Can we please stop with the "We lost this game" stuff

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Barry the Baptist, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. kingsnake

    kingsnake New Member

    Sep 28, 2009
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    Just back from the Dome and the French Quarter (had to have few post game brews)


    -thought your defense was every bit as good as advertised. I was happy the Saints did a good job keeping Brees upright (no sacks?), but coverage was obviously tight and he unloaded a good share of balls. I think it was sometime in the third quarter when I screamed "Jesus Christ! Can someone please put a hat on Bart Scott!"

    -That was a tall order for a rookie QB. The Dome ain't Reliant Stadium and Gregg Williams is also a Buddy Ryan disciple.

    -Was pleased that we could run effectively for the most part, and was puzzled why you guys didn't run the ball more. Passing on 3rd and one? Really?

    -Didn't know you guys had a wildcat package. Serves me right for not reading a good scouting report pregame. Thought it looked pretty good.

    -Old man Darren Sharper has been absolutely feasting on young quarterbacks this season. I may have to start sleeping in a hyperbolic chamber myself.

    -Great game. Was impressed with Jets nasty streak. Sanchez has the goods as well. He's a better athlete than I realized and vy. nice arm. Good luck the rest of the way and here's to us giving Eli the same kind of problems in two weeks.
  2. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Great Post Kingsnake. Thanks for the report.

    The Saints were the better team today and thats why they won. Why that is apparently so difficult for some of the idiots to comprehend is beyond me. Instead we get people posting who want to crucify players and coaches. THEY LOST TO A BETTER TEAM. GET IT?????

    Move on the Beating the Fish and improving to 4-1.
  3. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Saints fans in the dome didn't impress me in the least. On TV, half of them looked as if they didn't want to be there, the other half looked unsure as to whether they were allowed to consistently cheer the whole game.
  4. Saint Smack

    Saint Smack New Member

    Sep 28, 2009
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    Jesus Christ. Is that the best you can come up with? The guy just gave props to your team.
  5. talisaynon

    talisaynon Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    I'm not convinced about 2 things:

    1) That we have an Elite D


    2) That NO has an Elite O

    I saw things that could have been been exploited on both sides, but there were deficiencies that stopped that from happening.

    I'm honestly not convinced that we have an elite D yet. We weren't breaking down the pocket, and I think we gave up too many yards on the ground (again) to warrant that "elite" tag.

    As for their O, Brees was given ample time to pick us apart and wasn't able to. There's no excuse for that considering Dwight Lowery was our #2, and Drew Coleman was our nickel.

    I'm sure if Steelers or Giants play this New Orleans team they do a better job than us stopping the Saints, and they wont have a QB pulling rookie mistakes like that out of his ass.

    Still not convinced of both...and I probably wont be until we face the Pats on Nov 22 and when the Saints face the Giants two weeks from today.
  6. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Sarcasm is your friend.
  7. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    It's not a slap at him at all. It's that all week I've been hearing about how loud and intimidating the "Dome" was, and all it took was a 7 point differential to take the wind out of their sails. Not a knock on the OP, just an observation.

    I suppose that I should have started my original reply with "Thank you for your kind words sir and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your evening, but....."
  8. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Our defense did enough to win the game; and if Sanchez had a few more games under his belt, we would have won. There's only one way for him to learn, and that's going to create a few bad situations for the rest of us.

    But even so, the Saints defense deserves the credit for being just as good as our own. I've seen a good amount of bitching about how badly the o-line played today. I would imagine the fans of our first 3 opponents were saying the same things after we won those games. Is New England's o-line just terrible? Does Houston's o-line suck? Well, no, not really. And our o-line isn't that bad either, but a great defense has a way of making them look that bad.

    Hey, we're 3-1, and its only going to get better from here. As for me personally, I had a standing $50 bet on this game from months ago with a coworker from New Orleans. So if anybody has a right to bitch, its me, but I feel okay about it.
  9. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Thanks and just have to say that all the Saints fans that posted here have been a fun bunch. You guys have a great team and some really good fans. I hope some of you guys stick around as your alot more fun to talk football with then some bandwagon Patsie fan or some moronic Raider fan who thinks the game is won by people's 40 times.

    Like I said in the evry 1st post you guys are very good and I think people shoudl start giving your D some credit because I know I had no idea how good they were and I don't think the media does as well.
  10. Saint Smack

    Saint Smack New Member

    Sep 28, 2009
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    I have a different take on it. I think the fact that Brees wasn't able to pick you apart was because your secondary was that outstanding, not because the Saints O is overrated. It speaks to how good your defense is. Your D has given up, what, two touchdowns all season, or was it one?

    Sometimes two good teams can make each other look bad.
  11. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I wonder how the Saints O can be overrated when they scored as many points against a very good Eagles team as the Browns and Rams have all season.

    I think it's more that you are right...contrary to what happened to the Titans today they are a very good team as is New England and we beat both of them. Houston is no slouch either and we dominated them.

