17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    I guess after 25, 30 or 40 years of the ups and downs takes it's toll. This may or may not be what the future holds.

    15 years ago $25 was not the financial choice that it is now for a middle class person to buy 4 tickets and invite friends or family to go to a game but now with contracts and the increased prices who is shelling out that kind of money a year for a game?

    I think now they have even priced out the brokers who cannot get a return on investment.

    They will sell out the stadium even if they go to the brokers and offer blocks seasonally at very reduced prices with non disclosure agreements so the general public will never know.

    But if you enjoy it and can afford it by all means take advantage of it now.
    #3861 jets&rushfan, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  2. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    No way in hell would I ever take the club seats. Those prices will be back for $400 per seat after year 1.
  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    reasonable is a very very open ended word.... probably will 337.

    at least there wont be a gov't bailout on this one.
  4. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I got the U2 email--Dear PSL Owner.

    I have tix in UD but I'm not a PSL owner.
  5. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I go to the games to watch the boys play not to concern myself with folks sitting in other sections. But I have to wonder if next year is going to be really lame with a different crowd made up mostly of folks strictly going to the game for something to do.

    You know the guy who can't name one player on the team but takes his chick to the game..
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Good point. By "something to do" I think you're probably talking about "something to tell everyone we did," as in, "Well, Jessica and I went to the Jets game yesterday in the new stadium. Man, the place is really awesome." He didn't go there to watch football, he went to be able to tell everyone else he went and how cool he is.

    The new stadium will be the "in" thing to do for several years to come. They'll pay the higher ticket prices becasue it gives them bragging rights at work the next day. When the novelty wears off and especially after hearing "Christ, how much did you have to pay for those tickets, dude? I mean, I heard the tcikets are ridiculously overpriced," they'll back off knowing they look like suckers for shelling out $400 X 4 seats to go to a Raiders game in which the Jets lost 24-10. "You paid $1600 to go sit in the rain and watch that shitty performance? Hahahahaaaa......hhhaa.ahhahaahaaaa....."

    That's when reality hits the new stadium. When the novelty is gone and the Jets run into some losing seasons and after Woody unmercifully raises the ticket prices back up from the "introductory" prices they're reluctantly offering now, that's when the rubber hits the road. It'll be interesting to see what a PSL sells for by 2013 or so.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I just received the following email from the Jets:

    New Stadium Mezzanine Club Seat Ticket Prices Dropped As Much As 50% - Get Yours Now

    Mezzanine Club Seat prices in the new stadium have been reduced by as much as 50 percent, the New York Jets announced. The team also announced that season tickets for the 2010 inaugural season in the new stadium will go on sale to the general public on November 1. Now is the time to call 800-469-JETS to upgrade your seats or location prior to going on sale to the general public.

    There are many benefits to PSL ownership:

    - Select from among the stadium's most desirable seats from the lower bowl sideline to the mezzanine endzone
    - Access to reserved parking
    - The opportunity to purchase tickets to certain concerts and other stadium events (subject to availability)
    - Choose from several payment and seat options to help you stay within your budget
    - The right to transfer or sell your fully-paid PSL after March 1, 2011

    There are many advantages to being part of the Mezzanine Clubs. Sit in the best seats, enjoy the best views, access the best parking, and share the best game day experience - now at a price you can afford. We've lowered the ticket pricing of our Mezzanine Clubs to put the club experience within reach. With prices reduced as much as 50%, you can watch the game in the Mezzanine Clubs for as little as $45 per game more than some lower bowl seats.

    Don't just take our word for it; seeing is believing. Click here to experience this opportunity and then call 800-469-JETS to upgrade your seats to the Mezzanine Club. Time and space are limited, so act today!

    Go JETS!

