Pat White's passes way off target

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by GreenMachine, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Box-stat guy is likely to go back and edit his post now, Mr. E.
  3. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    which post?!...they're all horribly misguided.

    I was hoping he'd stay in the Channing Crowder/Pennington homersexual thread.....but apparently he decided to spread himself around the board like a bad case of herpes.
  4. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I don't think you can really compare White to Vick. It's like comparing someone to Randy Moss or Jevon Kearse. Vick is/was freakishly gifted. End of story.

    Now White was a great pickup for the Dolphins. 4 year starter, played in 4 bowls games, won all 4. Played in the senior bowl, won the senior bowl and was voted mvp.

    He put up over 10k yards of total offense. Over 6k passing and 4k running. Pat White is very gifted and he's a winner. He wins big games. And that is valuable in of itself. He's going to be raw because he always played in the spread. You'll see him a bit this year but it's next season where you are going to see Henne and White throw a 1-2 punch. Like Mark Sanchez for the Jets, Pat White is going to be an important player come 2010.
  5. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    By default, White is better than any passing/rushing/gimmick QB's in the history of the league because the Dolphins drafted him. It does not matter he's yet to play a down at the NFL level. Whatever White did in college, it'll be 100x's exponentially better because the Dolphins who won the Division last year will use him effectively and get peak performance and production from him right off the bat.

    The only other QB in the league that isn't better than White right now is Chad Pennington, but only by a molecular fraction. End of story.
  6. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    That works both ways, you refuse to accept anyone's opinions here either. Which limits your credibility amongst posters here.
  7. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    FTP take note on how to express your opinion on the player by reading this post. That is all.
  8. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Look no further than Baylor's Robert Griffin III...

    A great passing quarterback with track star speed.
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    A good post...from a Fins fan? Really?
  10. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Compare any tewo of Whites seasons in college to Vicks two seasons and White was more producrtive, I'm not making up the facts that are in black and white. Don't read them, I don't care.

    No he can't, his carees statistics prove he can't throw a football. What part of 56.7 completion% don't you understand?

    Vick is not special, he's talented, but not special. He's a one dimensional player. On top of not being all that talented as a QB, he's PR nightmare for any team even thinking of picking him up. Right now, there isn't even a guarantee he will play in the NFL again and if he does, it won't be as a starting QB. Backup at best. If I had a guess, I'd say he's gonna be a utility player. RB/QB/KR/WR. But he is not nor will he ever be a starting QB, you can't teach what Vick needs to be a starting QB, you either have it or you don't, Vick doesn't.

    I've posted both White and Vicks career numbers in college,

    Pat White: 2 least productive seasons in college

    2005- 12 65-114 828 7.26 12.74 57.0 % 8 5 50 131 952 7.3 76 7
    2006 12 118-179 1,655 9.25 14.03 65.9 % 13 7 67 165 1,219 7.4 69 18

    Mike Vick: only 2 seasons

    1999 90 153 58.8 1840 12 5 110 580 8
    2000 97 179 54.2 1439 9 7 113 636 9

    I hate to bust your buble, But Whites numbers are simply better. He's a smarter, better passer and runner. Vicks combined 2 seasons rushing come to just over 1200 yards, while Whites 2 worst seasons in college he combined for almost a 1000 yards more, not to mention Whites 25 rushing TD's to Vicks 17. Passing yards slightly favor Vick, but TD's and INT's are equal between the two QB'S, but remember I didn't post Whites best numbers, I posted his worst numbers. Now I don't know why the stats are posted plainly for you to see and yet I still have to break it down for you. Also I would like to add, Vick was easily on a more talented team both his seasons than White was in any of his 4 seasons.

    Look I realize you like Vick and that's fine, but you're trying to inject your opinion, over the facts at hand. If Vicks were as talented as you're trying to say he is, he wouldn't have been released by the Falcons at the very least his rights would have been traded. If Vick were as talented as you're try to say he is there wouldn't be a team in the league that wouldn't want him on their team.

