According to multiple bloggers, beat writers, etc., the final result of the Lito Sheppard trade was the Eagles getting the Jets 4th round pick and the Jets getting the Eagles 5th round pick: The conditions on the Lito Sheppard trade are final. The Jets must send a 2010 fourth-rounder to the Eagles, who must return a fifth rounder. The cost also included a fifth-rounder in 2009. per Rich Cimini, NY Daily News Read more: However, the Eagles have ALREADY traded their fifth round pick to St. Louis! As far as I know, NFL rules state that, in such a case where a team conditionally owes another team a pick in a certain round, if that pick is unavailable, the team owed the pick receives the team's NEXT HIGHEST selection. However, that would be Philadelphia's fourth round selection, which is higher than the pick the Jets owe the Eagles! How crazy is that?
If the eagles trade back before the draft to lets say the 5th round wouild the Jets then get that pick?
New Orleans traded its 2010 fifth-round selection and a 2009 seventh-round selection (#222 overall, later traded to Indianapolis used to select Pat McAfee) to Philadelphia for a 2009 fifth-round selection (#164 overall, used to select Thomas Morestead). However, im not sure how the trade is worded but the Saints draft pick is WORSE than the eagles. So idk if the trade says we get the EAGLES 5th round pick. If so than the 5th round pick from the Saints should not be sufficient. Anyone know ?
You know just as well as all of us do that it wasn't a joke thread, you were very obviously jumping ship. If you would just own up to it and stop being a baby, some people would probably give you less of a hard time.
Everything indicates it was their own 5th round pick. I've tried to be sure of it but have not found anything definitive yet. That could be the issue here. The Eagles can't give us a lower 5th round spot then the one they had.
you should probably start a thread where people can put all of their bashing for you in one place, so you won't have to deal with it everywhere else...
Sure they can. I put Saints in quotes because it isn't the Saints fifth round pick; it's the Eagles. The Eagles have a fifth round pick. The Eagles owe the Jets a fifth round pick. How did you arrive at "we must be getting the Eagles fourth round pick!" ADDED: Nothing you've posted suggests the pick in question needed to be the Eagles' original fifth rounder. You came to that conclusion yourself. Wishful thinking.
Wait? Killer is a Giants fan??? What is this shit, is Scoff starting a trend for fake fans to come here and pretend to be Jets fans??? Fuckin weak...
The Eagles could just give us a worse spot in the 5th round then? If the deal was agreed upon it being the Eagles ORIGINAL 5th round pick then they have to surrender a 4th round to us. It's all speculation..I'll try e-mailing this to Cimini