Chargers Fans Take on the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Comparing Justin Gage to Randy Moss is as bad as comparing Leon Hall to Revis....
  2. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I second this motion. XXXXBertos is going to be the best mexican food you will have.

    Well, I think it is hard for fans not to be confident of a team that has won 11 wins in a row (most convincingly ) going up against a team that, face it, most people think got lucky to get into the playoffs (doesnt make them any less dangerous).

    Believe me, after 2-3, we were in complete meltdown mode over in Chargerfandomland.

    We haven't experienced defeat since early october.

    That being said, neither do most Bolts fans respect the Jets defense, especially in the redzone, nor do most Jets fans respect just how good Rivers is in the face of a pass rush. He has the quickest and most accurate release of any QB you have faced, including Manning.

    I fully expect Revis to shutdown VJ.

    However, Norv will run VJ deep on purpose to get the safety and Revis out of the way. Gates, Sproles, Floyd, and Nannee will then be the primary playmakers, and I don't see how the Jets will stop us getting yards unless they are able to get very, very quick pressure.

    I think the obvious key for the Jets is stopping Gates and Sproles. LT has something to prove too, and is getting supremely ignored by the Jets fans and media. He has been solid during the streak.

    Defensively, you will get your rush yards. We all know that. Our rushing D isn't as bad as you all think, but this game reeks of Titans vs Bolts on Thanksgiving. A young, unproven, unexperienced QB and a supreme rushing attack - sound familiar? CJ got his 150 yards rushing and were absolutely throttled. I do not think Sanchez plays mistake-free football sunday.

    Should be a hard-hitting game. Whoever wins either of these AFC games will be limping into the AFC championship.
  3. concussion80

    concussion80 New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    didn't Vince Young turn it over 4x in that game? Jeff Fisher started forcing the pass before he had to and VY melted down and that was it for the Titans.

    I don't think any team, regardless of rushing attack can overcome that. And the jets defense and team discipline are quite a bit better than the Titans. Just saying.
  4. greenhorse

    greenhorse Member

    May 12, 2004
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    revis will shut down vj 1 on 1 with no safety help mos of the times.that's why he is revis.that safety you were referring to will now be free to blitz.....that's why the jets d is so good.
  5. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    ^ lol @ that's why he is Revis.
  6. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Fisher did not have to force the pass before he wanted to. Our D simply stepped up and make the picks and forced fumbles. In fact, I think VY passed less in the second half than in the first.

    VY was on a complete and utter roll going into the game. Comeback player of the year kind of roll. This was a changed man...until he played us.

    Sanchez doesnt have the wheels or experience VY has, and so, while he has been great the last few games and has a lot of potential as a rookie - I think he falls back to rookie form this weekend. Of course, if Greene and Co. go for 250 yards against us, it may not matter, but I see Rivera and D throwing a lot of complex sets against Sanchez to throw him off and force the picks. We WILL stack the box, and you WILL have 3rd and 4 or 5's and you WILL have to throw it. If Sanchez is perfect, you guys might very well win. If not...well, duh.
  7. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Understood. And Revis might very well shut him down.

    When VJ has had off games, the Bolts have actually scored more than usual most times because the "other guys" take over.

    VJ might very well be shut down and hence used as a decoy - but that is worst case scenario. No one in the league throws a deep ball as well as Rivers and no one in the league catches one like VJ (note the massive YPA and YPC, respectively).

    This matchup may be the least you have to consider.
  8. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    This is basically what it comes down to. Jets need to hit 175+ yds rushing and Sanchez needs to play well to win this game. The D can slow down the Chargers but we're being unreasonable if we think this will be a 13-7 game. I just like this matchup because the Chargers strengths match up very well with the Jets strengths and vice versa
  9. Sanchaiezzz

    Sanchaiezzz Banned

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Hopefully this doesn't come down to fan IQ's.

