Jets @ Colts Predictions

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jets n Boys, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I don?t like making predictions because so much can happen in a game but I will give it my best go as to what I think will happen.

    First Quarter: Each team has the ball twice and both have a three and out and each team also moves the ball well on a drive and get a field goal. Score 3-3

    Second Quarter: The Colts start to come on strong. The Colts score 10 points and the Jets add another field goal. Halftime 13-6

    Third Quarter: The Colts own the first 10 minutes and add another touchdown. The Jets get a nice drive together and get their first touchdown of the day. End of Three 20-13

    The Colts strike early and add a field goal with half of the quarter to go. The Jets get a late touchdown. Final 30-20 Colts win.

    Anything can happen though.
  2. PJ4Ever

    PJ4Ever Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I dont see the Colts scoring 30. If the Colts win, it'll be something like 21-14 or so and it'll be because the Colts D stopped the Jets rushing offense. Just my 2 cents.
  3. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    For all I know the Jets could win 30-20. It's a tough game to call. So much can happen. It's going to be a great one. :beer:
  4. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Everything come easy? It took seven 4th quarter comebacks to get to 14-0. Colt fans don't think it will be easy, but when you hav 18 on your side, you have to feel good about your chances.
  5. Mh28102

    Mh28102 New Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    agreed but both teams are in for a fight
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I argue because it is in the process of arguing that you are most likely to find the true test of the facts in dispute.

    In this case I knew what you were saying but I also thought that you were leaving defense out of the equation in a way that made your argument stronger but less illustrative of the facts.

    Based on what we know of the two teams and their recent play there are three factors that will come into play as determinative factors on Sunday.

    The Jets passing defense, the Colts passing offense and the Jet's rushing offense. The fourth factor that might play a major role is the Colt's rushing defense - although it has not played a major role for Indy so far this year.

    Obviously the Jets passing offense and the Colts rushing offense will both be present at the game but neither of them is strong enough to be a major factor.

    The Colts cannot win this game, against this defense, with the kind of rushing defense they have displayed so far this year. If they are going to defend the run as they have so far this year then they will be leaning on the Jets offense to win the game for them.

    Just like the Chargers desperately needed their rushing game to step up if they were to beat the Jets handily the Colts really need their rushing defense to step up if they want this not to be a nail-biting game that comes down to the 4th quarter and the luck of the gods.
  7. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Regardless of what the original Jets poster said, Colts fans don't think this will be easy. Most including me think the Colts will win, but not easy. I'm also reading a lot from Jets fans that the Colts aren't that good. That's fine. It doesn't matter how you win as longas you do.

    But let me mention a few things.
    1. Colts were 14-0 before pulling the starters with a lead.
    2. Colts starters had 15 points on Jets just 5 minutes into the second half. That could translate into 28 - 30 points for the game. Can the Jets score that much?
    3. Colts D is vastly underrated. Before the last two games, they were 4th or
    5th in scoring defense.
    4. Before the last two games Colts were 14th or 15th against the run.
    5. The Colts don't have LT, but the receiving corp is better than San Diego's.
    6. With 7 fourth quarter comebacks, the Colts have played plenty of tight games so whether the game is tight or the Jets are leading, I don't think the Colts will freeze up like SD.
    7. The Colts have pro bowl talent at a lot of positions so they will stay focused.
    8. Sanchez has played well recently, but if he has to start throwing on a regular basis the Jets could be in trouble.
  8. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    When you own one of the greatest pass Ds of all time, and number one D of the year, you have reasons to believe you can do it. We just beat the Chargers, who are (or were) a better offensive football team than Indy statistically. And, statistically again, Chargers owned a better D than Indy.

    Perhaps, thats where the kool aid comes from? (besides ending their 'perfect' season)
  9. ColtsnCanes8663

    ColtsnCanes8663 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    (10 char.)
  10. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Better check your facts on the Colts rushing D. They held Chris Johnson, Ray Rice and Jones-Drew in check twice each this season. If I remember correctly in the first meeting the Jets had not done much before the starters were pulled.
  11. BelieveInBlue

    BelieveInBlue New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    The Ravens average 138 yards on the ground this season. The Colts held them to 185 yards total in two games. (And if there is any team that is close to how the Ravens are built, it's the Jets.)

