Leon Washington a no show at first day of voluntary OTA's

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mambo9, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    The starting HBs might be taking care of but the RB position is definitely not.

    I think having an insurance policy is part of having the position settled. Just ONE HB gets injured, the ground game cannot sustain itself. One player cannot take 40 + carries every single week, especially LT @ his age. I do not think we can go into the season with anything less than 3 HBs.
  2. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Leon Washington has little to no value in our offense now. That's all I'm saying. There's no reason to keep him around if he's only going to be used sparingly.

    We have another Washington on our roster that would fill that void, if a back isn't drafted. I have no clue how good or bad this guy can be in the NFL though.

    Ladainian Tomlinson is younger than Thomas Jones. I know, I know, LT's "tires" are more worn...

    No back on our roster is ever going to have to carry the ball forty times, so I don't know where that's coming from.
  3. ShAuN JoHN 9294

    ShAuN JoHN 9294 New Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Heres a scouting report on Chauncey Washington coming out of USC.

    Chauncey Washington


    215 lbs.

    Southern Cal

    Pac 10

    After missing the 2004 and 2005 seasons due to academic ineligibility, Washington emerged as the Trojans' leading rusher each of the past two years. He certainly isn't in the class of former USC backs Reggie Bush or LenDale White, but has good size, balance and power as an interior runner. A solid receiver out of the backfield, Washington has a chance to make a club as physical change-of-pace back.

    Positives: Thick, powerful frame for the position. ... Powerful runner who can grind out the tough interior yards. ... Takes a hit and can continue forward due to his combination of power, balance and good forward lean. ... Secure ball handler. ... Not often used as a receiver out of the backfield, but shows some quickness in his route-running and extends well to make the reception. ... Good size and strength as a blocker. Negatives: Lacks the speed to be an effective outside runner. ... Isn't going to make many defenders miss in the open field due to marginal agility and acceleration. ... Academic struggles lead to some concerns about his ability to handle a complicated playbook. ... Some lower leg injuries throughout his career, and had a week-long paralysis in his legs when he was nine that was never diagnosed.
  4. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Are you serious, man?

    I know who Chauncey Washington is, I just don't know how he'll fair against NFL competition.

    Washington could be a lot like a Cedric Houston or Kevan Barlow...and it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing because he'd be the team's third option, but it wouldn't be good either.

    Honestly, I don't think we'll ever see much out of Chauncey Washington.
    #64 Mr Electric, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  5. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Leon has no value to the offense? That is just a ridiculous statement. An OC that has a Leon Washington on his team and can't find a role for him is an OC that should be on the unemployment line. Assuming he is healthy, which he should be by the time the season rolls along, he will have a role on the offense.
  6. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    My original response was to if Leon was traded that our HB situation wouldnt be sufficient as is. We have Greene and LT yes, and Chauncey who hasnt gotten any action ever so he cant be relied on.

    If either Greene Or LT were to get injured (as I stated before) the other would be pretty much forced to get 90% of the carries if not more. And that would result in likely 40 + carries a game, which is completely unrealistic.

    I know Leon doesnst have much of a role left on this team, and im STRONGLY in favor of us dumping him for a 2nd round pick. However if he stays that doesnt make him completely useless. He is still able to handle 10-15 carries a game, along with 5-10 passes a game. Which means if Greene got hurt, I think the ground game would be "sufficent" with LT taking 20-25 carries a game, Washington with 10-15 and Chauncey/Woodhead with maybe 5.

    Bottomline is I think ONLY having Greene + LT as our only backs is not sufficient to get us to the superbowl.
  7. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Take your green glasses off. If we can get a second round pick for a banged up, third down back, then it's a steal.

    Now that LT is on this team, Washington is a third option at tailback. He might even be the second option as a return man behind Brad Smith.

    Washington will have a role and it'll be a very small one. I think he'll get under five touches a game.

    Alvin Keels is dumb as hell and it's rubbed off on Washington. This will be his last season as a Jet.
  8. ShAuN JoHN 9294

    ShAuN JoHN 9294 New Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Incase others don't know so they have an idea of who he is and what hes about because it seems a lot of people don't. My apologies all mighty informed one lol.

    I also would rather not see him play a lot. If he does it only means bad things for Greene and/or LT. But I don't think hes gonna be the 3rd string RB come September.
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    You're right, forty plus carries a game is unrealistic.

