What do you guys think of the AFC East now?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by xeticus, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Umm... the Jets were not in that game for the title.miami had it ..Revisionist history
  2. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    The Only thing Marino doesn't have that Brady and Manning have is arm strength. Marino is the most accurate of the three QB's and probably the smartest. It's funny though, Miami fans act as if Marino held them back from winning it all and last I checked, the Dolphins hadn't won it all since 73 and since Marino didn't join the Dolphins till 1983, I find it hard to believe Marino is responsible for the other 31 years of failures before he arrived.
  3. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Funny, I don't see any Dolphin fan trashing Marino or placing all the failures of the Dolphins on his shoulders...unlike Jet fans and Pennington and Marino had more than enough arm strength so bascially your entire post was simply ignorant.
    #103 feelthepain, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  4. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    You're the one who needs to revisit the game, the Jets were still in the game when Brett the great threw a pick six 2:03 of the 2nd QTR.
  5. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    To be fair, the pick six he threw against the Ravens last year was basically Ed Reed returning a punt. With awsome blocking by the Ravens defense - which is an amazing defense. The reason that defense didn't make the SB is Joe Flacco.
  6. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Finding it amusing. Cool, under used line.

    Are you thick dude? Chad didn't play for the Jets when he got his shoulder decimated, he was out for the year (twice). Brett tried to play and we lost. And it's not excuses galore. I'm nearly the only Jets fan who doesn't resent Favre for the collapse. Favre wasn't even about the longball last year, so ... can you stop mindlessly quoting John Clayton or whoever?

    It's he got hurt, we went 1-4, before that we were 8-3 against good teams. It's not that hard to comprehend. It's like here: Jason Taylor was off the Dolphins and the Dolphins were good, now he's back and they are going to be 1-15 again. That's basically the logic you're using. "Favre pssh long ball pssh interceptions pick sixes, Favre pssh, horrible QB you should be glad he's gone Pennington wow 11-5 wow smart intelligent." Just looking at the W/L and reading ESPN shit and not really putting forth any effort into understanding the situation. THAT'S ignorant.

    I can't even begin to comprehend how this argument can be made across the NFL. Favre was not hurt, Jets were good, or at least good enough to give the unbeaten Titans their first loss, and to beat the Pats in Foxboro with no trick, high school formations. Favre was hurt, Jets were not good.

    And we were mathematically eliminated against the Phins in week 17, the only thing that would have changed is if the Pats or the Phins went.
    The Jets went 9-7
    The Phins and Pats went 11-5.
    The season wasn't on the line, if you can manage addition and subtraction. You need the BEST record to go.

    We don't hate Chad, if you can manage to comprehend, which seems to be asking a lot. We didn't want Chad because he will never, ever, be the guy. He can't win against the D's that will show up in the Super Bowl. Also, Chad showed us that it was unlikely that he WOULD ever be healthy. Although, he went to the Phins and played a full 16 game season for the second time in his career. Look at these outliers, instead of W/L all the time. Of course Chad was great with a rushing attack and a fake offense! That's what he thrived under with Curtis Martin and the play fake. That stuff doesn't last.

    Favre showed us that when healthy, he could beat the great D's. Granted, he's getting old too so he's more injury prone and gets fatigued more easily, so we may have squeezed the last good 11 games out of him. And, the team alienated him when he was trying to gut up, not talk about, and play with a hurt arm. You would be lacking the drive under those circumstances too. Like I said, I'd rather be sitting here now with Mark Sanchez, than chirping about the wildcat and Pennington or Pat White (as good as he admittedly is).
    #106 Going4TheGreen, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  7. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Wow, his point was lost on you.

    Funny, I don't see any Championship banners hanging from the Marino years. Yet, you can sit there and talk about Jet futility because of some seasons you probably weren't alive to witness.

    This just in, bud. We got the coach who sniffed out the cute wildcat and made it obsolete in the playoffs. So if the Phins have a chip on their shoulder coming into next season, it better be some new chip.
  8. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Are you really tht lacking in football knowledge of your own division rival teams that you seriously think the wildcat is all the Dolphins do? I think we ran that play like five times a game last year, considering there are anywher from 40 to 50 offnesive plays a game how do you think Ryan stoping the wildcat with an entirely different team is relevanrt?

    Also the wildcat we ran, had Ronnie taking the snaps, we drafted Pat White this year and while he wasn't drasfted just to run the wildcat, he will add far more to that formation than Ronnie did. No longer will teams be able to bring the saftey up in run support. Pat white hasd a very good and accurate arm and will be a far more effective passer in that formation than nnie was, so if teams wish to load the box, Miami will just throw it over the top.

    That being said, what does the wildcat, Rex Ryan and what the Ravens did last year have to do with the way Jet fans trash Pennington for all their failures? NOTHING! Just like Dan Marino's arm strength, the number of cahmpionships he won have nothing to do with Jet fans hate for one player when this is a team sport.
  9. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Not sure if you were being sarcastic... but Marino had a gun! Right up there with Elway.
  10. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Okay, dude. I kicked your ass in the Favre thing, and you ignored that.
    And then, I decided to make fun of the wildcat, because no one likes to hear the wildcat chirping that Phins fans like to take part in.

