I Believe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by xxedge72x, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The New York Jets have taken off... through four very tough games, the Jets are 3-1, looking incredible, and haven't even sniffed their full potential yet. I firmly believe that the Curse of Joe Namath has come to an end... the contract has expired... the suffering is over.

    I wanted to make this post before week 1 of the season, but after countless debates during the preseason with some of the board's elite posters such as Abyzmul and WhiteShoeWillie, I decided to hold back so I could wait and see. I had a feeling this team was going to be special... but it was just a feeling... one I argued to no end... but still, not something I knew to be factually true since honestly my feeling came from my belief in the talent on the roster as well as the ideas being presented by the new coach, Rex Ryan.

    Well, after four weeks I'm done holding back. After four weeks of evidence unfolding right before our eyes against four quality teams, including possibly the best team in the entire NFL in the Saints... my belief in this team has blasted off and is about to leave the planet.

    I believe!

    I believe this team is a championship contender. Not next year, not in three years... THIS year. Right here, right now.

    I believe this defense is the best defense the Jets have ever fielded. This defense is better than the Sack Exchange, it's better than the Parcells D... it's better than the defense in 1968-69 when the Jets won the Super Bowl. This defense is very definitely ELITE... and oh yeah, we get Calvin Pace back now... hello sacks!

    I believe the special teams unit is elite. The coverage on the special teams unit has been nothing short of OUTSTANDING and the loss of Trusnick will not change that. We have one of the game's elite kick returns in Leon Washington as well as a VERY good punt returner in Jim Leonhard... he's filled a role that Leon was NOT very good at... oh and has anyone mentioned the fact that Jay Feely has been a machine recently? Nineteen straight field goals without a miss I believe... he's on fire.

    I believe the offense is talented enough to not only manage games, but to ascend above the mistakes of the first four weeks and become a very good unit. This group is NOT elite like the other two, but it doesn't have to be. It just has to put up points and not give them away like in the Saints game. The running game will allow the Jets to control the clock and the field, and despite how poor they've looked that changes now with the addition of Braylon Edwards.

    If you look back at the offense the Ravens fielded when they won the Super Bowl in the 2000 season... this group is better... much better. We have better receivers, better runners, a better offensive line, and a better quarterback. The Jets offense isn't clicking yet... but it will, and once it gets going watch out NFL, teams are going to get crushed.

    I feel bad for the Jets fans who just don't understand what we're watching right now. Jets fans are conditioned to be pessimistic and take a wait and see approach but I'm here to tell you right now you can break that conditioning because this isn't the Same old Jets... not even CLOSE. I believe that this Jets team is special.

    I believe that what we're going to see over the next 12 weeks is some of the most fun and dominating football we've ever been privy to as Jets fans. Finally, after all these years of suffering this is a Jets team we can love and look forward to every day of every week. Sure, they're not going to be perfect, but what NFL team is? The closest thing to perfect the NFL has ever seen went 18-1... go figure.

    Maybe this post didn't need a thread of it's own but I can't contain myself. I feel like a teenager with the level of excitement I have for this team.

    I believe a championship is on the horizon. I'm not afraid to say so. I love this Jets team and I believe they're going to make us very happy very soon.

    Sunshiners... darksiders... realists... it's time... time to believe.

    I believe in the New York Jets.
  2. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    You just jinxed us....thanks!
  3. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Great post, my friend. I agree with almost everything. I don't think that the offense is QUITE there in terms of championship, but that doesn't mean that they cannot get there this season. The Jets have a deep playoff run in them, and that I believe without question.
  4. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Well said xxedge. I believe we are on our way for sure. Offensively we have not found the rhythm yet but it will happen. It depends in how quickly Mark gets rid of his rookie mistakes. If not this year, by next year we are a superball contender for sure.
  5. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    After 4 weeks you look more right than wrong, but it's only 4 weeks. Four weeks. I think our offense has a long way to go before we can consider this a championship caliber team, but the addition of Edwards could be huge - as you mentioned. I just don't see us winning a superbowl with a rookie QB. There will almost surely be more games like the one last week for Sanchez. He has more than exceeded expectations of everyone at this point.