    Chris Johnson averaged 125 yards this season. The Colts held him to 147 yards total in two games.

    Sure, that's only four out of 17 games, but it shows the Colts D can be relied upon when necessary to hold the opposing team's running game.

    And let's not forget that we all know what the Jets are going to do. Sanchez won't throw more than 20 times unless he's forced to at the end of the game. When a defense knows it can key in on the run, it lessens the running game's impact.

    Is it that simple? No.

    But if the Colts get up by a couple of scores late in the third ? and I expect they will ? the Jets are going to have to get out of their comfort zone, and that spells trouble.

    The reason the speed of the Colts D is so important is because it allows the LBs to sell out on the run, knowing they can make up the space on receivers with their speed one the rare occasion Sanchez puts the ball in the air. And the team is confident in its CBs to go one-on-one with a little help over the top.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Jones-Drew rushed for 207 yards (110 + 97) against Indy in 2 tight losses in which Peyton Manning threw 5 TD passes. I know which side of that equation is likely to happen Sunday and which is not, based purely on the facts that we have in front of us.
  13. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Absolutely! You have every reason to believe your team has a chance in this one.
  14. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    This Jets team is made to run the ball, not pass it. Colts can not stop the run. You couldn't even stop the Ravens the very few times they tried to run. Everybody in the whole stadium knew that the Jets were going to run it down the middle on that last 4th and 1 attempt, yet the Chargers came out empty handed. That is what will happen against the Colts too. We'll draw up the play on the big screen and ask you to defend it and you'd still not be able to stop us. Not trash talking, just showing my confidence in the number one running team in the NFL.

    And no one is confident in their QB when their team is down by two scores. No one wants to be in that position. One simple pick on obvious passing situation ends the game and thats about where the confidence lies.

    When you lead the turnover battle 4-1 (+2 failed 4th down conversions), you better be able to win. Even with a handful of turnovers, Ravens were in the game in the 4th quarter. Stupid penalties kept on throwing them in to passing situations and kept on moving them out of the scoring range all game long.

    Jets don't commit stupid penalties. Not often to say the least. Running the ball won't give you many opportunities for takeaways either. Will be a low scoring game with the better defensive team winning it.
  15. BelieveInBlue

    BelieveInBlue New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Statistically, the Colts won more games than the Chargers.

    Statistically, the Colts have won more one-season come-from-behind games in the history of the league.

    Statistically, the Colts have the best QB.

    Statistically, the Colts were beating the Jets when the starters were pulled.

    Statistically, going into the last five minutes of the third quarter in Week 16, the Jets were going to be eliminated from the playoffs.

    You see, I completely understand Jets fans' optimism and enthusiasm. I just think a dose of reality is called for.

    Prior to W16, the Jets were a .500 team that their coach thought was out of the playoffs. Since then, they've beaten a team that quit, a team that mailed it in, that same team which was banged up and suffering a tragic loss to the team, and an overrated team suffering from rust.

    Forgive us if we have more faith in our team, which has been unbeatable in every game in which the starters played for a full 60 minutes, over a team whose path to the playoffs was paved by two teams that had earned the right to lay off, and two teams that simply weren't good enough to get it done.

    In a moment of honesty, ask yourself if you really think it's all that easy to beat the Colts, or if that is simply what you want to believe.
  16. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Personally I can only hope this is the Jets gameplan, because it will not work against the Colts. You will have to mix it up just as we will have to get our running game going.
  17. ColtsnCanes8663

    ColtsnCanes8663 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    The Colts run defense is VERY underrated, I do remember them shutting down the Jets before they got yanked too.
  18. BelieveInBlue

    BelieveInBlue New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Do you just ignore statistics? The Colts held the Ravens TWICE well below their average.

    And I absolutely have faith in my QB if we're down two scores late. But I guess you wouldn't understand that, not having the four-time MVP on your team. Understandable.

    You keep believing the Colts D can't shut your running game down. And that this will be a low-scoring affair.

    I think you're in for a rude awakening.
  19. freebo

    freebo New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Pulling out statistics? Really?

    This game can go so many different ways that we don't know what statistics are going to be the most important yet.
  20. ColtsnCanes8663

    ColtsnCanes8663 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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