Jets fans going to San Diego

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by penny10jet, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. dmarz45

    dmarz45 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    That will take you about 12 hours man.... Just drove 12 hours to Cincy and it actually wasnt bad it all man... good conversation the whole time... we had alot to talk about on the way home about the game and what to expect next week...
  2. sunnygs97

    sunnygs97 New Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Yeah man I went to the University of Utah for a couple years before I transferred to Rutgers, and in my last semester there, I coached a superleague baseball team. For one of our tournaments we had to go down to Mesquite so I'm familiar with the drive until that point.

    I still need to find someone who is stupid enough to go to San Diego on Saturday night after my best friends wedding, and then right back to Salt Lake after the game.
  3. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    I'm gonna buy my seats today. If I'm flyin all the way out there, I figure I'll get pretty decent seats to make it worth it. Any suggestions from people who have been to the stadium as to the best value tickets?
  4. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    My company has a house in Del Mar overlooking the track.

    I could go and stay at the house for free and I work in Coronado so I know my way around really well but I'm staying home for this one.
  5. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Short drive from Vegas, and we're trying to get tickets. I'm 2-0 in my only live Jets games, and both were in SD, so if anyone wants to chip in, my mojo is for sale...

    JOISEYJET New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Woody`s the Billionaire , could he just get JETBLU (the official airline of the JETS right ) to fly 1 plane out of Newark ,and 1 plane out of Laguardia to SD fill it up with JET fans only for 300 RT and get Woody to spot Jet BLU what ever the diff. would be Woody can spot them in Naming right fees in the new building......
  7. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Did you roll a d20 to determine if Woody has the constitution?
  8. kaboom

    kaboom Member

    Oct 19, 2009
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    Does anyone know if the Chargers Stadium (Qualcom?) is a hostile place to go watch the game wearing Jet garb (jerseys, hats, etc)?

    I'll be going to the game with my 16 year old twins. We can all take care of ourselves but I'd prefer to avoid hostile situations if the place is anything like Philly or Raider games.
  9. WWWestonC

    WWWestonC New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    Will be going to the game and more than likely flying solo. Any fellow TGGers want to meet up for tailgate or go in on tickets? I'm going to be in LA for the weekend to see an awards show and sending my wife home on the 8:30am flight then driving down to the stadium.

    I found a local guy ticket broker willing to offer Field level seats on the Jets side 5 rows from field for $260 a piece. He has up to 10 in that row. Apparently they are obstructed view due to the players and some equipment, but being that close to the bench has to be an awesome atmosphere. Besides I don't plan on sitting most of the game anyways!

    Let me know if anyone is interested or is planning a Jets tailgate. I'm in!
  10. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    I've literally turned down 4 offers for tickets - 2 of them for free.
    Many "old timer" tggers might remember I was arrested @ Queefcom in 2004 - would never go back again unless they were hosting the Super Bowl and the Jets were in it.
    Crowd sucks - a bunch of season ticket holders who happened to be off-duty cops summoned their on-duty pals to arrest me for being too drunk and too loud as the Jets were demolishing them - Martin broke the Jets record in that reg season game.
    Spent 15 hours in SD County because the drunk tank at the stadium was full.

    Many might also remember my "Do you really think your prison bars will contain the Green Lantern?" quote, to which they replied, "If you keep referring to yourself as the Green Lantern, you're going to SD Psych."

    One of my biggest sporting event disasters/nightmares, and the sole reason the Chargers are my most hated team in any sport.

