17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Whenever you feel bummed, just think of me and consider yourself lucky. I am 1985, right on the edge. And I need 4, so I'm in big trouble. You will get seats, don't worry about that. It's just a question of where.

    I also think there will be sort of a "law of diminishing returns" going on with the Uppers as they keep moving forward. As they get to 1983 and '84 and so on, the seat selection will become so horrible that many guys will bite the bullet and say, "Screw this, now I have to look at the PSL-End Zone options again. For $4,000 up front and the seat price being the same ($120), I might as well go for the PSL and at least be a lot closer to the field."

    I have studied the stadium and seating charts and some of those Uppers that are going to be left are at least twice as far away from the field as any of the EZ seats are. I mean, a huge difference. That may cause many to reconsider and fork up the PSL. The seats in the far uppers are damn-near worthless, IMO. You won't see squat from up there unless you can get your hands on a portable Hubble Space Telescope.
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    You are not be "forced" to do anything since U can always either opt just to duck out of it totally or take that dreaded PSL that will get U a super/duper seat supposedly
  3. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Personally in MHO sorry to say U R la-la land with this post because again I do not think U R taking into account all those 84ers which has already been discussed
  4. notajduhe

    notajduhe Member

    May 3, 2004
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    If the upper deck seats turn out to be absoultely horrible as many on this board have projected, the JETS will find themselves with a near empty building in 2011 when the people with great seniority who moved from fantastic seats in the old building to UD in the new building decide that they are going to give up their seats and watch the games at home. At that point we become the laughing stock of the league when we start drawing 25,000 to home games.
  5. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    That's why I said after the end zone mezz. and lower, the Jets are screwed because at least the ticket price is affordable. I am worrying that the1981 seat location is gonna be really high. They are in 1978 and people are buying 10th row. Would you take 23rd row in the UD, PSL mezz or bag it? 24 Years and you might not get a seat in the upper deck. I am sorry lower level long timers, but anyone with 20 or more years should have had first dibs in the upper deck. Its not right that this man might not have tickets. You guys choese to sit downstairs, we chose to stay upstairs. I could have moved down years ago but the view for football is better in the UD, at least at the current place. Yeah, lets see how these guys like sitting in the upper's after all the years of being downstairs
    #885 sec314, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  6. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    ive been sitting in the upper deck for 16+ years at the Meadowlands. i prefer the lower level seats any day of the week. reality is with the brother in laws seniority or lack of we are done.

    psls were never the answer they were just a get rich quick scheme for woody johnson and co. for those that are able to afford the psls and those that get uppers make sure you toast the ones who cant and wont weekly. cheers brother jet fans.
  7. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Seriously, why do you even still post in this thread anymore? You have your seats already, and have not posted any helpful information at all. All you've done since getting your tickets is pull numbers out of your ass like you know the exact number of seats left, locations, etc. News bulletin for you...you don't know shit as far as what's left.

    Some people are posting the seat locations that they have been offered, what's left according to their reps, etc. Those people are trying to help out those of us that haven't been called yet. You've done nothing but try to rub it in, spew the same garbage about a date that, quite honestly, you don't even know if it's firm or not, and basically be no help at all.

    Just shut up already, enjoy your tickets, and let the rest of us work things out for ourselves. We don't need some pompous, arrogant prick like you telling everyone they have no shot for tickets. Simply put, we don't need your help.

    Back to ignore so I won't have to read your worthless reply.

    To everyone else who is actually posting relevant information about seat locations, sight lines, etc., thank you from those of us still waiting.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    If it comes to you being done, try to look at it this way. You still have options:

    1) Get yourself on the new Wait List for any Uppers that should become available. The Jets are going to have to do this because I predict there will be many cancellations by the following year. People that were in beautiful Mezz sideline seats but that had poor seniority are going to be sitting in the last row of the corner Uppers, for example. They will try this for a year to see how they like it and will probably opt out altogether because of parking hassles, lousy views, etc.

    2) In 2011 the floodgates open up on all resales. This will get VERY interesting. All the PSL people have the option of selling their PSLs and believe me, there will be a ton on eBay and Stubhub. Given normal attrition and divorces, college expenses, other family emergencies, etc., there will be some PSL bargains.

