17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    dont give out specifics when mentioning the situation. but wfan would blow this out of the water and make woody squirm. that id like to see i urge anyone with the contact info to let wfan know about this situation now
  2. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I have no date. You don't know what's gonna be around when I pick and either do I because we don't know how many accounts there are for each year and there is not scientific formula. All I know is after 1977, there are a lot less people every year so I am hopeful I can get within the row 10 somewhere in the UD and I think I can. Remember 1977 was all the years prior and 77. When I picked in 1981, the place was not sold out and a lot of people have bagged the tickets over the years. I think people up to 1988 or so will get uppers, a lot of season ticket holders came on board in the early 90's. What can I tell you, I am trying to be postive. Boy, have you changed your tune since you have your tickets. You better watch it, me and the boys will come to your section and blast ya!!! If I canget within the first 10 rows, you have to come to my tailgate and have a beer with me. Anyone that used to park in the main area that now has UD seats needs to find a new spot to tailgate. I would love to turn everyone on to our location. Like i said, its a 10 min. walk but there is tons of room to tailgate and I know the fast way out.
    #742 sec314, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    There is something he know's that he's not telling us. They might have put tics aside for friends and sponsors but those have not been giving out yet. Either tell us more or stop the BS
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes by having no fixed date yet means that U R at least 3 weeks or more from knowing is my guess. I say that because JWWS date is May 29 & his seniority 1980. That means they are still working there way thru the 77s, 78s, & 79s to reach him. Actually I think 227 estimate of how many 77s there were may have been a tad off base since we know for a FACT at least up to row 20 as of May 12 were filled between the 30s. That only leaves 6 more rows for them to go before the between the 30s before that area is sold out. Then the options will be outside the 30s or the EZ or opt for the dreaded PSL or just plain opt out. Since U have no date & JWWS will be before U it would be better for U to await his report since by then U should have ur date & then U can really begin the guessing game. Another thing it is not how many people signed up & when it is how many tix they are entitled to. As an example I was one season tix holder but actually I was entitled to 8 tix & nobody knows how many others are out that may even be entitled to more seats then I have or the same as me or 6 or 4 seats. That is the key is how many seats do they have to dispose off not how many season tix holders there are each year. I told U of the travel agency who held 12 tix in the row behind me at the old stadium so if that travel agency is a 77 or 78 or 79 person & he opts for non PSL seats there are 12 more seats gone. Since NOBODY knows how many seats they have to still dispose of until the UD is full since they have no way of knowing of how many LD & Mezz tix holders are going to move upstairs when there turn comes which you have to faction into the equation. All I am attempting to do is give U the reality of the situation. I myself consider myself super duper lucky since besides having to move 2 seats to the opposite side of the field I came out of the entire process whole which was a most pleasent suprise.
  5. notajduhe

    notajduhe Member

    May 3, 2004
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    A buddy of mine with 1977 seniority is picking on Monday. He actually wants endzone, he's hoping to be up front. I'll let you know how he fares so that people can get some idea what's going on outside the 30's.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yes, please let us know. I'm not sure why he is 1977 seniority and picking this late, but WTF. My call will be coming up soon (in June) and any info I can garner is greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks for keeping us posted from all the fucked over people behind 1977 seniority date and those that came before them even, like everyone on the inside, including any and all gardners, accountants, former baby sitters, accountants, legal counsel and their staff, current and former employees of J&J who were close to Woody Johnson and any and all family members, staff, kitchen help, relatives, dry cleaner establishment owners and employees of same and vehicle maintenance personnel who had access to tickets before anyone else, not to exclude groundskeepers, roto-rooter employees who may or have may not at one time cleaned out Woody Johnson's sewer lines and who may be entitiled to special compensation in the Upper Deck.
  7. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I've been stewing over the seat selection process with my "special day" coming on May 29 and knowing that I am about to pay more money for a significantly inferior seat after 30 years of loyalty and a great view from the 5th row of the uppers in the current stadium.

    I now realize that the regular fan in the stadium - the one who doesn't shell out $15,000 a seat for PSLs and $400 a game for tickets - is the lowest of lows for the Jets and the NFL. We mean nothing. The Jets couldn't care if we show up or not.
    Think about it. Prices for tickets go up and up to the point that we pay about $1000 per seat for a season (ticket plus parking). We used to get 1 pm games in the winter, but for the almight TV dollar, we now sit through 4pm and 8 pm games in December so the TV viewing audience is maximized. Playoff games are now played in January and the time for those have moved to late afternoon and night also.

    The stadiuim experience has declined in my 30 years. Sundays used to be about football. Now the stadium is filled with drunks who arrive a quarter into the game, leave a quarter early, stand up in front of me every two minutes, curse in front of my kids, etc.

