Fatcessa relentlessly bashed Sanchez throughout the season, almost to the point of slander. He regularly accused him of partying instead of putting in extra work, when nothing could be farther from the truth. As if, since he went to USC, he must be the same as Leinart, or since he posed for a magazine BEFORE THE DRAFT he must be spending all his free time hanging out on the beach with supermodels. Truth is he's worked harder and put in more hours than most. But Fatcessa never cared much for the truth getting in the way of his opinion. Someone should point this out to Sanchez so when Francessa pretends to be his supporter and kisses his ass, Sanchez could call him on it.
Francesa is so nervous talking to Sanchez. He knows he has killed him all year. He just called him the head coach of the Jets. The paused and said, excuse me the coach...uhhh I mean the quarterback.
heard the interview before, but also heard him on Michael Kay, Mike and Mike so the interviews are pretty much the same. But Francessa said to Sanchez I cant't recall the last time a rookie qb won two road playoff games. I started to laugh when I heard that it happened a year ago. Everyone knows if a caller said that, hang up immediatly.
Hopefully Herman Edwards will be on the bus with a horse from Central Park that has blinders on while on a ride from Disney because it's not a train, it's a flashlight all as he chases Michael Vick like a chicken in an alley and runs him over.
Started off with Mike saying "we have the head coach..uhh, coach....eh, quarterback of the New York Jets, Mahk Sanchez..." Sanchez did the GQ photoshoot for fun, as a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The ribbing and teasing he took from veteran teammates was beneficial and expected, and endeared him to the team. Sanchez meant no disrespect by eating a hot dog. Sanchez will never read a statement to the media after a game ever again. It wasn't a good move, he admitted. Mike praised Sanchez's postseason job. Before Sanchez this year, no rookie quarterback has won 2 playoff road games in decades, if ever, according to Mike's recollection....oh, unless you count last fucking season. Jets future looks bright. Mark Sanchez endorses Degree deodorant.
My pops told me he said that...It's not like the head coach was on the guy's coaching staff last year.....oh...wait...