More than that, I'm not all that keen on waiting around all day to find out whether or not this is a playoff year.
Are you sure about this? I read somewhere that the Pats and Bengals are working on the fourth tiebreaker, and won't be able to tell which is the third or fourth seed until after all games are done. Maybe I was just listening to kookytalk. EDIT: Found it.
I'm in Santa Monica, and I spent a few game days in other locations this year and two in Vegas last year. Never missed one,
Yes it was! And I was there in the POURING rain screaming my lungs out. And I was very sick for the week following. That was actually week 16 when we beat the Dolphins, and then had to beat the Raiders in week 17 on new years eve, which we did.
Fine. I would've found some way to watch the game, but it's much more comfortable to be able to sit and watch the game in a living room on my [uncle's] TV, okay?
Maybe try the Jets pavilion at Epcot center. A bit spiral walkway. Between France and Morocco. You can spit. You can also spit in France and China, if the mood strikes.
Sweet! I'll be flying home from vacation and can now watch live instead of hoping I could do WIFI on the plane home.
my wif's work xmas party was suppose to be tonight but got moved to next saturday. being at my home and its nothing but drunk hair dressers its would have been hard to stay somewhat sober so i could wake up at 7am for the jets game. now that its moved to 830pm i can sleep till 11am and recover till 3pm. then get a full 5 hours of work on next monday looks bleek.