He is young, big, has tons of potential and maturity comes with age and experience ...... plus we could get he pretty cheap. What do you think?
I agree. He's young, a good receiver, was productive last year. Put him on a short leash obviously but I say try him out he could end up doing well.
I think we can get a discount if we pay him in blow, with incentives...he plays well he gets more blow
I think he needs to address his drug problem before worrying about football. If he can't control himself in Jacksonville, how do you think he would do in NYC? Not every player can handle the New York metro environment.
upside upside upside.....if he tests positive now in a drug test then he is worthless but if he is clean then he has the ability to control himself and this is not the mangini regime, take a chance on a a guy with a past because if he is grateful for another great opportunity to play in NY and with a top 5 QB he would pay big dividends in the end.
I think we actually might want to let Clowney and B. Smith battle it out.. although I wouldn't mind bringing in Harrison for a year.
I totally agree. Marvin Harrison couldn't hold Matt Jones's jockstrap at this point in their careers. He's completely spent. Jones played well last year. Not a deep threat, but I guess we're going to have to get that from a guy like Clowney at this point.
We have WR's. at least in their opinion that's why we drafted a RB instead. Smith. Clowney, Stuckey and the 6th rd. from last year. we did not have a backup to Jones, now we do
Please don't. I'd rather work with the guys on the roster than pickup this troublesome receiver. Saying that, I'm all for adding targets for Sanchez. The bright side is the WR crop for 2010. It's loaded.
just because they picked up a RB doesn't mean we don't need a WR it's not one or the other, it's priorities, or they really liked greene over any WR i'm sure they'd love to have another WR matt jones is a lost cause though
I'd love to pick him up for vet minimum plus incentives. No risk with a big possible reward. He is better than any WR currently on our roster. Rex'll straighten him out if he can. If he doesn't think he can, then we won't get him.
lol @ potential. that guy has had potential for 4 years. he's a bum. doesn't give a crap about football or bettering himself. he was SICK in college and just never cared in the NFL. Dude ran a 4.4 as a WHITE guy, and still couldn't excel. pass, pass, pass
Ah, Someone that gets it. Low risk, high reward type player. Put a behavioral clause in his contract, and see what he can do.
In all seriousness he was on pace to have a 1,000+ yd season with Jacksonville last year and was starting to live up to his potential on the field til he blew some lines and fucked it all up again. If he cleans himself up, he's worthy of a second chance with another team. ATM tho I think he needs to take a moment and seriously reflect on his behavior over the past year or so
His 2nd arrest, the one which led to him getting released, was for drinking beer in violation of his probation. A stupid move, but he deserves another chance, and he was starting to play well last year. He was a college quarterback, it takes time for them to develop, though obviously, he has to put up or shut up soon. Same for Brad Smith. But Jones had 2 100-yard games and 9 games with 5 or more catches. He only had 2 touchdowns, but he had 761 yards in 12 games. 4 more games, and he probably gets 1000. I would absolutely take a look at Jones. Believe it or not, he's proven more in the NFL than anyone we have outside of Cotchery.