    Tailgating has become a chore. I used to be able to park wherever I wanted so long as I arrived two hours before kickoff. I live in NJ and meet up with people from LI. For 29 years it was no problem. This year it was a nightmare. More often than not, I was told where to park, even when I arrived early. Now I lug coolers and food around the parking lot and lug them back to my car before game time. For the first time ever, I have parked on dirt and grass and hills rather than in the lot.

    Things are about to get worse in the new stadium. I will pay more money to sit higher up and further away from the 50 yard line or I will pay $4000 extra a seat to sit lower, but in the end zone and not see half the field (but I will see the holes open!!!). I now pay for stadium club passes. If I opt for the upper deck, I will not have transfer rights, club rights or any rights. I will not even have decent parking rights. I will be relegated to some outer non-PSL lots which will likely fill up 4 hours before kick off.

    How is it that the Jets are building a brand new stadium with new mass transit access and a season ticket holder gets only one parking pass per 4 seats!!! How can that be??? I understand the current situation with the construction and Xanadu, but after the stadiuim is built, shouldn't there be enough parking for the 1 pass per 4 tickets to be history???? My brother shares my seats with me and he lives in LI and I live in NJ. How is he supposed to get in the lot if I am the only one with a pass.

    This whole thing has made me bitter. After 30 years and after spending thousands of dollars, I am being told my loyalty and devotion to this team means nothing unless I pony up thousands of dollars. We are like the "untouchables" of the Jets nation.

    I truly feel sorry for my son, who is 15 and is used to going to these games and loves them. I have to tell you, I don't make a bad living, but I can't come close to affording the high rent district and don't like the sight lines from the mezzanine end zone. Who can afford good seats?????? The whole thing just plain sucks.

    I am going to see what my options are tomorrow and will likely give things a try in 2010, but I am not optimistic I will see the benefits of the new stadiuim. Who builds a stadium where the primary purpose is not to watch the game live in your seat, but so that people can go into a restaurant with 20 foot ceilings and chandaliers and watch the game on big screen TVs???? What has attending a game come to??? I remember my first game as a season ticket holder at Shea and how excited I was to be a part of an event. Now I feel like I've been taken advantage of. It is really a shame. This new era of NY sports just plain sucks.
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    You sounds a little to giddy for me. Modesty is the best policy right now. I was aware of the reality months ago, nothing has changed, we have been saying for months that most people are gonna take the UD regardless of where they sit now. You don't know anything more then anyone else including me. You don't know how many seats will be sold for 78-80 so who cares when they call me. Most people are gonna take seats in the UD as close to the middle as possible. I will take the lowest seats I can get t regardless of location and that will be my seats. Nothing has changed, I just want to monitor where people are getting seats and hoping people are taking the higher rows. I kinda feel like Joe Willie, I will give it a shot for 2010. If I hate the seats, then the NY jets are gonna lose when of their best fans in the last 29 years and I will stay home and be bitter. Joe Willie, 2 hrs, before the game is like coming late buddy, gotta be there 3.5 before the game with 1/2 hr. for setup
    #748 sec314, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  9. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I usually arrive 4 hours before game time, but my son plays ice hockey now and we have games on Sunday morning. Until the new stadium was being built, if I arrived before 11, I could park in the section I always park in, without trouble. Now the parking lot Nazis never let me go anywhere near my usual spot unless I am there before sunrise. It sucks and it doesn't appear it is going to change when all that new beautiful parking opens up in 2010. I am still trying to understand what I have gained with this new stadium other than not having to look at the word "Giants" on the way in. At this point, I am already pining for the "old" Giants Stadium and it isn't even gone yet.
  10. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Non-PSL fans like most of us are gonna feel like a piece of crap in this new place. I would not be suprised if we have to bring our own toilet paper to the games. There is an esclator that goes to the first level for PSL people. I am not sure if we can use that but after that, its walking way up. We have no access to anything and we can't park in the main lot and we DON't have padded seats. We don't have anything new except an appreciation for how close the old place was to the field. For you older, out of shape fatso's, you are gonna have to walk a distance to the stadium and then quite a distance from the entrance to your seat. That plus we don't have any rights to our seats for the future and it costs more. Umm, sounds like a worse investment then a new Chevy. Joe Willie, park in the Izod lot on the north side, its does not get crowded till 1 hr before the game there is tons of room. And they do have buses to take you over if you can't walk
  11. jetbo

    jetbo Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Season Ticketholder Abuse!!!

    I feel your pain JWWS. I have been going since Shea(1978), and all that you say is so true. I was thinking that after all these years when they finally put up a new building, that Seniority would mean something, but guess again. I went from the Last Row at Shea in the closed end in 1983, to Row 19, 30 yard line uppers in Giants Stadium. And when I finally get to pick seats for the New Jets/Giants monstrocity, I will probably end up in the End Zone uppers. It just makes no sense to me. This process really blows. And that whole parking lot, caste system thing that makes a non-PSL ticketholder feel like they have Swine Flu, and are banished to a parking lot a mile away is another freaking joke.
    Woody, wake up and smell the coffee!!!!! You are killing your loyal and long-suffering fans. I too am very close to buying the 52 inch HDTV and staying on Sunday afternoons!
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Very well put and I agree with this 100% Joe Willie.

