17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    We want to still be at the game and enjoy being with friends and family. Being at home to watch games gets boring after a while and while a tv is great it still isn't all that great. I've sat upper end zone corner for 19 year and I've been happy. Never have to turn my head or body to look at plays. If I'm unhappy after a year I'm out.
  2. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Jeez..if you are going to copy and paste my work, you could at least credit me.

  3. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I wonder if our current .500 record is having any effect on those expensive PSL sales now. Most are looking at it long-term, which is the right thing to do. But still... in the back of your mind, when you're on the fence anyway about forking over that kind of money, it's an in-your-face reminder of what those damned things are really going to be worth during losing seasons.

    If we can't find a way to at least squeak into the playoffs this year, it's going to be tough sledding for these sales reps going forward. There's nothing worse than to be saddled with season ticket obligations during losing seasons. You can't even give the freaking things away if you can't make a game or two. Friends say they're going, then back out the night before because they don't feel well, or something else came up, or whatever. Meantime, you're holding the bag. I can only imagine what it would feel like to know you're not only obligated to continue buying the season tickets, you know in the back of your mind you've got the PSL payment due also. And then there's the worthless Preseason Games.

    No problem when you're on your way to the playoffs, but a real downer when you end the season at 7-9, blew all that money, and know you have to do it all over again next spring. Sales reps have to be pulling their hair out.
  5. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I thought so, I didn't want to call him out but this was posted on JI... lol
  6. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I believe it matters who is buying. New fans or even new prospective STH more than likely do not understand the costs (both mentally and monetarily) of going to games and watching a losing team.

    So they will probably buy.

    Corporations as we have said all along will not care, the tix will be a sales expense and a write-off.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I think you're right. As for individuals, I think a lot of the older, more seasoned ticketholders with a lot of seniority went for the Upper deck for those very reasons. They realize what losing seasons do to the tickets and are saying, "Hell no, I'm not forking over that kind of money... it's been bad enough over the years with losing seasons. And I'm sure as hell not going to put up a PSL and then be ultra-obligated to buy every season whether I want to or not. Screw that."

    As for the corporations, it's always been about the writeoffs and the ability to give out the perks. I see nothing wrong with that. I had always envisioned more corporate PSL sales than individual PSL sales for that reason. But I'm stymied by how many individuals I hear about jumping on some of these expensive PSLs and obligating themselves to what amounts to a 30 year committment. God Bless if you have the money, but most of those newer PSLers don't realize what an unexpected bummer it is when you're shelling out that kind of dough year after year on an individual basis and you get runs where you can't even give the freaking things away. And forget about the PSL or recouping any of that if you're selling your seats. You'll be damned lucky to get half of face and none of what you're spending on the PSL payments.

    This is all going to get very interesting a couple of years down the road, especially if we don't get into the playoffs very often. And speaking of playoffs, one can only imagine what those tickets will be priced at. They're always more anyway, but I could see Woody piling on real good with that one... like 150% - 180% of what the regular season ticket is going for.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    if it was something posted here it sure would have been nice to have it quoted, in that case boo to the person who reposted it.

  9. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    HA HA, even funier, I posted this below same day you posted your info on GangGreen and someone cut and pasted it to Jetsinsider and did not credit me. I am banned from Jets Insider anyhow as I said too many bad things about PSLs. Turns out if you say a bad thing about PSls they ban you, now I know why everyone is so pro-psl over there.

    Seats Left As Of Today


    UD-EZ last 3 rows, three seats only, makes no sense as it is fully refundable so buy two and cancel one if you want to sit up there.

    5K PSL EW Corners, 195 ticket price, only groups of 3 left in last 7 rows. Now your certainly don't want to buy an extra 5k psl if you can't use it.

    Section 236, row 2 sideline club and section 234 goal line club row 2

    Great Hall Club, 25th row on 50 yard line, Jets bench, of course a 25K PSL and 700 tickets.

    All good 4k and 5k PSLs gone. The sidelines left are mainly in the higher rows so makes sense at that point to be in club with a smaller PSL price and better stuff.
  10. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Bottom line, those who bought more than one seat in a PSL will still have problem of finding people to go with. Right now if I sell all my seats I do it on Stubhub. However, If I want to go to game I need someone to go with, I usually treat the person or at best I charge them face. With a PSL people still need people to see games with. Unless you plan on scalping them all or you bought a single PSL next to your buddies who all bought single PSLs all I need to do is sit in UD for big games and rely on kindness of strangers for PSL seats for crapier games. Given this year the Pats game was the only killer game to attend there are more crap games than good games.

    Also wonder how strict they will be in lower levels anyhow, in December when we are out of play-offs and 50% of PSL seats are empty do they really care who moves down in the 4th Q.
  11. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Glad to see you edited your post once you realized my tone in posting it.

    Kudos to YOU.
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    BTW Jets offered me Section 142 row two yesterday. That is 25 yard line visitors side two rows from field and is a 15K psl. Would have taken it if I was only buying one seat and a friend was buying the other seat. However, the mere fact a row like that is available after tickets went on sale to public is amazing, even more amazing no matter how bad the seats are in UD EZ it is amazing the last three rows are still available even if it is scattered seats.

    Remember Giants sold out whole UD in one day with a 1K PSL that means people paid 1K for the right to have the worst seat in upper deck!!!

    Everyone I talked to who got in UD SL is very happy and plans on staying. The true sideline seats.

    Everyone I talked to who got UD EZ unless it is a low row near the corner is saying what the heck I will try it out one year and if it sucks I will bail. Hey that is a few thousand tickets. My thinking about getting UD EZ in 2010 is also we won't get stuck with pre-season nest year, first pre-season game is new stadium so people want to go, second pre-season it is Jets/Giants and we are home team. Also opening day game I bet NFL picks a great team to showcase stadium.

