17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    whats your excuse bro? stop feeding us all your bullshit nonsense and how you deserve this and that. many wouldnt pay a $1000k psl fee. its not a matter of affording the psl its a matter of wanting to afford it. whats next you gonna ask for my w-2 bro. lighten up or shut up man. stub-hub most certainly does sell nyjets tickets. stop posting while smoking the crack pipe jack.
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Up through this past season I had an extra pair and sold them on StubHub a handful of times when I couldn't find anyone I knew that wanted them. Maybe 6-8 games over the past three seasons. Usually got close to face except 2007 when we were garbage and the games were garbage tickets.

    So while StubHub maybe isn't affiliated with the Jets or whatever, you can go there and get the games you want to get. Without paying a PSL and without getting jacked for the pre-season. I'm not sure I've bought anything in my life with less value than a parking pass to a Jets pre-season game, and it cost me $20.
  3. norm428

    norm428 New Member

    Jan 29, 2004
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    I think there is something really wrong going on. I got my tickets on May 20th. I was told the best I could do for 4 in 312,315,340 or 337 (just off prime) was row 18 on the visitors side and row 20 on Jets side. I took 4 seats in 315. After I got mine, it seems people were able to get lower rows than I was told was available. I'm pissed but at least I'm still near the middle of the field. Something just doesn't smell right.
  4. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    People sell tickets on stub-hub, not the Jets. The Jets will sell their $400-$700 seats for face value on ticketmaster and if anyone is dumb enough to buy them, then maybe there will be a secondary market for those seats. I have no idea what you are talking about 10K PSL, I said I would have been happy with 2.5K PSL's because anything higher and I was done. BTW, I do deserve UD seats after 29 years and crack is for the ghetto people. Wish you the best bro.
    #1424 sec314, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    thats much more like the 314 i know. to the point and piercing, while still being a nice guy! hope your back gets better soon man, being stuck at home is tough. guy i work withs wife 2 weeks ago had surgery on her neck in which they fused 3 disks.... your post reminded me of that.

    should be interesting to see what is going on with 17a, seems odd that he would go back on them at this point however that contract could contain anything and i sure as hell wouldnt want to commit to anything i didnt ever get to see.

    i also CANT STAND fireman ed, he continuously starts his chants while our offense is on the field, obviously not realizing he is hurting the team. he also creates a situation where most fans dont realize how or when to cheer, they simply wait for his retard ass to be put on the jumbotron and then they yell.

    i have almost gotten into a number of confrontations trying to explain to people that you DONT CHEER when your team is at the los on offense.

    i have heard stories about section 318 being the big J E T S chant section. i heard some pretty funny stories from a couple of guys i knew who had ticks in that section.
  6. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Oh man, I am DYING to hear 17a's story about pulling out of PSLs.

    I had seasons for the first time ever last year after buying 2-3 games a year forever. Four together in the middle of 314, which by all accounts are pretty good seats for a first time season ticket holder. I am going to have those same four this year.

    When I first heard about the PSLs, I was actually kind of excited because I knew I might be able to move down. Amazingly enough, I was originally targetting 4 10,000 PSL seats. That is about 2x what my car is worth, and a little less half the value of my original 2 BR house I bought in 2003 for perspective (I live upstate).

    I remember talking to my father about it and he was like "Son, you are an asshole". haha. Anyway, I spent literally the last year saving and trying to figure out how to pay for it without financing, since the finance rate is AWFUL and obviously non-tax deductable. I went and took out a home equity line on my f*%!%ing house, just for this. I haven't taken any money out, so I haven't lost anything or spent a cent, but looking back a mere 3 months I can't believe how far I was going to go.

    Then one night pouring over numbers again, I checked the board at NYJ.com. I was like "whoa...I didn't realize some of the rules". The raising of prices, the default clause, the opt out clause. And then I realized how many people were flocking to the uppers and how LAME the stadium would be after it was all said and done.

    At that time I was now targeting 4 lower endzones. Half the price and managable. Then I kept reading here....man. Shittiness.