    There was a time (seems like it was back in the dark ages now) that I was excited to hear of a new stadium. I was looking forward to seeing where my new seats would be. I mean, after all, I've been in the so-called "premium" section for 25 years and paying dearly for those seats, so of course, that would enter into my seat selection, right? Surely the combination of my current seats and 25 years seniority would be a benefit, no?

    But the elation I had over this new stadium has slowly soured over the many months and recently it has taken a turn for the worse with every announcement. First PSLs, then "seniority" only as a criteria, now the realization that there's been favoritism shown with regard to the only decent seats in the PSL-free Uppers (and I don't want to hear from the Woody supporters who are now ready to perfom felacio on this guy just because they happened to luck out with a good seat and who now demand "proof" that Woody has been less than honorable with the selection process). To those who say no favoritism has taken place, "prove" to me and show me how all the very good seats were gone when 17a got his call, for example. How did THAT happen? ANYONE and EVERYONE with a 1977 date should have been offered seats in the Upper Prime if the process was truly and only done according to seniority. It obviously wasn't, because people with 1977 seniority were being told from Day One that the very good 50 YL seats were already gone. Bullshit.

    This is just the last straw in a long loine of disappointments because it means that the 1977s through the early 1980s are being shoved back in the Uppers and folks like me will be relegated to a seat far less positioned than the one I had.

    I'm going to predict that the experience will never be the same, unfortunately, and Joe Willie's post pretty much outlines why. I'm glad for people like 314 who will still seemingly have the same enthusiasm for going to a game, but guys like that will be few and far between. JW is right, the Jets under Woody's watch have badly mistreated their loyal fans and it's inexcusable.

    Woody Johnson, hang your head in shame.
  13. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think those end zone uppers will go before the lower level and mezz end zone seats. I think people will opt for the free end zone uppers before paying the $4-5k PSLs for the lower level and mezz end zone seats.
  14. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    314 has not gotten his ticket assignments so we shall see how enthused I will be. I sit in the UD for 29 years so I am not going from 30 yd. line lower level to Mt. Washignton and I don't blame Woody, its all Pro teams. Remember, we are in the old stadium this year so I am looking forward to another season in the old place with our new defense. I feel the same disgust as everyone else, who the hell needs the new place but that's down the road. Once the process is over, lets just become fans again for one more year, no more stadium and $ talk, its football
  15. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Amen! I know I've talked a ton about the new stadium, PSLs, etc, and I'll likely continue to do so until I know what I'm doing in 2010. But yes - once that's done, it will be nice to get back to actual football :)

    I have 2 seats in row 4 of the UD for 2009. On an aisle, too, and right next to the breezeway/tunnel whatever so I can pee/get beer during stoppages of play if I so desire. Should be nice! Also, the train is starting this season. Here's to an excellent 2009!
  16. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Wow that is most interesting that they are still in year 77 in doling out the seats as of today. I would love to be a fly on the wall to know how many seats were used up just by the 77ers. I actually thought that were not as many of them as it turned out to be. My guess is 84 or earlier wud be cutoff & the reason I say 84 is that because that was the year we moved from Shea to the M/lands so 20,000 or so xtra seats became available + the majority of LIers giving up there seats so that new seat owners seniority began in 84
    #756 championjets69, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    BTW there is a way around the no transfer of the non PSL seats thankfully because there is the existance of the internet
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Hey if U R targeting me with ur post kindly remember please that 17A picked 6 days before me so he could have easily chosen the seats I got if he wanted them. According to him he chose not to take those seats but instead go for the PSL with the aisle seat if U recollect.

    Are U also claiming that when 17A went to bat they did not offer him the seats that I eventually wound up with? Are U saying the NYJs purposefully waited for my turn so they can only offer me the seats that we secured & when it was 17A turn they did not advise him the seat I got were still available? See post #695 if U R unsure if what I posted about 17A is correct
    #758 championjets69, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 18, 2009
  19. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Bravo! You summed up my feelings. I am starting my 44th season and there is less pleasure and more aggravation as the years go on.One policy that makes me angry is that everyone needs a ticket to attend a game. This policy will be in force at he new stadium also. If you want to take a child or grandchild he/she must have a ticket irrespective of age. This policy doesn't exist for the baseball or hockey teams in New york. Thanks Woody
  20. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    My friend is 1/1/77 and picks today also. He has lower end zone now and that is where he wants to stay. He should have no problem because those seats have $4000 PSL'S.

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