    I'm willing to bet, if one of our backs gets seriously injured, our offense will be fully handed over to Mark Sanchez.
  10. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Yup which isnt how this team is meant to run. Which is why I think we NEED a 3rd back If (or when) Leon gets traded

    Biggest problem with handing the offense over to Sanchez is wed only have 2 WRs. This offense relies so much on Greene right now that if he gets hurt I think the offense completely disintegrates.

    Which is why id be shocked if we dont address that #3 HB in the draft, and prob tack on a wide-out too.
  11. ShAuN JoHN 9294

    ShAuN JoHN 9294 New Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Greene will get 15-20 carries a game followed by LT getting 10-15 along with 3-4 receptions. Leon may get 5 touches total. Theres only so many plays for players to touch the ball especially 3rd string RBs.
  12. ShAuN JoHN 9294

    ShAuN JoHN 9294 New Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I agree 100%. Last year we went through 3 RBs. We run the ball a ton and injuries are almost expected. Having a capable 3rd string RB in a run heavy offense is a MUST. Whether its Leon or someone else is irrelevant as long as he has ability when his number is called.
  13. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Good shit, man.

    Washington is an after-thought now that LT is on the roster.
  14. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I don't wear glasses, I have pretty good eyesight, although it is getting worse as I get older, maybe I need to look into glasses.

    If we can get a 2nd, sure I would take it to fill other holes in this deep draft, it is not happening though, not coming off his injury. Leon Washington will be on the team next season and assuming he makes a full recovery he damn well better have more then 5 touches a game on offense. If he doesn't maybe I have been wrong with my support of Schotty. This is a run first team with a starting RB that based off his rookie year seems to be made of glass and a backup that is running on fumes. Getting all 3 backs involved on a run first offense is mandatory in order to avoid not having any fresh backs in the playoffs again.

    Leon was the MVP of this team not to long ago, while he may never be the same after his gruesome injury he should/will definetely have a role.
  15. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    This team is so much better than it has been in the past. I don't think Washington is a part of the future and I can live with that.

    To you, he was the MVP. Outside of being a very good kick returner, I don't see how anyone can label him as the team's MVP. The guy makes an occasional big play offense, but so do other backs.

    If we had a back like Maurice Morris on the team, he'd be able to do the same things as a back and no one would label him a star. Washington's incredibly overrated by Jets fan because he's sort of an underdog.

    Has he been better than where he was drafted? Hell yes. He's still not going to get more than five touches in our offense though.
  16. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I could see Leon getting 5-10 touches a game with 5-10 passes on top of that.

    Who knows we might even run some pro set or split back formations with LT and Leon in the backfield would probably be just as effective as other teams going 5 widieouts or something and hard as hell to cover.

    Hell the ONLY reason id be excited to see Leon come back would be because of how vicious our split back formation would be with him and LT. I think our 3rd down conversion rate would drastically drastically increase
    #76 dcm1602, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  17. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Weren't you just saying that we're not a passing team? You don't actually think Mark Sanchez is going to target a third string running back five to ten times a game, do you?

    I can see him getting about three or four carries and a reception or two per game. That's it.
  18. ShAuN JoHN 9294

    ShAuN JoHN 9294 New Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    10-20 total touches for Leon in a game? The only way thats happening is if Greene or LT go down or we are destroying the other team in time possession. 10 is certainly possible in either scenario but unless one gets hurt he will never touch the ball 20 times again.

    Just to add to what I posted, there are an average of 60-70 plays of offense per game. Keep that in mind when breaking down touches and who gets what.
  19. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Baltimore isnt a passing team either. Look how many receiving yards Ray Rice got.

    Throwing dinky passes to a hb in a flat is almost effectively a run.

    The Ravens made INCREDIBLE use of this. I think about 30% of their passing yards last season was dumping it out to a hb.
  20. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    True I really dont see him ever getting 20 touches in a game. But I could see hm getting 7 carries and 5-10 receptions.

    Although my mind is rather clouded with this fantasy of the jets coming out and using a split back formation causing teams hell.

    Dont get me wrong I dont want Leon back, but If we have him wed be stupid not to use him.

    Edit- Yeah looking at his history, hed probably only get 5 receptions a game along with 5-10 touches tops. Cant see this guy ever touching the ball over 15 times ina game unlsess its from special teams
    #80 dcm1602, Mar 23, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010

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