Just wondering. It seems to me that almost every time I see the ball being thrown to Keller it's downfield on a route where he looks more like a WR than a TE. I realize that he's sort of a hybrid guy who has WR type skills, but with Sanchez's penchant for INT's, wouldn't we be better off using him more often as an outlet guy for Sanchez, running shorter routes and giving Mark a chance to get the ball off quicker and giving Keller a chance for YAC? Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't gone back and analyzed the play by play, but I feel like his production might be better if they kept his routes shorter and gave him a better chance for more touches. It might help Sanchez's completion percentage as well. Thoughts?
This is another reason I want Shotty out of here next year. Last year whenever Farve got in trouble he always looked to Keller and he was always there to make a play...I thought this year Keller was going to be utilized alot more that how he currently is. You think the Edwards pick up would open up more of the middle of the field but we still see nothing... why they don't use keller more, use brad smith more , roll sanchez out of the pocket and have him throw on the run..and why we like to throw the ball so much on first down are all unanswered questions. Keller is awesome and we don't ever use him. Clowney should be used in the slot more and keller on the other side..have them do more short crossing routes and let edwards and cotch go down field..It is so frustrating watching shotty call his bullshit I want him gone!!!
Keller isn't being utilized perfectly, but he's also not playing that well. A few key drops and a lot of poor route running are enough to minimize his role in the offense, especially considering how much we run (and how poor a run blocker Keller is.)
No, 2 things that stick out 1- The only time Keller seems to be "Used" is when we line him up as a WR. This could mean 3 things.... -He doesn't get off the line well vs LB'ers -The Offense doesn't know how to utilize a TE position -Marks checkdowns to him late or just doesn't see him as open..which leads me to: 2-Watching the game from upstairs allows us to see everything and one thing I noticed is that almost every route run from the TE position is between 5-8 yards. The TE's almost NEVER runs up the seam or run any 15 yard Dig routes, nuthin. This is why you constantly see Keller catching a ball with a LB'er on his ass when he comes off the line. IOW, they need to be more creative when you have a guy like this @ TE. They don't know how which is why they move him out as a wideout.
He needs to be targeted more- The more time he gets thrown at is a good thing. He usually catches everything thrown his way too, he just had that one bad game this year. The way he was used against the Colts was great, short passes. Once they establish that they can send him deep a few times when Mark starts noticing mismatches.
I'm reviewing the Indy game now. I think Keller should start seeing more action. Someone (prolly Rex) appears to have enlightened young Brian to that thing commonly called the high percentage pass....
Sanchez targeted him 10 times in the Buffalo loss and it wasn't a good result. I think Keller isn't being used to his strengths. I read a stat that says when he is lined up as a true TE he is most successful, because the defense has less of a clue what play is being called... imagine that? I'll chalk it up to a sophomore slump, and Keller will break out next year.
I know...It's shocking. I even saw a credible pay action fake...a swing route to the FB and a quick slant to Edwards.. It appears Schotty has rediscovered the Penny Rules... AAMOF..there has been a respectable amount of working the flats..Off tackle runs, swing routes..a couple short outs.. If they keep developing this over the next couple weeks...this offense could be downright scary.
^ haha I know last week was schotty's best called game all season. More of that makes this offense efficient enough to get past Cincy - twice.
It's what I've been looking for all season. We know Mark's got a better arm to stretch the field than Penny, but the HP pass plays they had for him Mark is bright enough to utilize.
High percentage passes, simplifying the offense? Wow what novel ideas. To think it was never ever mentioned since day 1 here once...........
He is being poorly utilized and he is not playing as well as he should be playing. He needs to get open alot more and Sanchez needs to know that Keller is gonna be open. Timing, practice, experience.
Good point. I thought Keller was going to be our premier stud this year after his performances last year. Very strange how he seems not to be involved as a least a decoy every play. Reserving judgement however; watched a poor 2nd season from Harris after a stellar year to then return as a killer on D. Lets hope he is adjusting.
I would love to see keller utilized more in every situation possible he have a TE who can catch and it would open the run game up