    Not only did Rex Ryan stuff the wildcat, he put his players in a position to accumulate 4 picks, encompassing the entire defensive performance, not just against that particular high school offense. Quit calling me lacking in football knowledge, its like an oxymoronic hyperbole of epic proportions (lol @ self-did that even make sense?) I'd rather hear that from my mother. If the wildcat is soooo insignificant, why did you spend a 2nd rounder on the best wildcat draftee available.

    Did you read my ass kicking post? I said we don't hate Chad, we were just limited by him. And he made us feel good and able to gloat, because we won a division title, like you are doing now, but in the end it's all shit because it's still Chad.

    Yeah, I already said Pat White is good. Great man. You have a Kordell Stewart.

    And I said the Dan thing because all Phins fans love Dan and making fun of the Jets not winning, but then when you point out Dan also was a "not winner," there's not much left to say about that.

    just stick to "durrr...wildcat, Pat White, 11-5"
  11. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    If we won the game we still wouldn't have won the division title...I think that's wat he was getting at
  12. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I think regardless of winning the divsion title or not, the Jets could have taken out a divison rival, swept them and ended their season all in one game. I think there is more than enough need, desire, motivation in that to want to win the game. If you Jet fans think the the Jets didn't want that game than you're crazy.
  13. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Brett did? All by himself? Didn't Chad lead the Jets to an AFC championship game and a couple of playoff berths? I don't see you giving Chad credit for that, but Brett plays one half ass season for the Jets and you see nothing but positives for Brett and still see Chad as a failure. Give me a break with this Brett is God and Chad sucks simply because Brett was a Jett and Chad was a Dolphin crap.

    I didn't see Brett taking a 1-15 Jet team to a division title. I didn't see a Dolphins spend 100 million dollars to help Chad out and what was the end result? Chad wins the division and Brett will be playing for another team after a one year failure. I think some of you Jet fans need a reality check. Brett had a lot more to work with in NY than Chad did in Miami and all Chad did was post the best season of his career and all Brett did was post won of his worst, HELLLOOOOO McFly!!!!!!! You don't even watch football do you?
  14. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I don't think Jets fans originally hated Pennington. They had high hopes for him that were never realized. Dolphins fans we have it good. We didn't expect much from him in the first place so we were pleasantly surprised. We're not depending on him to be the future either. He's just a caretaker for us.

    It must eat Jets fans though that they give up on Pennington, kick him to the curb and then he goes to a division rival and has one of the best years of his career. I think it would be ironic if the one time in his pro career he can stay healthy 2 years in a row is with the phins. :)
  15. Jam.

    Jam. Banned

    May 9, 2009
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  16. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Hmm, my bad I thought the Jets made it to the AFC championship game with Pennington and BP.
  17. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Hey feelthepain,

    I heard somewhere (some message board, not a reliable source) that the DOLPHINS where considering bringing in JP Losman for a look see. I haven't seen it anywhere else. For the sake of the DOLPHINS, I hope that's not the case, for the sake of the BILLS, I can't say that I would be upset with that. Have you heard anything about that?
  18. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Haven't heard a word, but we are going into the season with three QB's. Chad Pennington, Chad Henne and Pat White we also added a UDRFA QB just to add another arm for practice. We just released Beck a very smart QB who knew our system well. I can't see the Dolphins releasing Beck and brining in JP. Besides JP has proven time and time again he can't play the position at this level.
  19. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    This topic appears to be winding down. I wanted to thank all the Jets fans for being gracious hosts. We had Jets, Dolphins and Bills fans all talking here without too much smack. It's nice being able to talk about the game we all love and about what is probably going to be the most exciting division in football.

    I noticed no New England fans participated in the discussion. I actually went back over all 6 pages and checked each entry. I can't blame them. It must be rough having to spend all this time planning their Super Bowl Celebration. It must be nice being the one team in the nfl who's fans know that their team has already won the Super Bowl and is just waiting to see how by how big a margin.

    Well until New England takes over the world my thanks to everyone participated in the discussion.
  20. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Yeah, it doesn't have to die down yet. It would have been great if not for mental failures by resident troll of the thread, feelthepain.

    There are so many things wrong with this argument in response to my arguments, and so much falling back on old logic that I have already decluttered and categorized into the False category, that it's not really worth repeating myself.

    But I'll go down this lane one more time: Brett Favre beat a lot of good defenses before he was hurt, yes with a good O-Line and running game. Chad could very seldom and still has rarely (if any) been the reason his team won any games against top D's. He has to be the beneficiary of a strong to great running game and an offense with lots of fakes and "ooh lookie heres." Brett Favre beat Tennessee when they were undefeated, and completed a pass on 3rd and 15 in OT to keep the drive alive in New England. Chad threw 4 picks when it mattered against Balt. I realize that Brett is old and his play doesn't exude legend anymore, but like I said, I would rather have Brett and now this current QB situation, than still have Chad on the roster.

    You're right. That was won of Favre's worst seasons.:up:

    Is every post you make towards other fans making points that you, with your teal and baby orange glasses, don't agree with, capped with "you don't watch football" ?

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