I, NYJETSMAN7, vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: NYJETSMAN7 Dated: January 2, 2010 LETS GET FIRED UP!!
I, alwaysbeenajetsfan, vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: alwaysbeenajetsfan Dated: January 2, 2010 I kills me when people are screaming as we are lining up on offense. The Pats game was great and their has been some great fan participation in pretty much all of the home games this year. However, all this talk about cheering this year is killing me. I personally cheer so hard some times I have to yell out my a$$hole in the fourth quarter, sorry if it's a little muzzled sometimes. As long as you aren't hurting the team by cheering on offensive snaps I could care-less. Cheer however you want, with minimal offense to other fans, please! I have to laugh though when people turn around and look at me when I am banging on the back of the seat in front of me. BTW the OchoStinko comment was great!
Im the loudest in my section (331). People give me a dirty look when i scream at them to get up anytime before the 4th quarter.
I've done this all year, but what the hell, I'll sign it. The real key is to make those quiet Jets fans around you feel like asses for not making any noise. :wink: I, dthomas53, vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: dthomas53 Dated: January 2, 2010
I and my 2 year old will be as loud as we can be while watching in an Italian Bar ....this is the biggest game of his young life as a Jets fan but he'll be making some noise.
gentlemen... i would do almost anything to be at this game but am out on the west coast. I beg you... bring the noise. Bring it Loud. Bring it Proud. We deserve to be there. With our rookie Head Coach. With our rookie Quarterback. Let em know it.
Ok fine. I, onewithdog , vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: onewithdog Dated: January 2, 2010
Make it a status update, that's what I'm doing. (Edit: It's 300 characters too long) (Edit edit: I'll break it up and put the rest in comments under the status) I, BadgerOnLSD, vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: BadgerOnLSD Dated: Jan. 2, 2010
I, jcotchrocket, vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: jcotchrocket Dated: January 2, 2010
If it's always loud, they'll get used to the noise and it will become less of a factor. By selectively creating noise at specific times the effect will be more jarring. And we don't want to be completely hoarse by the fourth quarter either.