    Yeah, the ticket prices are reduced FOR NOW. More of the same ShamWow scam. Like this email is going to send me tripping over things to get to my phone.
  8. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Just got the email as well.
  9. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Basically. At the Bills game, this guy and his girl showed up in Q2. Sat in front of me. Was gone by the middle of Q3. Sat there texting whomever with his chica doing the same. I honestly do not think they watched a minute of the game, didn't talk about it, didn't cheer, just texted their people that they were at the game..
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I know what you're talking about, I've got that going on in my section sometimes too. They spend half their time people watching and looking at fights or Fireman Ed through their binoculars. Don't even know what down it is and maiss half the really good plays getting up to go to the concessions. I don't know why people like that even bother going.
  11. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Just to go. When we get into the cold games you get more of the real fans who want to see the game. Especially when we're bad.
  12. jetsyoung

    jetsyoung New Member

    Jun 14, 2009
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    I have 3 seats sect 123 row 3. I asked Jets rep if I could go down to 2 PSL's and sit in the $195 club mezz sections 208,219,233,244. She said yes and tried to push me into 3 by stating I could get lower row (3 or 4 depending section). If I buy 2 - rows 7-15 depending on section. Don't know why I cant get 2 in the lower rows - think their just pushing the 3. Anyway, if I go for 2, my annual payments will be around $100 less (incuding both PSL and ticket payments) but for 1 less seat (dont mind that really). Worried about these club prices shooting back up though - rep said 3-7% benchmark but when I pushed for that in writing - it's not happening (what a surprise). I am leaning on staying where I am where players enter and leave at end of game -what do you folks think? Thanks
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I notice how they snuck this into one of their many "advantages" of PSL ownership:

    - The right to transfer or sell your fully-paid PSL after March 1, 2011

    I don't remember this being a clear issue before, at least I don't remember reading it in any of the intial literature.

    In other words, you cannot transfer your PSL to anyone unless it's completely paid off in advance of that sale. Only then will the Jets approve the transfer.

    This could spell trouble for some PSL owners in the future. Many guys who are on the payment plan and who, for one reason or another, have to bail out and sell their PSL to get out from underneath the heavy ticket increases, for example, will have to find a way make the payoff first. But assuming the reason they are bailing in the first place is because they are in a financial bind, this makes it that much more difficult to get out.

    No secondary PSL buyer in their right mind (someone looking to buy someone else's PSL after March 1, 2011) is going to shell out $30,000 up front for 4 Mezz PSLs in order that the seller can first pay off the debt and then effect the transfer. His position most likely will be, "Hey, YOU pay off whatever you have to pay off to make the PSL transferrable to me at the time of purchase and acceptable to the Jets, otherwise, no deal!"

    It puts added pressure on any future seller of a PSL after March 1, 2011 who has financed the PSL over 8 or even 15 years. Buyer beware on this, because when the ticket prices go up, the value of the PSL may drop accordingly, just like huge hikes in Real Estate taxes can affect the selling price of a home in certain areas. Ticket price increases and a slumping season could even cause a PSL owner to be "upside down," meaning that he could possibly owe more than the PSL is worth on the market. If that becomes the case, a seller might actually have to go out and borrow $25,000 to first pay off the PSL debt, then turn around and sell the PSL to the buyer for $20,000, let's say. So now the guy is haunted even after he gets out of the PSL. He still owes $5,000 on something he doesn't even own anymore.
  14. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Yeah but if you sell them you pay them off with that money and you can transfer them at that point.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You won't catch me buying them that way. I'm not giving someone a check for $25,000 without clear title. You want to sell them to me, you pay off your own loan. I want assurances from the NY Jets that these PSLs are transferrable at the time I hand over the money. Paying off the loan is the seller's responsibility. I want to hand you a check and have you hand me the properly executed transfer papers.
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That does make sense-

    I never plan on selling them but if I did it would be to someone close.

    But you do make complete sense. I guess people that bought the tickets will end up going to the games hopefully.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You intend to use the tickets and go to the games. All the more power to you and I'm glad you're happy with your seats. Most people will be in the same situation and tickled pink that they have the seats.

