supply and demand and THEIR market values - not our own. That's what killed us.

    They basically rang us all dry, or have attempted to. The basic thing that f*cked it all up was the change in economic conditions. How are huge chunks of open seats going to look like on TV this season? The model was not based on this economy. It knocked the entire process out of whack, prices mis-judged, and its caused idiots like me and you to re-think the dollars we've been handing these guys all these years. I make fun of them for this, yet I paid 5K plus this year to sit in the nosebleeds. Who is laughing at who?

    But it could have been worse. I could be paying high interest rates on top of that, along with a contractual obligation. I'd have better seats though. Seats similar to what I paid $9 for in 1979.
  11. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    From Jets Insider, they are reporting almost 900 people upgraded over weekend.

    The again easy sell for last five rows UD four corners and UD Endzone seats.

    But then again all they did was back-fill good vacated seats in Mezz A and LL EZ with nothing down from people that upgraded to TC or LGL.

    Far easier to get the people in the 1,000 worst seats in UD to take the 1,000 best seats left in 4k and 5k seats then to move people from average PSL free UD seats to average PSL seats and impossible to move people from good UD seats to bad PSL seats.

    Here is what was said
    "Just got back from tour with my boss and he purchased 2 seats (section 121 row 24) for our company. Rep. said the weekend was a huge success, that close to 900 people upgraded over the weekend to PSL seats (not sure how true that is). Rep also said they plan to have old stadium down & paved prior to Bon Jovi concert."
  12. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I can honestly say, in dealing with Jet tickets since they came to NJ in 1984, that I've rarely made or seen anyone make a profit with Jet tickets. There are the handful of games that you can make money on, but by the time you factor in the pre-season and all the years they suck and you can't give them away at the end of the year, it's not a profitable venture. This is at the old prices in the old stadium with no PSL, anyone thinking they are going to profit now in this economy at the new prices is out of their mind.

    The only thing you had going for you was the long waiting list and the unavailability of the tickets, that is now gone as well. Granted I've never really been in it to make a profit, but aside from the four home playoff games since 1984 and occaisional huge regular season game, there haven't been a lot of money-making opportunities if that's what you're trying to do. Now that the team may be getting good to go on a successful run that may change, but not at these prices in a depression economy.
  13. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    ask jetbo about trying to sell seats
  14. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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  15. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Jetbo even tried to sell me seats last year. I asked him why do you have so many seats in your name?, he just said don't ask.

    If Jets are not lying and 900 seats were upgraded this weekend from, even if 400 back out on contract that opens up 500 crappy seats upstairs, that on top of anyone who upgraded to LGL/TC or asked for their $500 deposit back which was refundable or just did not pay on April 15.

    Jets will try another push around schedule release time, draft time, then capitalize on Hard Knocks PR, then do a Mezz B special and then finally and magically release a few thousand crappy UD seats last minute on ticketmaster and then do half season packages and indvidual games wrecking UD ticket resale values so they can give you a I told you so.

    Only thing that will make a UD person move at this point is maybe some guy in UD who really wants some cover but hates PSLs but a $2,500 covered no money down Mezz B seats might tempt him, however that is hardly a big money maker in two for one PSLs with $120 ticket prices.

    If they did $2,500 Mezz B to begin with they would have got a lot of the row 23-26 UD EZ people right off the bat.
  16. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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  17. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    I should've taken more pics of the staircases as I'm traveling up and down. From my experience sitting in Sect 332 Row 5 in the old stadium, the amount of traffic wasn't terrible, but it was pretty bad. It was really bad when I had Row 27 in the corner of the old Stadium back in 2008. Some ppl waited by the entrances til it cleared up, but u were still able to squeak by because of the amount of space there. Also, in the old Stadium, if your destination was the 27th row, and you got thru the first flight of stairs (during halftime), you could at least wait in between rows that were empty from people going to the bathroom. Now, u won't even be able to do that if there's a mob of people coming down those stairs. All I'm saying is, halftime is gonna have to carefully calculated from now on.
  18. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    stay to the right on the way and on the way down
  19. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    This is my first post here. I have been following this thread for a little while now. There has certainly been a lot of interesting points, so thank you for all who have contributed.

    A friend of mine had 4 tickets last year and I went to about 5 of the games with him. He approached me on going in on tickets this year--1 ticket for myself--in the UD. In the end, my son and I each agreed to buy 1 seat each and my friend got 4 seats in all.

    On March 13--the day of the bad storm--we toured the stadium. My friend was originally told we had section 308 row 18, when I arrived at the stadium he had told me they had been changed to section 307 row 24. The guide showed us our seats, and we were one row from the last all the way up in the deepest crease of the Bud Light corner. My thought was I am paying 1050 for this freaking seat? The wind was whipping, there was no protection in the concourse from the elements, and the field looked like it was a mile away. I did notice the narrow stairs etc.

    Then the guide showed us other seats available in 222a row 3 (endzone mezz) and in the section below, 4 under the overhang and 4 down by the field. All these seats are behind the tunnel the Jets will be accessing the field through.

    We went home and chewed on upgrading and took the bait a few days later. We took the section 222a row 3 seats which is the 3rd row in the Mezz. Note, the same seats were available 5 days after the tour. Nice seats. 4K PSL with 0 down and nothing due on the PSL till Sept 1 and 120 a seat. The rep did say they guarantee that ticket prices would not go up more then like 3% a year. I was concerned they could jack the price way up once the PSL is paid for.

    Anyway, I am happy with the new seats, I do have a decent job, but not a rolling in the dough job, so we took the financing option, with the hope to pay the PSL's off in 2 or 3 years. I had season tickets in 301 row 21 for about 10 years, but gave them up after Parcells left and my children were becoming college age. I'm 50 something now, and figured that it would be good to have 2 decent seats in the family for my 2 sons who are now done with school and starting their careers and are big time Jets fans.

    Not that section 308 was that much closer then 307, but I now wonder if they reassigned us so we would be more gullible to upgrade to a PSL?

    Another thing is we are right under the hugh HD screen, and there is a restaurant bar with windows there. Wonder if they have a cover charge to get in, like the 100 cover they have at Yankee Stadium for the club out in center field ?

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