17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Just to wrap up my experience today and confirm what others have reported, you do have to have your credit card handy or send a check in within 5 days. My four seats cost me $2,000 on my card today, but that goes toward my payment for 2010.

    They also IMMEDIATELY emailed me a confirmation of same, showing both the amount paid AND the seating assignment.
  2. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    4 seats for $2,000 down payment whats the total bill for the 2010 season?

    congrats bro!
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Thanks. And good luck to you. As I said the other day, it now appears that you may have a slight chance of getting into the Upper Deck even though you are as late as 1993. They are doing 1989 only 10 days from now (as reported by Baamf) and they are ripping through the seniority list, so you may be up in as little as 3 weeks from now. They are filling up from the 50 on out. There were still some seats at the 50, but in the 26th Row. I'm sure they'll be gone, but you can always get something in my section, for example, just some rows higher, which still would not be the end of the world. The Uppers are gonna rock like hell.

    As far as the total billing, they haven't billed anyone yet (you just put down the downpayment or deposit), but if the tickets are $105, then it's $105 x 4 seats = $420 x 10 games = $4200 + parking ($20 per game x 10 = $200?) + their customary cockamamie $4 "handling charge." Comes to about $4404 if my math is correct, which is still cheaper than what I was paying in the Mezz.

    Of course, I've already given them $2,000 toward the $4404, so I'll only need $2,404 next May.

    NO PSL AND I CAN WALK AWAY ANY TIME I WANT TO! There's a lot to be said for that. My Rep, Manny, BTW, did not try to coerce me or intimidate me. He did try to offer End Zone PSLs again and quoted how low the annual payment would be per seat... I forget the number.

    But I respectfully told him I am not in a position to do this at this time (actually, I am and could if I really wanted to, but I just fucking refuse to), so he got off that and went back to looking at Uppers for me.

    I still think there will be many PSLs to be bought in 2011.
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    One other interesting tidbit from today regarding seniority and account-holder name.

    I transferred my account into my son's name and address this past January, weeks before the ultimate deadline to do so. I did it because I want my kids and grandkids to still have season tickets. It was the last chance that you had to transfer an account and it had to be within immediate family.

    The transfer meant nothing if you knew you were going to buy PSLs, because then you would still have "transferabilty." But it meant all the world if you knew you were NOT going to buy the PSL, because non-PSL accounts are not transferrable.

    SOoooo....... the interesting thing about today is, even though I am no longer the Owner Of Record of this account according to the NY Jets, I still had complete control of this account as if it were still in my name and the Rep didn't give two shits about talking to me as opposed to having to talk to the real owner of the account. He knew he was talking to me and the subject never came up other than, "Oh, this is in your son's name," and I said, "Yes, but he's okay with me calling the shots for the seats."

    From there on we were off and running and I basically controlled the account as I have done for the past 24 years. My point in mentioning this is, that so much for the "non transferability" emphasis some of these Reps have been placing on the non-PSL seats. The non-transferability issue is important to them when it suits them to use it as a strong-arm method of selling PSLs, but matters not one iota to them when they just want to uncerimoniously dismiss your ass into your shitty little non-PSL seats.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Last month I cancelled my account and changed the outdated contact info on my wife's account to my info, since I do everything anyway. It's not even her married name on the account since it predates our marriage, and they either didn't notice or don't care. The only thing they wouldn't let me do was transfer the playoff/deposit money from last season from my account to hers, they cut me a check which I sent back for hers. It really doesn't matter because we're completely out after this season, but it supports your point.
  6. Jam.

    Jam. Banned

    May 9, 2009
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    All the guys in here seem like true fans, and I hope you all get the seats you desire.

    Best of luck to all of you!

    EDIT: I'm kinda glad I live in Miami and don't have to deal with this headache...lol
  7. davecrazy

    davecrazy Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Bueller, Bueller, anybody?
  8. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Both 1991 and 1992 people have received emails stating they will be contacted on June 30th.
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Glad for you buddy. Sounds like you did a great job. One thing HAS to change and should start with the upper deck, get in the damm stadium 15 min. before the team comes out so the place is full when our team comes out. We can change the name, colors and kick all the Giant fans out of the place, but if the stadium is 1/2 full at game time, its embarassing and brings the team down. It starts with the Upper deckers. Tailgatin should start 4 hrs. before the game fellas, not 2, and break down at Noon and start waking in at 12:20 where we are gonna be. Be ready on 3!!!!!!
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I am a Vietnam Vet, 314. I was there in 1969, US Army - Bronze Star and CIB (Combat Infantryman's Badge) plus numerous Vietnamese Awards and Citations because I was a Combat Advisor to the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN), "in the field" for the entire one year tour.

