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Discussion in 'Game Threads' started by Petrozza, Jan 9, 2010.
Buzz killed =S
I should feel bad...but I don't.
i am. somebody filled me in though thanks.
Scott is a very good return guy, time to make a big turnover or hold them to a FG
Here is the Jets D's chance to make a statement.
i forgot how gay commercials got in the playoffs.
This is not how it went down last week.
Come on, DLine, let's get a push.
Let's go defense!
Theisman is the worst. They couldn't get Joe Namath?
Bengals look like a different team already.
Bengals def came to play, gonna be tough
Wow, I didn't know Barry White played OG.
ok big 3rd down here boys.
big 3rd down here
Big 3rd down play, right away.
Fumble!!!!!! Jets ball!!!!!!!
Yes, Yes!!!!
Lets go fumble recovery!!!!