Strange decision to challenge that. Coaches don't seem to get that it isn't only the timeout (which isn't so important in the first half), but also the fact that now they only have one more challenge for the rest of the game.
I agree with you there then. It's certainly been a cakewalk portion of the schedule, but you really can't hold it against them either, especially with the way they've dominated all of those games. How the respond for the rest of this game will be big.
Saints bringing huge pressure again, but that might be roughing. I'd feel dirty if it's a cheap call. Dirty, but happy.
Is "It started as a sleep deprivation study..." the worst opening line for a horror movie trailer ever?
huge call on Sharper earlier. Now no call on Minnesota for block in the back when two officials threw flags.
I've always enjoyed them. They're usually the only watchable ads on. The only problem is that each one is repeated over and over, but that's the case with any ad, basically.
pass interference on the Giants as Colston was taken down by Webster, but it was a shaky call. They're saying he wasn't playing the ball. I think he was looking, though.
Oh that's a horrible call. Horrible. Webster was playing the ball and their feet were tangled. Are you kidding me?