I really wish he was calling the shots. We could have pried Shawn Rodgers and Corey Williams away from them for a 4th round pick...idiot.
Hey...when you have got nothing to hang on to but weed....well...then you start using the "mangenius" terms again! lol lol lol
But back to the draft picks... With Edwards, the starting line-ups are pretty nicely rounded out. Not perfect, but can we possibly complain? The problem is depth, so... TRADE DOWN AND STOCKPILE BEEF!!! Turn the 1 and the 2 into several 3's and 4's and get a bevy of smart, nasty second-tier guys for the trenches. TRADE DOWN TRADE DOWN TRADE DOWN!!!
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: stuckey better stay out of east cleveland. it looks a bit rough for him
The first hastily made Cleveland tourism video is good too: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysmLA5TqbIY[/YOUTUBE]
Tanny has been doing great in the FA market so I am not worried; he has figure out a way to run the Jets much like the government's stimulus package, where money just appears out of nowhere.
"DawgPoundDaily!?" are you serious? anyone else thinks if they opened that link it'll be a gimpfest w/man on man poundage? Damn, for that you call it "theBone" or someshit like that...
Either that, or Cleveland just had enough, and decided that whatever they could get for him was better than actually having him around. Just saying...
the next few years... today 01:35 PM blackbusiness The Browns want Trusnick because they plan on punting a lot this year.