I predict this ending with an "I know you are but what am I, infinity!" ETA: On a more interesting note, here's what Smoltz did against lefties tonight:
The plot for the Melky one is hilarious. Especially considering Smoltz threw him a slider outside the pitch before that one.
ummmmm???? http://forums.theganggreen.com/showpost.php?p=1313736&postcount=322 Looks like you quoted me on that response. If you had something to say to PWSBJ, maybe you shouldn't have quoted my statement. I figured you would know known that.....
Only thing I know for sure is that Aroid used between 2001-2003. Barry used at some point for a few years. Roger Clemens used after 2000, as did Pettitte. Yanks never won the WS those years anyway, so not much to argue here. Manny and Papi used in 2003, and obviously Manny used afterwards. Not sure how long Papi used for, but Im willing to bet he didnt stop after one year. His sudden ability to hit the long ball didnt end after 2003, did it? We've heard the everyone call Barry "Barroid", A-Rod "Aroid", and now its time for the Red Sox to get shit on like everyone else that has used steroids has. If you want to get offended by a little much deserved steriod razzing, thats your problem.
I appreciate Smoltz coming back for one more year so the NYY could whoop the Red Hoes' ass on August 6, 2009. Good to get that monkey off our back.
I have a feeling a brawl might break out friday, lets see. Pedroia was pissed and is prob gonna convince Beckett to do something.
I'd love to see a Yankee punch Beckett in the face. Better yet, hit a line drive right at his mouth, AND get on base.
You were answering for him. Don't act like a smart ass when you had nothing to do with the quote in the first place. I made a reference to the original post. Why is it always childish bickering with you?
This is funny. You're sure Papi didn't stop after one year but the only thing you "know for sure is that ARod only used between 2001-03" hahahaha and that Clemens and Petitite only used after 2000?!?! Are you serious?? And again my point to the original post is that Yanke fans shouldn't act like their shit don't stink.
Well, we all know Ramirez used from 2003-2009 at least and he is the only one that has sure start and end years.
Most of them don't think their shit don't stink. But Yankee fans are very much enjoying Sox fans who finally realize that they, too, are citizens in the Land of Stinky Poo, after years of acting like their team was the only clean team in baseball, while everyone on the Yanks juiced. Yes, this quite enjoyable. Quite enjoyable, indeed.
youre missing the point bro. Of course Yankee fans realize a lot of Yanks were juicing. We endured the Mitchell report bias bullshit and then had to listen to naive Sox fans calling us cheaters. So of course, when the Sox names come out FINALLY, we're gonna have a lottle fun with it. we went through it and now you gotta go through it. Thats the dynamic here.....Manny and Papi were the most productive hitting Red Sox since fuckin Ted Williams dude.....and they were giant roid heads! Just a fact. We can have a little fun with it.
We finally got the monkey off our back...now the series truly begins. I agree that their maybe a brawl tonight. There's growing tension between the 2 teams even w/o the Pedroia incident. The Yanks are peeved about the 0-8 start and the Sox have their backs against the wall. Something has to give.
Red Sox NEED to win tonight and Sunday night, and that's pretty much how it goes for the rest of the year...Lester and Beckett just need to be perfect. We've got no choice but to throw some shit at the wall for starters 3-5 and see what sticks. Somehow, I think this team pulls it together. They've got the best run differential in the AL, they've got an excellent pen and two frontline starters. Nobody expected Dice-K to offer absolutely nothing this year, and that's what killing us. They don't need Cliff Lee or Halladay, they just need one or two league average inning eaters. A healthy Epstein team has never just folded and packed it in (2006 does not count because the injury situation on that team reached beyond ridiculous by september). I'm counting on this guy showing up today
You quoted me and then said "dont act innocent." Where is your head Murrell? Any Joe schmoe would say that statement was intended for me, and so now youre gonna pull the "childish bickering" card? :rofl: you make me laugh man.