Why would anyone assume we're not going to blitz early and often? You don't allow Tom Brady a lead. Period. If we want to win this game, we'll release the Band of Lunatics right out of the gate, and let the Pats try to beat us. Moss will be a non-factor. NE will have to either get the ground game going, or have Welker beat us. On the other side of the ball, they're going to come after Sanchez like crazy. This is on our line and our backs to handle. We're going to have to grind all game. I'll be really surprised if Sanchez is throwing as much this week as last.
You can go on any message board and nitpick the moron posts. If I wanted, I could go through the first page of posts here and depict this board as a bunch of fools. I prefer to look for the realistic and intelligent posts, here and elsewhere, and ignore the idiots. Here's a not-so-random post from a Pats fan on a Pats board, in response to a lot of moronic comments:
My stepfather is a Patriots fan; bandwagon at that. So as you can imagine it makes for a tense relationship. Especially during the football season. I watched the entire game with him yesterday, being nice to him because I wanted to see his face when the Pats lost to the Bills. You can imagine my dissapointment in the final five minutes of that game. I've quizzed him before, about who his hall of famers are; people on the team besides Tom Brady, Randy Moss, and Wes Welker. You know, just team trivia that any real fan would know. Suprisingly enough, I had to school him on every question, because I know more about his own team than he does. It's really sad.
Yeah that's not bright at all. Maybe they were watching a different game and thought it was the Jets.
What about the one where they say the Jets schedule is so much easier that the pats? What morons! Don't they realize they play the EXACT SAME SCHEDULE except for 2 out of the 16 games.
That's not Welker's game. The same argument was made about Owen Daniels sunday... How did that turn out? That was the truly impressive thing Sunday. We only got 3 sacks. And 8 (I think) pressures/hits. No mattter where Slaub went with the ball there was excellent coverage, even when the blitz was picked up. Is NE a better offensive team than Houston...Sure...But this is not the 18-0 50TD offense. We may not shut them out, but if Brady is constantly seeking out Welker, it's going to be a loooooong day for the Pats..... I would look for one or two deep attempts to Moss and a ton of 3 step drops to Welker early. The thing is....a 3 step drop means Buck Frady has less than a second and a half before Jenkins unloads the Center on top of him.
Faulk and Welker are going to make or break the Pats season this year, because I don't see much of a running game from NE this year.
Because they are expecting blitz and will have prepared all week for blitz. Instead you play back shut down the short passes. Like I said they are weak enough to get pressure without blitzing. Once they get frusterated at the short passes and think we are not going to blitz, we go blitz, blitz, blitz, blitz, etc... If we start that too early they will start tearing us apart with their short passes.
The best pats fan discussion that I know of is in a subsection on a baseball site.... That said you could find a lot of posts around here to support the same notion. In general message boards can turn into cesspools of fanboy idiots very quickly.
Right. Our schedules our identical except: We play Oakland (away) and Cincinnati. They play Denver (away) and Baltimore.
I really believe the Pats have fallen into a pattern. Welker short, Moss deep, and sometimes Moss mid range or Watson mid range. That seems to be it. They barely even looked at anyone else. Between those three they had most of the catches.
Of course if you pick and choose which posts from any board to put in a thread you're gonna find some really dumb ones. I could put together a pretty good collection of stupid posts from a couple Jets fans on here (present company excluded). Having some dumb-ass fans is not exclusive to any team....
I hate Peter King, but I fucking love that moniker. Seriously, it's more fun than "New York Sack Exchange"
I mean, as a nickname, it's pretty cool, but I'd love to hear an announcer, preferably Gus Johnson, exploding "AND THEY UNLEASH THE BAND OF LUNATICS OHHHHH AND ITS A LOSS OF 6"
It sounds better this way... " THE LUNATICS ARE RUNNING THE ASYLUM AND BRADY GOES DOWN.... 2nd AND 16." "HERE THEY COME AGAIN ...AND THE BALL IS LOOSE...." fill in the blank during self-abuse...