    As such, I am ALWAYS in my seat by National Anthem time... always (on Veteran's Day I actually wear my original OD field jacket for the fly-over). I may not be there 100% of the time in the 4th quarter (there are always those 24-7 losers with 1 minute left on the clock), but I am always there when the team comes out.

    I agree, people need to get off their lazy asses and get into the stadium for the team. When the guys come out of the tunnel they want to see a packed house. I'm afraid you're beating a dead horse in the lower levels though, because the new, spoiled rotten, "Stadium Club" yuppies whose daddy's have purchased PSLs for the seat they're sitting in, won't give two individual shits as far as the coming out of the team, much less the fucking National Anthem.
  11. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    had dinner with the bro in law tonight he and i really talked tickets and decisions. hes a stubborn irishman and is really pissed about this entire psl thing. the tickets are in his name and hes really leaning towards rejecting anything he feels isnt decent enough over plain and simple principal.

    i tried for hours to reason with him. he said he will think about it and decide our fate. he has looked at diagram after diagram and hes not easy to please. he is worried about height and view,two important aspects he said he would use to determine if he wants to donate to the nyjets another year.

    he knows my feelings something is better than nothing.
  12. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Agreed. We are Jets fans not a bunch of cosmopolitan sipping pansies. We''ll persevere!
  13. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    HA! You don't have to fight for seats to see the Jets the one game per season!! Easy pickings in Miami from what I hear.
  14. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I have had tickets for 30 year, am not a Veteran (no disrespect intended at all), and tailgate before every game. I have missed exactly one opening kickoff in my life, and that was this past year because my son had a hockey game and we could not get to the stadium until about 1:30. I just don't understand how anyone can miss the kickoff. I also agree that it takes away from the atmosphere. The stadium is not 1/2 full at kickoff - it is barely 1/3 full.

    One thing I disagree with you and 314 about is who it is that is not in the stadium at kickoff. It is not the "wine and cheese" crowd or the yuppie crowd. It is mostly the blue collar young fan tailgating crowd that arrives late. To these people, the tailgate is more important than the game and they can't or won't close up shop in time for the game. They just have to have their extra beer or two before going in and don't have the discipline or the commitment to the game to get in their seats in time. I see the same people in my section who are late every game and it is the younger, heavy drinking crowd. By the way, these same people leave early every game also.

    So all you so-called real fans in the upper deck - close up the tailgate at 12:20 and start heading in by 12:30 at the latest to be in your seat by 12:50 to see the anthem, cheer the players coming out of the tunnel, and see the beginning of the game. If you can't do that, you are not worthy of seats and the process we have agonized over in this thread. Get in the stadium or give up your seats and stay home.
  15. Jetsetter

    Jetsetter Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    Glad you got seats you can live with. I see that your choices approximated what I wrote last night. I'm certain the best fans will be in the Upper Deck. I agree with you about the sun in the Upper Deck, too. About the parking, we won't get preferred anything. According to the Jets, we are scum. I am scum and damn proud of it! I'd rather tailgate in the parking lot and pee in the bushes than dine in the hoity-toity Coaches Club and have attendants wipe my dick when I go.

    We made our choices. Let's hope ours work out.
  16. F WOODY

    F WOODY New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    f Woody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. kenobrienis1

    kenobrienis1 New Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    Very Well said. I agree 100%
  18. Jam.

    Jam. Banned

    May 9, 2009
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    Yep...Well with all the fair weather fans it might not be that easy this year lol
  19. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Half the fun is yelling "sucks" when the opposing team's lineup is being announced. I was sold on that many years ago.
  20. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    We are brothers in arms even though I did not have the privelage to serve my country. I also transferred my tickets to my 10 year old in January for the same reason so the tickets stay in my family. Its stupid, they treat me like its still mine. Well, its almost over, a couple more buddies to monitor and its time for me to chill on the NFl for a month or so but of course Burress will ge my ass all fired up. This guy could make us Super Bowl contenders and not cost us one player or pick. This is HUGE. Come on Woody, don't puss out now, finish the job.
    #1860 sec314, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009

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