    I hate this team like the Blues Brothers hate Illinois Nazis.
  11. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Holy crap! I've never had a problem there, but I usually sit in the former Charger section, and they care a lot less than your average fan. Still, I can see some Charger fans being sensitive dbags about things.
  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    NOTHING like Oakland, I'll tell you that. The fans are only bad for divisional games. Maybe a little hostile for the playoffs, I guess.
  13. MrJames

    MrJames New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Im just looking for info on what type of seats to buy because I am not familiar with the stadium. Anyone have any insight?
  14. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    DON'T buy 1st 5 rows behind the Jets bench - obstructed views (the Jets players/coaches/etc). On paper it's fun b/c you're near the Jets but in reality, you'll have to stand to see anything and the SD fans/security will not tolerate you standing - especially if you're standing AND cheering.
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    It can be.. I have to be honest. Like one of the Chargers posters said alot of the fans are ex LA Raider clowns who are looking to start trouble. I have had bad experiences though. I used to have season tickets and noticed alot of these Charger fans are a little over sensitive about thier team. If the Jets kick their ass you'll be in for some trash talk but if Chargers roll I've noticed the fans are very gracious winners. You may encounter a few drunks who talk trash but generally harmless. My problem is I like to cheer and stand up which tends to piss people off (why I'll never understand).

    We had an incident at the 04 regular season game. I swapped my seats for ones closer to the field and some fat Mexican slob started throwing shit at my wife from 3 or 4 row back. This guy was literally as big as a house but he was alone so I didn't have fears of anybody jumping in. Fortunately there are a lot of good people in San Diego and one of their own fans nabbed security before we came to blows and they escorted this jackass out. Some of the opposing fans starting talking shit to me and my wife and next thing I know there were about 10 Jet fans from the next section over that came over and basically told these to STFU and sit down and enjoy the asskicking the Jets were handing the Chargers. I didn't have any issues at the playoff game that year but it was a uch closer game.
  16. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    i went there last year for mnf. had on a favre jersey. no problems. watch out in the parking lot though. they do have some fans that are serious goons. seemed to me like the fights and stuff were happening outside the stadium not in. i would say being a visitor it was pleasant
  17. WWWestonC

    WWWestonC New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    Is this really a dealbreaker? And wouldn't Charger fans in this area be standing no matter what side of the ball their team is on? It's just so hard to ignore the low price for tix right behind the Jets bench. It seems to be an awesome place to watch a game.

    Unless of course it would really suck if a CBS truck was right in front of you, but being 5 rows above the players heads, how could you not be able to see? I don't see much sitting occuring in this game either way...
  18. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    It's tough... the seats can be outright brutal if your placed in the wrong spot. They can be awesome if there are alot of Jet fans and we win though. You are literally right on top of the team. You can see faces and rips in jerseys and shit. If you don't mind standing go for it.

    Honestly I thought my season tix were in the best location. I was Lower View Section 1 Row 3 seats 7 and 8. It was like the 10 yard line. The best part of the LV is there are only 4 rows of seats. It's like the Meadowlands when you come out of the tunnel in the upper deck but you would go down instead of up. Seats in the View section are decent as well but they also have some obstructed view and a few sections on no alcohol. Just be advised that the bathroom lines can be insane in the upper deck and the area where all the concessions are is very very thin so it gets very crowded as people are waiting in beer lines and bathroom lines.
    #78 Barry the Baptist, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  19. AirFouts

    AirFouts New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    You guys have nothing to worry about at the stadium we have pretty relaxed fans and my tailgate we always welcome road fans to our tailgate. I am a 9 year season ticket holder and always like having a couple of beers with the other side. As far as those fans that had a bad experience yeah it happens it is an NFL game and we have crappy fans just like every other team. Its not like going to a Jets home game is a walk in the park. As for hotels the best answer is you cant beat it and you can get some smoking deals. Stay in Gaslamp you cant go wrong and easy to get to the Q from there. H4 is our tailgate we run about 40 deep and the best tailgate food in SD get there early
  20. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I've probably been to about 20 games at Q since 02 and for the most part the fans are pretty good. Like I said some gracious winners and terrible losers. Much better then Pats fans who are assholes when they win and lose. Of course 90% of them didn't care 10 years ago :)

    I'd still say if your getting a car stay in MB or Coronado. Too bad the ponies aren't running in Del Mar.....

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