Shanle ruled down, so Saints have it first and goal Eli fumbled, Shanle ran it for a few yards. 18 seconds left in the half and McKenzie is down
My favorite was the Mike Ditka one about "not living in the past" that was aired from about Nov '07 to Jan '08. I also like how the Saints have been wearing white at home this season. Their black jerseys are not good anymore. They used to look better when the numbers were white and outlined in gold.
Eli fumbles and Saints have the ball. Think they'll call a pass play this time? There's no way they can overrule that the Saints guy was down.
after the fumble, it looks like one Saint tackled another. Play will be reviewed, and it's possible the down ruling could be overturned, because the ball was beginning to come out before he was down.
Uh, it wouldn't be a safety, Troy, since the Saints had possession of the ball. It would be a touchback.
They're claiming it would be a safety, but the Saints possessed it first, so shouldn't it be a touchback?
that was a fumble on Shanyle. The ball was loose before he went down.... Edit: always like ED to botch a call....
I remember when somebody got Scott Shanle autodrafted to his team in something like the 10th round back some years back when he was with Dallas. One of the funniest fantasy draft picks ever.