    The defense is championship caliber.

    lol @ calling me an "elite poster". I post a lot, but there are a lot of guys on here that know far more than me. Thanks though.
  6. GeshJet

    GeshJet Active Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    Don't you know about not angering the football gods with this kind of thing?

    I agree that the defense and special teams already are championship caliber (except for the punter). The offense has good talent but has a long way to go before I'm ready to say the Jets will seriously contend for a title. The championship Ravens team is an exception not the rule. (and Jamal Lewis was pretty good).

    One thing for sure though - the Jets are much closer than any point since 98-99.
  7. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    I heard that somewhere....
  8. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    The only two things I really have to call out on you are:

    1) Leonhard hasn't been great on PR duty. He fair catches way too often. He gets the same footstepitis that Santana Moss used to.

    2) I've said a few times Feely has been huge. It gets ignored, but he's night and day compared to Nugent or Brien. His only problem is he needs another second of hang on his KOs. He kicks too low and straight on them. I'll take it though, given our ST coverage unit, and his ability to put it between the posts.
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    You should have waited another 4 weeks, lets see if we can beat the teams we should beat and bounce back from our first loss. Knock on wood please
  10. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    I wouldn't say great, but very good. Light years beyond Leon in PR.
  11. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Agreed, he's a significant upgrade. However, edge capitalized VERY good, so it appears to me he was implying a great performance. When Leonhard runs, he's good, just like Santana Moss. And just like Moss, he waves his arm in the air far too often.

    It's a relatively small complaint anyway. Nothing to get crazy about. If this is our biggest "problem" this year, I'll be very VERY happy. :wink:
  12. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Leonard is a very solid punt returner. He knows that priority number one is making the catch. Never turn it over. If he has some room he will get some yards.
  13. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    I'm ready to throw in with you on this too.

    I never feel like they are out of it in a game now.
    I never feel like they have quit.
    I always feel the energy level is high and that they are just looking for their next opening to attack.
    They attack all the time...we don't play it safe.
    They have balls....example the 4th and 1 stands against NO.
    They have that ability to simply "turn it up a notch" when that is needed....a sign that ALL championship caliber teams, at any level, always have.

    I do see all "the signs", and I have never seen them all here at the same time before.........
  14. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't think the fair catches are a big deal. He really hasn't fair catched anything with no one near him... in fact, he's taken a few chances on some returns where he probably should've called for the fair catch and was successful afterwards.

    I'm not really worried about KOs... as you said, minor issue.
  15. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't disagree with the fact that Sanchez will have more poor games but I'd be shocked if there were more as bad as the Saints game. I'd like to think the Jets are going to play it a bit safer with him and make it a point of improving his ball handling skills.

    Also, I consider you an elite poster, along with a few others on the board. We disagree a lot but I still respect your opinion a lot.
  16. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Good post. Attitude is something I probably should've included in my post since it's a huge reason the Jets are having the success they are. The attitude of this team is outstanding.
  17. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    "...AHH - they'll blow it in the ninth!..."

    Good post though...
  18. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Hey if we make it to the playoffs I'll be extremely happy. I honestly didn't expect much from this team during preseason. I thought we could very easily start out 0-4. I'm extremely happy with the state of our franchise tho. We are young on both sides of the ball and I can only see things getting better for us.
  19. Dbenzo3

    Dbenzo3 New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    Love where you are coming from with this post. Superbowl talk, come on. Jets D is great. I think its the best in football right now. Our Special teams is also playing great ball. Jets O has all the pieces in place. Must I say it, as I looks right now. We beat 3 top notch teams and held the best, highest scoring O to 10 points.

    I like all your points but its way to soon to talk Superbowl. We are a top playoff contender. We were also the toast of the NFL at 8-3 last year. Talking about the superbowl with 12 weeks to play is a joke and weakens your post.
  20. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Great post X! You had this vision for the team before the season and the team has lived up to it so far. Nothing more fun for a fan than to believe it and see it happen. After 1/4 of a season the signs are pointing in the right direction. No reason not to believe until they give us one and they really haven't so far. This team has played really well all they have to do is get better one week at a time.

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