    Come 2011 those 20 row and up UD EZ tickets won't be worth face and pre-season is worthless. If you did not buy a PSL and they sell under face and you can hardly see stadium why re-new UD EZ season tickets at all. Now Giants will get their renewals as fans are more loyal and you have to walk away from your 1K psl that Giants made you pay in cash.
  13. longsufferingjetsfan

    May 18, 2009
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    Playoff prices are set by the NFL not the home team. For the first two years that Front Row Seats were offered I had 6 of them on my account. The regular season and pre-season games were $300, the playoffs were around $100.
  14. notajduhe

    notajduhe Member

    May 3, 2004
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    And so it begins, someone is trying to resell his PSL for 2 seats he bought from the JETS at auction. Check out


    The winning bidder has to pay the 58.2K which is owed to the JETS on the PSL, and pay the winning auction price to the seller. Want to bet that not a single bid comes in ?

    Here is the description given for the auction:

    NY Jets
    New Stadium Coaches Club PSL Seats
    Section 112, Row 2, 40 yrd line
    This is auction is to purchase PSL rights from the NYJ for the new stadium, for season starting 2010.
    Seat Location Section 112, Row 2, 40 yrd line
    Seats are under a corporation name, and you can assume immediate ownership upon transfer of shares to you.
    PSL costs $29,100 each, total $58,200 (won by Jets auction -- this is the amount you will pay directly to Jets over time). You have option of paying 5 or 15 years. To clarify, if you win this auction, only the winning auction amount goes to me. As owner of these seats, you will be responsible for paying directly to Jets, the cost of each PSL seat. (note that 20% has been advanced by me to secure the seats, and has to be reimbursed to me first.)
    All future PSL payments, downpayment and fees associated with PSL and transfers will be Buyer’s responsibility, and paid to NYJ. I will not levy any fees (outside of this auction) nor be involved, other than to facilitate communication between you and NYJ.
    I will forward all paperwork from NYJ to you, and act as directed by you till full transfer of account to your name, we will draw up an agreement that account effectively is yours.
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That section on the visitors side has been filled up through row 10 for a while.

    Pretty much the first few rows of the entire stadium were gone when all this started. The 77 crew and sponsors had taken all, plus leaving tix aside for Jet personnel family and friends.

    I find it pretty hard to believe that, especially since you already have UD seats.... why would he bother offering you a 15 grand PSL seat?
  16. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    seats are popping up all over then disappearing, that row two was available to me. Only thing was I did not want to shell out the money and I can't predict secondary market pricing in 2010. Right now between the 40's row one are only tickets that sell for big bucks. Even a row two by 25 yard line can be 200 bucks a ticket less than row one on the 45. Plus it was 20% down which was 6k, plus I needed to pay $2,800 for seats in Spring. Then I still had a loan for 9k. That row 2 I am sure was gone in an hour or two.

    What do you think that seat would sell for next year? Per game? Tough to say.
  17. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    This is incredible!!! This clown thinks you will pay him a premium, in order to take on all of his debt, after they have buyers remorse?? HA HA!! This is funny. I guarantee you that someone will not fully read this, and bid on it thinking they are getting two seats in row2 on the 40yd line.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "Buyer Beware" before March, 2011 on stuff like this. First off, what this clown is doing is not permitted by the NY Jets at this time. No transfers can take place (officially sanctioned ones) until March, 2011. What he's attempting to do is sell someone the "rights" to the PSL rights.

    The only way this deal can go down is for the seller to enter into a written contract with the buyer that basically states that in March of 2011, the seller will sign his PSL over to the buyer. The transfer cannot take place at this time... the Jets won't allow it.

    So this clown is hoping to find some sucker who will give him the money he owes the Jets in the meantime, PLUS HIS VIG for doing the deal, and he's expecting the buyer to carry all the expenses. Pretty shrewd, if you can find some idiot willing to do this. But that idiot has to have a lot of money and be willing to live with a buy-sell agreement for 18 months and make payments on a PSL (and buy the tickets in 2010) without having the PSL officially transferred into his own name. In effect, he's paying for something he can't get clear title to for 18 months.

    What if the seller reneges? Now you have to take him to court and sue him for either your money back or to compel him to transfer the PSL. Suppose he goes bankrupt during that time, or passes away, or retires to Costa Rica? You can't find him. You've paid for a PSL and season tickets that aren't in your name and therefore you have no access to, and the Jets don't want to know anything about it since they don't know you from Adam. Unreal.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "Seats are under a corporation name, and you can assume immediate ownership upon transfer of shares to you."

    Very clever wording. At first read it seems like a baldfaced lie. But he's not lying. At the time (March, 2011) that he transfers the "shares" to you (what shares? I assume he means ownership rights) then (and only then) will you "assume immediate ownership" (in March of 2011, and not before). I surmise his buy/sell agreement will be worded exactly this way also. But upon reading it initially, he makes it seem like the deal will be done right now.

    This guy is a deceptive buffoon.
  20. notajduhe

    notajduhe Member

    May 3, 2004
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    No, what I think he's saying is the PSL is owned by "ABC Corp.", a company in which he owns 100% of the stock. He will sell you his shares in ABC Corp. today, for the price of the auction. Thus you control the corporation and the tickets. In March 2011 you can have your wholly owned corporation transfer the tickets into your name.

    Although I am not a tax lawyer (I am a lawyer), this actually might be a taxable transaction since the "gift" from the corporation to the individual shareholder would have a taxable value over the maximum permitted by law (10K). The buyer (like there's going to be one!) might be better off leaving the PSL in the corporate name, and simply transferring the shares if he ever decides to resell the PSL.

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