    But there are going to be others who, for one reason or another, may have to get out. The Jets have set up a situation which might closely resemble a car purchase, for example, where you've financed a depreciating asset. I'm not saying that all PSLs will depreciate in value. I hope they all appreciate for the sake of the loyal fans that bought them.

    But it is possible that they will not appreciate, for a variety of reasons. And then it becomes like a used BMW that you still owe $22,000 on with 92,000 miles on the odometer and you're selling it and the best offer you have is $17,000. Now you have to figure out a way to pay off the $22,000 before accepting the buyer's $17,000 check unless you can talk him into handing it over to you and letting you cash it beforehand.

    But the buyer (unless he's a complete fool), is not going to fork over his $17,000 on a car or situation he knows is upside down. Suppose the seller doesn't have the additional $5,000 necessary to pay off the vehicle? The bank won't release the title then, and now the buyer winds up in a situation where he has to take the seller to court, yada-yada. Nobody in their right mind wants to get into that kind of hassle.

    Whenever I have purchased a used car privately, I've insisted that he show me the clear title. Then I go one step further and insist that we go to the motor vehicle agency together and I stand there with the seller as the title and paperwork is being processed and the clerk tells both of us it's a doable deal, otherwise no dice. He gets my check, and I get my title free and clear, right then and there. No other way to do it. The exchange of an encumbered PSL will most likely have to work the same way because, let's face it, someone with a $25,000 certified check for in his hand is no idiot. He didn't get where he is by being a fool.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This all raises an interesting point on the PSL debt service. It had never been spelled out by the Jets... exactly how that would work in case of transfer, I mean. I guess I had assumed that the Jets would work that out to facilitate the transfer between two willing parties. And that may still be the case, where the buyer might be able to send in the moneyu to the Jets and therefore make the PSL "fully-paid," as the Jets put it. I imagining that most early PSL buyers thought the same thing... piece of cake as far as a transfer of an encumbered PSL.

    But that may not necessarily be the case. The Jets are now saying it's no problem to transfer your "fully-paid" PSL. How, exactly, does that work in the event of a transfer? It could mean that you get a voice on the other end of the phone telling you that the PSL has to be paid in full and that the Jets are not a bank or lending instution. Pay off the PSL and we'll let you transfer it, otherwise your only other option is to continue making the payments and paying for the tickets. Why wasn't all that made abundantly clear, one way or the other? Wouldn't that have been the professional, business-like way of presenting everything?

    Ambiguous shit like this (and all the other stuff that we've seen going on) from the Jets' FO has been unconscionable and unprofessional. Not "being sure" where Upper Deck people will be able to park and intentionally leaving them in the dark while using it as a sales tool to sell their PSLs, moving rows of seats around and adding 4-5 rows in front of people who were told they were essentially buying "front row seats," adhering to a strict seniority schedule, then throwing seniority out the window when it becomes obvious they've overpriced the tickets and are now open it up to the general population at large, not providing a clear, online seating chart showing exactly what is available and what is not (the technology has existed for decades... go online and select a leat assigment on an airplane or for a Broadway play)... all designed to create a shady, unsophisticated, unprofessional way of scamming and taking advantage of loyal fans who want nothing moer than to just simply buy their fucking tickets. The Jets should be ashamed of themselves.
    #3878 Section 227. Row 5, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  19. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I was told in order to sell your PSL in march 2011 u have to pay your Nov invoice and be up to date with your payments.not the entire PSL.
    That's crazy
  20. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    I'm hoping and thinking it will be quite the opposite. I believe the higher prices will keep the casual fan , the Giant fan who couldn't get big blue tickets and the out of town fan away.

    Sure you may get a cluster of the corporate types in the club sections , but they'll probably be indoors in the clubs most of the time anyway - similiar to the Devils games where the lower bowl is mostly empty because most of the ticket holders are sitting in the bars.

    I know some diehards are leaving because either they're pissed or couldn't afford to pay for PSL's , but if PSLs do one thing they'll certainly weed out the fan who didn't really want to be there.

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