    I found a house up in the Saratoga region near the track that is delictable, and I am looking at it in the morning. It is walking distance to everything up there, has a pool, newer construction. I spent last night pondering how to pay 20K for PSLs and buy a house.

    As of about 10 minutes ago, reading 17a's post....I decided there is no chance I would pay a PSL. If I got the last row in the upper deck end zone, I'd take it, but they will not get ONE CENT out of me for a PSL. I have not heard ONE positive thing about how this process works, and it seems legitimate demand is non-existant.

    I bought single game tickets for years, and looks like for the new stadium I will have to start again. Seriously, what is giong on is criminal.

    And honestly? Thank god for the internet and message boards, which allows all us fans to network like this. You get to share all the SHADY stories. I bet this rip off would have been more successful 15 years ago.

    Screw 'em.
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Yeah, those perks made me nasty, thanks for the heads up, hell its only football. I have not stood up for Fireman Ed for years, he's a celebrity, not a fan anymore so screw him. Our section curses him out so its quite funny actually. My guess on 17A's has to do with yearly % increase on game day tickets specified because If I was buying the PSL's with the lower ticket prices, that would be my first worry, get you on board and bamm and then can't sell the PSL's for 1 years. Hell, I know for us UD's, Woody is gonna get us good for being PSL free and will justify by using the Giants 1k as an example. That's the main reason I easily decided UD over 5K end zone because those end zone Mezz. seats which I sat in are sweet and only $120 or so.
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Section 314 is a great section. I am in row 9, seats 17-21. So what specific rules where you concerned about that you read?
  9. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I'm in row 22. I had a blast last year. Whenever I have gone I try to get uppers on the sunny side from 314 aver toward the 320 range. Last year when they called they said I would get two sets of two seats from 314 through the endzone around to whatever the opposite side section was. When the tickets came, I was estatic, it was four together in 314, which is the best they could do. I'll be in the same seats this year.

    As for what concerned me? The fact I pay $75 a game now and $120 a game in the PSLs for example? It also is starting to sound like price hikes will be BUILT IN which is something a buddy of mine from work had heard, and I'm curious if that is what 17a is going to say as well. Then the "default" clause that if you miss a PSL payment you lose EVERYTHING. Then the renewel clause that the Jets are not obligated to stay in the stadium more than 15 years....so if you average things out based on that you are getting JACKED. Then the interest rate on financing....AND the stories you hear from NE about how bad it sucks since it went corporate...I went to a game there last year and it was LAME. I dunno, this just seems like a bum deal.

    I also think that if its lame, and I paid for one of these, and the after market gets set....you will see the PSL price PLUMMET. I don't want to lose my shirt if I NEEDED to recover that huge sum of money, for say like a family emergency or whatnot.

    Its just garbage.
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i am depressed woke up today knowing i have 10 games left in my season ticket life.actually 9 b/c i traded my seat to the billls game b/c of a wedding the nite before.
  11. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    dude you are not alone bro. we are also in the same boat. i call it the jetstantic.
  12. F WOODY

    F WOODY New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    ah, c'mon 17A ..... come sit up in Gods country with the rest of us 2nd class citizens in 2010 .....

    and missing the Bills game? ... screw the Wedding, they'll probably get divorced anyway ..... :)
  13. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    It is real! When all this nonsense with the PSL's began, someone asked me how many more times the Jets have lost than won in games that I paid to see, so with the help of the internet I looked them all up on a rainy Saturday - and was shocked that I was actually precisely even. I've missed 5 home games since '79 (They were 2-3) and went to some away games, but even the away games are split 1-1 @ NE, 1-1 @ Miami, but sadly 0-2 @ the Giants. Believe me - when I added it all up I expected to be well below .500 because it's felt that way. Then again, how many NFL teams are at or below .500 at home over 30 years? We really don't want to be on that list....

    I discovered the Jets are just about even in their history at Giants Stadium, which is pretty good considering the Kotite era. At one point they didn't win a home game for a year and a half. Imagine? We thought it was just a nightmare. It was real. I also realized that some of THE worse games I've seen were against the Saints of all teams. The Saints have beaten us at home a few times, usually in horrendous weather, even when they are bad - and they're the dome team.

