Very aware. Im also aware that you are getting temperamental and lashing out at Yanks fans for celebrating this glorious ass whooping against the Roid Sox. Pretty childish if you ask me.... BTW, it never was about me getting my way. Anyone with half a brain stem could see through that transparent statement ...
No, it was entirely about getting your way. YOU had to start the thread, and threw a fit over it. But whatever, I'm not getting into this again. And it wasn't that one comment from him, it was the 4 or 5 during the day (which are the only posts I think I've ever seen from him) added to the fact that I'm pissed off. Plus the idiocy of a Yankee fan saying anything when they still are far and away the league leaders in names that have come out. Not that I care about the actual steroids, but it puts him on the same annoyance level as that guy who claimed Masterson was a #2 starter.
I could care less if you had your thread. That in itself is not wanting my way, smart guy. bahahahaha. Man youre all sorts of pathetic today. Sleep it off....there is always tomorrow.
No team is moreso associated with steroids than any other. It's a safe assumption that select members of every team were taking steroids.
league leaders in names that have come out. hahahahahaha The dumbest thing you've ever said. You just sounded like a 9 year old retard with a helmet....I forgot how entertaining you could be
San Diego didn't think much of him. He's been getting a K an inning, but he's wild and he's had a poor season. Look at his ERA, and he's pitching in the NL West, with his home stadium being the best pitcher's park in the majors. I don't think he'll do well in Yankee Stadium. I guess they like him better than Melancon or Robertson or Bruney.
Read the steroid threads, I've said over and over that I don't care about it. But you can't deny that they Yankees have been more associated than any other team as far as how many of their players have been caught. I'm not saying they've done it more, but more have come out from their team than any other. It's not dumb, it's a fact.
:lol: at Hughes chasing after Teixeira's home run ball. Traber being left out to take one for the team. He's getting hit hard, too.
We're getting a little off topic. Let's keep talking about how badly the Yankees are beating the Red Sox.