    Honestly I don't know how this guy could be convinced of either one of those things?
  12. egelband

    egelband Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    i thought the 'd' played well. sanchez looked like a rookie - this will happen. it was a close game all the way through and really could have gone either way til the middle of the fourth. the jets look legit. i'm not down after this game. could even be a super bowl preview :)
    (tho i think that next year might be the jets year. this year they'll open some eyes and knock on the doors of the big boys)
  13. LurkingSaintsFan

    LurkingSaintsFan New Member

    Oct 4, 2009
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    The Jets defense is better than the Ravens' D this year, and I'd put them up against anyone's D. You guys have a great future. As well as he's played before today, Sanchez is still a rookie and it showed. A bad showing like today may be exactly what he needed. Your offense will come together soon. Sanchez has the tools to be a great one. We're not scheduled to play each other for another 4 years, but I hope we see each other before that.
  14. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    New Orleans Rocks. Great Fans who deserve an NFC championship. Hopefully we'll see you down the road.
  15. I bleed Jets Green

    I bleed Jets Green New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I agree with you brother moose. But at the same time the Saints D did put alot of pressure on Sanchez to force him to make those mistakes to be fair. I had a feeling this would be the Jets first loss of the season and I am proud to say that the Defense never gave up. They fought till the end. Offensive line has to be better to make holes for both Washington & Jones. Greene looked great in his first two running chances. Looks like we have a future for next season.

    Time to wipe the slate off of this one and get ready for the phins down in Miami.
  16. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    There's a reason this was my first click after the loss today. Great OP Rich, and kudos to the classy Saints fans that responded.

    With that said...

    Yes, the refs sucked balls today. That's not why we lost.

    Yes, Sanchize made some rookie mistakes today. That's not we lost.

    Our defense played amazing today, but the the Saints D was better. There's my credit where credit is due.

    Our offensive line was HORRIBLE, no, they were OFFENSIVE. How do you have a rookie QB running for his life constantly when you have 4 of 5 former 1st round picks on your OL? Brick almost got Sanchez killed on one play. He got his left paw on the DE. WTF?

    3rd & 2... The defense gets the turnover, we convert the TD. The defense holds and gets the offense great field position. RUN... RUN... So now it's 3rd and 2. You have one of the leaders in the league at converting 3rd downs at QB. I know, let's give it to TJ. All that guy does is get a couple clutch yards when we need them, right?

    To me this was the play of the game. For the first time in the game the Jets had momentum and we went TURTLE. If we had got some points off that drive the outcome may have been different. I want whomever was responsible for that call branded with a giant P, for... well, you know.

    The Saints are for real, and they would have proven that even if it had been a close loss for them today. They won, props to them, and best of luck.

    I could really use a grilled tuna sandwich right now.
  17. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I remember the play your talking about. If you recall, the Jets had a 3rd & 1 on the previous series, tried a quick slant pass, which was broken up by Randle Gay, our NB. I think they went w/ the run on 3rd & 2 the following series thinking the saints were thinking pass. Unfortunately for you guys, we were thinking run & had an 8 man front and Scott Fujita got in the backfield and stopped Tj for a loss.

    Im not sure how much freedom Sanchez has to audible at the LOS, but that would have been a perfect scenario to get out of a bad play. That is definately an area he will improve once the OC has more confidence in his game management skills.
  18. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    not to jump on anybody's nuts, but its nice to see the saints fans on here having class and being objective, and not rubbing victory in anyones face. I think having a franchise that has been as disappointing as ours many times over the years might have something to do with it.
    even the saints fans i know in real life are pretty respectful and humble.

    definitely the opposite of fins/pats fans etc.

    I hope they beat the crap out of the vikings if they play them in the playoffs.
    I must admit though, and that i speak for alot of people, its naturally very difficult to credit the NO D instinctively given their years of ineptitude on that side of the ball. But they've shown that they can play, and i think they can continue to break that shadow if they keep it up. it's not the same saints D you've seen over the years. I thought sharper was done when they picked him up in the offeason, but clearly he's not. i should have known better considering i've had like 8598325925 picks with him in Madden over the years.malcolm jenkins was a really good draft pick for them as well.
    #58 jets_fan_in_fishtown, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  19. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Thanks for stopping by, friendly saints fan. Old men picking on the rooks is the way it's supposed to be, so no love lost there. Good luck the rest of the year.
  20. VOR

    VOR New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I was in the Dome yesterday. Great game. I met a few Jets fans at lunch Friday. Cool guys. And all fans . . . Saints fans, as well as Jets fans who made the trip . . . were totally into the game yesterday. Saw virtually no trouble. Just good natured ribbing.

    As far as the game is concerned, I was damn sure impressed with the Jets' defense. You know, it seemed to me it wasn't as much the schemes yesterday as it was just outstanding talent and play in the secondary. Revis is a serious dude and deserves props. Locked down Colston except for a couple of great catches. The linebackers and rest of the secondary weren't chopped liver, either.

    As far as Brees goes, he clearly was prevented from having a big game, but what makes him so good is that he took what was available and didn't get particularly rattled. He didn't make any big mistakes. And Sean Payton has grown up this season and has the patience to stick with the running game, which, for the first time since Deuce McAllister, is clicking.

    Sanchez has the goods, and he will be a winner for you guys. A game like this was inevitable. Greg Williams has totally changed the Saints defense, and that's the main reason I'm optimistic for the rest of the season. And Darren Sharper, even in his thirties, is the amazing.

    Anyway, good luck to you guys the rest of the way. The Giants are next after our bye week, and it should be a good one. We'll do our best to take care of the Patsies when they come to town for the Monday Night game.

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