    So, any of you out there that have been attending since they switched to the green helmet, you're about even. We now know that true mediocrity has a price: 10K, 5K, and 4K depending on where your seats are.
  14. F WOODY

    F WOODY New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    send Fireman Ed to the wedding and take his tix (that fake-ass annoying fan) ..... maybe he'll come up with a special wedding chant for the bride & groom ......
  15. F WOODY

    F WOODY New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    LogeSection2RowJ, I remember one game against the Saints @ Shea where it was the last game of the season and the Saints were like 0-15 ....... and they BEAT the Jets for their only victory that year (typical Jets) .....
    I think it may have been snowing that day too, I'm not sure ...... does anyone remember that one ??
  16. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Sorry I wasn't able to reply yesterday. Between Loge section 2 @ Shea and my seats in 122 at Giants Stadium, I've had three GREAT memories of moments that occurred right in front of me in my end zone kingdom. These memories would not have been as thrilling had I sat anywhere else.

    That Barkum TD against Miami (Shea bounced. We hugged men we didn't know)
    Wesley's game tying TD at :00 against Miami (51-45 OT win baby!)
    Jumbo Elliott's TD against Miami (Monday Night Miracle - all those TD's in our EZ)

    Do you see a trend here? LOL. I LOVE hating (and beating) Miami at home! And on the road - I went to that Sunday Night game in '98. Chad Cascadden TD!!!
  17. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    "That Barkum TD against Miami (Shea bounced. We hugged men we didn't know)"

    The most exciting Jets game of all time (for me) was the Buffalo playoff game at Shea. Down 28-3 (my memory isn't what it used to be--score might have been different), the jets rallied all the way back and Shea was electric and literally shaking. The Jets got to the 10 and were going for the incredible win when Todd threw an interception into the end zone. I was devastated. But it was one hell of a great game.

    It's funny (or maybe not), the most exciting Jets games seem to have been played in the early 80's. I have conveniently blocked out all the cursed sh*t since then. A cursed team that always disappoints its fans now asking for PSL's. What a joke. The fans will have the last laugh as I hear the seat selling is going very poorly.
    #1437 backtoshea, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  18. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Remember it? It DID snow. The home Saints loss that was worse than that was the one that featured Bubby Brister on a terribly cold game to end a Kotite season. It was pro football at its worst. I have a good friend who is a professional sports photographer. He tells me he shot that game - and never had the film processed! It wasn't worth spending the money to do it.

    How many can say they were at that one? It was as empty as I've ever seen a Jets game. Less than a preseason game. I suppose that game led to Parcells, so it wasn't so bad. Would have been worse to have won the game perhaps.

    I remember a 14-12 loss to Buffalo at Shea where we missed two extra points. Leahy got hurt that year, so we tried many stiffs - Linhart, Szaro, Bobby Howfield's corpse. My friends and I got a consolation prize that day. We took the NBC Sports banner from open end zone section. It's currently in my garage. Blue and red "N"

    We ought to start a Shea memories page for us old-timers. Call it the "Flying Lawnmower" thread.
  19. F WOODY

    F WOODY New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    I'm from Sec 5 in Loge @ Shea and Sec 120 now, so same area as you LogeSection2RowJ. I remember all of your favorite 'our endzone' moments.
    What about Al Toon (I think) catching the winning TD right in front of us, last game of season, 1988 maybe, to beat the Giants, knocking them out of the playoffs !!!!

    I love beating the Fish, Pats & Giants ...... my three favorite teams to hate !!!!

    and remember, the Patriots didn't even have fans until about 10 years ago ..... now every Pats fan claims they've been a fan forever .... yeah, right.
    Maybe we should trade Fireman Ed to the Pats !!!!!!!
  20. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    the monday night miracle was the all time best game ever. and the worst was when dennis byrd was injured. many good memories of times spent with family and friends.

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