    Fact is Vick, will not win a starting job on any roster as a QB, he just won't, not passing the ball anyways. Add to that all the issue of his past and it makes signing him even tougher. Vick can run run the ball without question, but he simply isn't a psser. All the trying in the world on your part isn't gonna change that. Vick is a glorified RB, always has been always will be.

    First of all, my opinion of White when you compare him to Vick has nothing to do with being a Dolphin fan, it's simply looking at the numbers and not exaggerating things for the player with the less impressive numbers,simply because you like one player more.

    Whites numbers are better, you can't argue that, the numbers are there for everyone to see and any who says Vicks numbers are better are being ignorant, cause Whites numbers are clearly better, you can't argue that fact.

    As for Vick being a "great" player, I consider GREAT PLAYERS on the verge of HOF careers. They either make the HOF or are always in the discussion for the HOF and eventually get their. Vick not only isn't a great player, he isn't and never will be a HOF player...he's not even close, especially if he ever tries to get in as a QB. His numbers are so weak at that position there is no way he's ever considered. Vick will be remembered as a very athletic explosive player, but that's all he will be remembered for, that and killing dogs. That will be the extent of his legacy.
  11. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    That's fair, show me how many Jet fans I responded too, have posted without some ridiculous bias? I can remember one poster that has posted here that wasn't acting as if the rest of the planet was ignorant to the facts of this sport. This Vick argument is a perfect example, the Jet fan I'm debating with is teying to convince me Vick is a great player, when in reality 99% of the people on this planet who follow this sport kows Vick can't play QB at this level.

    I've proven White had the much more impressive college career, yet that seems to be irrelevant to some people. I'll continue now to prove Vick not only isn't a "great player", but he's a below avg player.

    Mike Vick's season ending ranking:

    This is where Vick finished at the end of each season compared to the rest of the QB's in the NFL.

    20th 2006

    25th 2005

    20th 2004

    Injured 2003

    18th 2002

    Not only did Vick never even come close to the top 10 list of QB's in any of his seasons as a starting QB in his career, he never had a season where he eclipsed the 3000 yards passing mark. If a 1000 yard season for a RB can be called avg, than 3000 yards passing can be called avg for QB's. in 2002 Vick threw for 2900 yards, but that was a s close as he could get to an avg passing season.

    His caree completion % is 53.8 are you kidding me? He only completed just over half his passes in his career? That's not only sad, it plain sucks. Vick rushed for 21 TD's in his career, but had 55 fumbles losing 27. Basically lost more fumbles than rushing TD's and running the ball was Vicks best asset. Vick was NOT a great player, not even close, yet I'm debating this with a Jet fan that once again thinks their opinion is better than fact.
    #51 feelthepain, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  12. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Boy some people just continue to exaggerate.
  13. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I see, so Vicks college statistics matter, but Whites statistics don't? Ok, I guess. Why don't we just throw a bunch of names in a hat at take turns during the draft since college statistics are so ireelevant.
  14. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Let's say we pull Graham Harrell's name out of that hat, then what?

    Vick was a proven winner in the NFL. White hasn't played a game yet. Your argument is fucking retarded.
  15. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    My argument has nothing to do with White being better than Vick in the NFL. If you had half the brains you were born with you could read that in my posts.

    A) I said White is more talented than Vick coming out of college, his stats attest to that FACT!

    B) I said Vick is NOT a great player in the NFL, his stats will attest to that FATC!

  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Your posts suck.
  17. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    That is a FATC!
  18. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    White having better stats really has nothing to do with who's more talented.

    Who's more talented out of these two running backs: Northern Illinois running back Garrett Wolfe or Tulane running back Matt Forte?

    Wolfe's stats: 5,164 yards and 52 TDs as a three year starter at Northern Illinois

    Forte's stats: 4,214 yards and 38 TDs as a four year starter at Tulane

    Both were drafted by the Chicago Bears - Wolfe in 2007 and Forte in 2008...which one's better, DolphinJeaux?

    If you look at their college stats, you'd say Garrett Wolfe, right? ...but who the hell is Garrett Wolfe?
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Dude, college stats mean everything. Just ask Ron Dayne.
  20. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I said it once before and I'll say it again, Vick was on a much more talented team in college than White was.

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