Bringing up police brutality is retarded. The cop here was trying to calm the Jets fan down by patting him on the back and asking him to simply comply instead of fighting like an idiot. Please, crying over some retard resisting arrest is so stupid. Nobody gives a shit when we have zero actual facts besides an obviously selectively edited video.
I've been to many many games at the Q and I can tell you Charger fans are usually the worst losers I've ever encountered. Alot of them are ex Raider fans that got butt hurt when Al Davis went back to Oaktown. That being said true Charger fans and not the thugs that frequent the Q will usually have your back if you've done nothing wrong. It's happened to me as a Jet fan at a Jet/Charger game and I've seen it many times when they played the Broncos and other teams (not including the Raiders). Most of them are well educated and well off and those don't look like upper deck seats I can tell by the lack of steepness in the steps as well as how far up the stairs go). If they had this guy's back my guess he wasn't doing anything wrong. The people cheering him being arrested were probably bitter about the asskicking the Chargers were being handed. All the people claiming he was drunk are basing it on what? I don't drink at ANY sporting event or when I watch my team in my house or anywhere else. I don't need to be drunk to support my team like him. If any of you saw me at a game you'd based on my vocalness think I was drunk but I haven't had a drink at a sporting event in over 5 years. There is no visual evidence he had been drinking , nothing in his hands, nothing on the ground, nothing in his girlfriend's hand, he wasn't stumbling...all he did was get loud by supporting his team. You also ignore the guy getting tossed to save this guy who was clearly a San Diego local and Charger fan. You also ignore the guy who kept his mouth shut behind them the entire time in a Charger jersey give his girlfriend her number. Why exactly would this guy who is now on video as a witness do something if he didn't want to het involved or if this guy was out of line? Questions I have yet to be seen answered by the guys defending the cops. I'm not gonna come in here and bash cops, 2 relatives 1 a Broward County Deputy and the other a Texas State Trooper are cops as well as a good friend from my younger years who got shot in a raid in the town we grew up in.
The guy doesn't have a drink in hand, his wife/gf is clearly sober, the charger fans around him say he has done nothing wrong, one of the fans even looks like he gives his phone # to the wife/gf potential witness. Judge dread is the law, so Jet fan has to go...I think its horse malarkey.
If tha mofo doesnt live in a whales vagina, then he is paying wads of cash to go to that's absolute bullshit that he should leave that game early...hell the jets make the playoffs once in a're wrong.
Your too ignorant to realize you didn't see the whole incident, and your dumb ass has formed an opinion without all the facts. And yeah your right I am a tough guy...
Let me say this again. THE VIDEO IS EDITED. We don't know the whole story. We don't know what they are arresting him for, all we see is that he's resisting, and look how far that got him.
First of all Einstein, I never said I was a cop. And second, you launched the personal attack first. And third, guys like you crack me up cause I highly doubt you would say anything if you were standing right in front of me..So funny how you act tough on a computer, that takes huge balls...
Also like how you had no response to my initial post so you attacked me, then talked about your cousin who got fired. He probably got fired because he comes from your bloodline and shares those same stupidity genes...but that's just a guess...
Latest news regarding incident (from Saints MB believe it or not...) "They just showed this on WPIX TV news on channel 251 - Dishnetwork. They interviewed the person who took the video & he said the only thing the guys was doing was the cheer at the beginning. He said he was not cursing or anything else other than the cheer. They said the police dept would not have a comment until the police report is turned in on Tuesday morning. They said they would follow up then."
I'm the one that posted the video and this is what down. This guy was chanting Jets for about 10 minutes straight. This is the first part of the video Obnoxious yes, but definately not breaking the law. Then this lady in a wheelchair says for him to come down to her and smacks him in the face and tells him to shut the f**k up. I didn't get this on tape (wish i did cause it was funny). He walked back up to his wife/gf. Apparently survellance called the cops to the area. When they walked up I believe she pointed her finger at him. They just knew there was some disturbance and they were checking in on it. The cops walked over to him and he was still chanting Jets. It didn't seem like they were into fact finding. The next thing you know he gets pulled which is the second part of the video. I thought it was messed up and over the line
case closed... a BULLSHIT arrest typeone...does this answer you're questions or assumptions? this is clearly a case of the cops arresting this guy when he did nothing wrong.... i hope this guy sues the shit out of the SDPD and drags them through court for years THE ONLY REASON THE COPS CAME WAS BECAUSE THIS GUY WAS HIT BY SOME LADY IN A WHEELCHAIR....FREE THE ROGUE JET FAN!!!!
I'm a Saints fan and think this was freaking ridiculous. The fan should get free championship tickets.
Now this was my observation. Now i will say he was somewhat resisting when was brought down. He was not so willing to leave on his own volition
Wait for the police report dude. We still don't know why they arrested him. Maybe he mumbled something to the lady in the wheelchair, and that's why she smacked him...we simply don't know.