    3) Just buy the individual games you want off of ticketholders on eBay or Stubhub and your done. No PSL, no nothing. There are going to be plenty of seats available. The market will determine what the tickets are worth. yes, the $120 seats could be worth $500 if we're 13-2 and playing the Patriots. But usually the ticket prices are at or below face. And forget about Preseason, because you won't have to buy them either. You just pick and choose a game you want and you sit it out until something becomes available on a more permenant basis.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I knew 24 hours couldn't go by without the daily reminder. I'm so glad to hear this again, because I almost forgot about the 1984 thing after the 14 reminders on Monday, the 10 on Tuesday and the 4 you posted yesterday.
  10. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Thank you, I thought it was only me. What a mean person, people are stressing here, fellow Jet fans, and he's throwing #'s out his ass worrying people, EVER SINCE HE GOT HIS TICKETS!!!!! YOU ARE A CHUMP, NOT A CHAMP
    #890 sec314, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Just giving MHO no difference then U giving ur HMO. Also unless U canvassed every member of TGG how do U that there are not members or STH that are appreciating the info I am posting. Are U saying there was NOT a desertion of the Queens/LIers as STHs after the 83 season & are you also denying there was not an incremental boost of 20,000 seats after the 83 season expired with the move from Shhea to M/lands? BTW I am one of the new 84ers also & I doubt I will see those seats ever again. I posted where my seats one all U have to do is look on the schematic of the stadium & U will find them
  12. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Just like U I have MHO. Sorry if U disagree with it. OTH I totally disagree with urs & 227 opinion of what the future bodes for STHs sorry to say. In fact if U look what others have posted it totally confirms what I have been saying
  13. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    They will have an ass in every seat by the time the season opens and they will not care how they fill them or if someone got a better deal because they held out.

    This is a poker game.

    As far a firestorm, when you are in the UD no one can hear you scream. I bitch about my property tax increases every year but no one listens.

    Probably when all is done everyone will have 2010 Seniority in the new stadium some preferred with PSL's and some without, once you made your choice, it is a done deal.

    But what do I know, we will have to wait and see who blinks first.
  14. no psls

    no psls Banned

    May 21, 2009
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    Are there going to be special parking lots for psl and non-psl people ?
  15. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Haha, great screen name. Who the hell knows? I'm far more concerned if I'm going to die from a nosebleed in high altitude.
  16. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    You may be correct, but depending on how far along they are in the process when they reduce the PSL's or lower the ticket prices they may or may not let you opt out of the agreement in the low rent district and apply your deposit to lower level seats in the endzones if you want to move...time will tell


    Randy Lange 6/9/08

    For those behind and around the goalposts, you'll be playing your own particular brand of zone defense. With general admission seats right down to the front row, the end zone will be a green wall of rabid fans. You've heard of the Dawg Pound and the Black Hole? Here's your opportunity to create the Green Mile, the Bermuda Triangle ... you'll come up with your own name. That is, if opposing offenses don't come up with something colorful first.

    Did this change?
  17. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Yes, non-psl owners will not be able to park in the main lot. There is a map in the stupid playbook. Non-PSL owners will have to park across the street by the I-zod and take the bus or walk. Here is a comment from their website

    "Dedicated parking lots and access roads for club seat PSL owners"
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's called "persona non grata," wikipedia definition being:

    Persona Non Grata (Latin, plural: Personae Non Gratae, also abbreviated PNG), literally meaning "an unwelcome person."
  19. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    So how long before tailgating is not permitted except in authorized zones? They did it at PNC and now charge a parking fee on every ticket.

    They are playing way too heavy a hand for a team that has had ___ home AFC East Championships games? But the next 30 years will different?

    Don't blink, sorry if anyone thinks I am being too negative, I like playing the devil's advocate, he's on our side....
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i started this thread in hopes of all of us helping out each in helping ease our pain.maybe get a better perspective of the new stadium and what we as season tix holders are up against.i actually had to stop reading this thread b/c of the ugliness this stadium has broad.

    well yesterday i decided to read 8 pages of what i had missed and it really made me question if ii made the right decision in buying a PSL instead of the upper deck or just giving up completely.when i purchaased my seats i was happier then a pig in shit.my decision had been made 5 days before but my seat location was a definite.

    but you know what was definite the jets, let me expand my seat total from 2-4 seats if i took PSL seats.now having 2 sons i was excited about taking both my boys to the games and not having to decide over who to bring.if i was only gonna be able to have 2 seats well of course i was taking upper prime first or forth row (4th row has the wall behind you and no old fucks to tell me to sit down).

    but i didnt i took the BEST SEATS AVAILABLE that i could afford.i got 3 seats 3rd row aisle right behind the goal post.i figured if in 2 years or so things start getting dicey my seat location wont be too hard to sell.being great seats and all.

    but again reading this thread last night had me wondering if i had made the right move finacially?will i be able to sell these tickets if things go south?but you know what just changed? my son kevin,my fathers name sake,came over to me and handed me a green straw.he said a jets straw,and "dad isnt going to be great when me you and harry go to the new stadium together?"

    and that just brightened my world and reminded me i love the jets i love football and most of all i love football with my sons.

    so im sorry for all the others getting screwed really i am but lets also congratulate the ones who are getting rewarded,even though its few and far between.

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