    You would all lose handily.
  10. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Quick question. Why didn't revis shut VJ down in the 2008 game against you guys in SD? He was on the field the whole game and VJ had plenty of LONG catches and he was nowhere to be found. You guys must not have assigned him to cover VJ? (I'm not trying to be a smartass....I'm being serious, I honestly don't remember)

    I would post a video of his catches for that game but apparently I have to have 50 posts to do so....I'll post it after that.
  11. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Revis was a very good CB last year but nowhere near the untouchable talent he is this year. A lot of that has to do with his preparation in the offseason prior to this year. He studied film on all the receivers he will/has faced.
  12. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Like many Jets fans with the Chargers and VJ, I didn't really follow the Jets nor Revis this year and honestly didn't really pay attention to Revis other than looking at sportscenter and saying..."Damn, nice play"

    I know this game is not all about VJ vs. Revis but it seems to be the hot topic on both forums and neither side will concede who will out-do the other.

    Is it Sunday yet?
  13. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Sanchez is better than Vince Young, has better WRs than Vince Young and has better vision than Vince Young.

    The Titans aren't as good as the Jets. It's been proven by playing against them and overall record. Bad argument.
  14. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Jackson should be in the conversation with all the top WRs in the NFL. He deserves it.

    However, considering Revis has shut down players who are perceived as better than him, it would be fit for one to believe he's only going to do the same against Jackson.

    The problem for the Jets comes with Floyd, Nanee, and Gates. Not to mention looking after sproles.

    What I also fear is what the Bengals did to the Jets special teams. They had big returns. If the Jets give the Chargers a shorter field, this game won't be a one possession game I expect this sunday.
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    You are also forgetting that while the Titans have the better RB the combination of Jets RBs is better and very different then Chris Johson and Lendale White... (BTW did fatboy even see the field this year?) Jones and Greene are bruisers that will run through tackles and over smaller defenders and Johnson kills you with his blazing speed and long runs. The Jets offense is built to take time off the clock and keep the defense fresh.

    If you watch the Jets offense it is predicated on Sanchez not making mistakes. They will limit the number of times he will have to make throws. Most of the passes will be short crosses or quick screens. The bootleg to Keller just gives the Bolts defense something to think about. The key for the Jets will be turnovers, if we don't turn it over we will win, if we do it's a long flight back to Jersey.
  16. ShaunPhillips

    ShaunPhillips New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I have a Filiberto's a few blocks away, good stuff but all the Bertos are as mentioned. For the best Mexican food in San Diego stop by El Indio...nothing compares especially since all the hole-in-the-wall sit down restaurants got shut down.
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I hate that... La Migra is killing all the good Mexican joints in Vegas.... actually I shouldn't say that because we have our share. Viva Michoacan is awesome. Nothing beats homemade though. My wife has this friend that makes tamales like they were made by the hand of God.
  18. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    lol, ain't that the truth? Of course, that makes em like most other boards... I personally don't care for that Chargers board. The official team boards seem to draw in the dumbest fans...
  19. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    You Chargers fans make me laugh...
  20. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    "Sanchez is better than Vince Young, has better WRs than Vince Young and has better vision than Vince Young.

    The Titans aren't as good as the Jets. It's been proven by playing against them and overall record. Bad argument."


    Oh?! Really?

    At the time, the Titans had won 7 out of 8 and were the almost unanimous "dangerous team" in the NFL.

    VY had a 90+ Qb rating at that point and had come in with 10 Tds and 3 INTs.

    What possible quantifiable evidence do you have that Sanchez is even in VY's zipcode? And better????

    We are all aware of Sanchez's terrible rating and TD/INt ratio, but how about is staggeringly large 106 rushing yards? Or the fact that he has really had only one game in the last 2+ months which he has played well, and that was last game against a beaten up, beaten down Cincy team.

    Better vision? 20 Picks? On 6.7 YPA? C'mon, man!

    I dont think Cotchery and Edwards scare anyone outside of NY. Gimme a break.

    Sure, you beat a dismal Titans team during the middle of their losing streakat home...and it came down to final 2 minutes.

    I would say the arguments you just gave are terrible, and do not in any way combat my post.
    #140 GTechSuperChargerFan, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010

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