Where is his site?? A url would be helpful. I live in PA and get no Jets games on cable and going to a bar every Sunday gets expensive. Would love to be able to see a game at home. More info please!!!
NFL games have been streaming over many sites for many years. Just because some of you are now finding out about it doesn't mean that they just did. Get a grip.
Just wait until DirecTV finds out. They'll have a dozen lawyers up this guy's ass before you can say: "Great Stream..." Too bad too as I've already chipped in my $25buks..
The only reason I signed up for 1 month was in case he gets shut down, I'm only out $5. When the the month is over, if his site is still up and giving nice streams, I will gladly pay for another month.
The guy said he will give refunds on purchases over one month, and refund the money of the remaining months left if they got shut down. However, I would be careful as if the site gets shut down, it might be hard to get in touch with the guy. I'm not saying he will rip you off, just being cautious
I've known about it for at least a year. Not breaking news to me. My point is that when you start charging people for a stream rather than just supplying it, the NFL is more likely to take action. Maybe they won't, but if they do, nobody is going to see any money as a refund.
you could have some friend or relative in the nyc area stream a game to you using a slingshot device. can the nfl shut down every single stream? i doubt it.:wink:
justin.tv is free.. and even though it isn't as reliable I still managed to watch every game last year for free
There is a big difference, those games are free. This guy is charging you money to watch him stream the games which is even more illegal than streaming for free, because now you are making a profit off of it, opposed to you making nothing and the NFL making nothing.
yeah thats bad business. i could definitely see him getting his ass in a sling. now if he had people sign up that would be one thing to control the bandwidth but charging for the games is a bad bad idea on his part.
Doubt it -- bandwidth is pricey, and to stream high quality video like that, he's gonna need a lot of it. Remember when Enron tried to trade bandwidth back in 2000? Somewhat OT but funny nevertheless.
Anyone know if this guy is passwording his stream tonight? I can't get the game on TV here. Otherwise, I'll just try justin.tv. That guy had the best stream I've ever seen, but I can see how he wouldn't make it public after all the shit he went through from the Giants game.
My stupid ass cable company doesn't offer the NFL network. I need to switch to satellite, but I'm too lazy.