17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    hey look at those seats behind home plate at citi field and yankee stadium
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hehe i have and i truely enjoy these guys having less than full stadiums. the people have to walk away before anyone will realize it must change. i know i will be going to minor league games, maybe even high school games more and wont be going to mets games very often at all. maybe just maybe if i get tickets from my job. but it will still be a toss up. i just refuse to allow myself to be taken advantage of the way these franchises are doing at this point.

    i actually made a comment on another board "wow those fancy empty seats sure do boo loud" when wang was getting blasted the other day in the bronx.

    personally if i had tens of thousands of dollars of disposable income i would put some of the kids that i know through my foster kids into college. and get them out of the difficult situations they have had to deal with in their young lives. that to me is much much more important that the jets.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You've hit on the right idea, my friend.

    I just had dinner with some friends of mine on Saturday night, and they invited along another couple. Turns out, that other couple has Season Tickets too (Section 117?), so we had that in common. And don't you know, they too had elected to not purchase the PSLs. And they were citing the same reasons as me.

    So, this is a real problem for Woody, I think. People are not only looking at the economy, they're looking at "WTF am I doing spending this kind of money on football games when I should be thinking of my family?"
  4. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I realize this is the wrong sport, but I thought this article is at least tangentially relevant to the discussion here:


    "Did Yankees, Mets misread stadium market?

    Upon further review, maybe the Yankees and Mets should have built them smaller. Their ballparks, I mean. One week into their new eras, and neither team seems able to fill the ones they have, despite reams of free publicity in newspapers and endless gratuitous hype on their own broadcasts. Last year, when both teams finally owned up to the fact that there would be a total of 20,000 fewer seats between the two parks, it appeared New York would be grossly underserved. Now it appears the opposite is true, and the teams have no one to blame but themselves. Ninety miles down the turnpike, they are turning fans away at Citizens Bank Park, and in New York, at least 10,000 seats go unoccupied every game. There can be only one explanation: The tickets are too damned expensive. And something must be done about it soon. Sunday, the Yankees hosted the Indians and the Mets hosted the Brewers. Neither place came within 5,000 seats of being sold out. Most teams would be overjoyed playing to 85-percent capacity in April, but these are not most teams and this is not any other city. Both ballparks were built on many of the same principles that are destroying our economy. Both teams grotesquely, and artificially, inflated the value of their product, and did their best to create a false sense of demand by reducing capacity and trying to bully longtime fans into paying absurd new prices or risk being shut out. Both suckered more than a few into forking over a lot of cash, including, no doubt, many who bought tickets expecting to resell them at a profit later. All of them are now getting a well-deserved jolt of reality."
  5. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    I think this article is very pertinent to the Jets PSL topic. The entire Jets ticket office has to be quivering right now as not only local, but national backlash is hitting every newspaper about the outrageous ticket prices of NYC baseball teams. Even Sportscenter got in on the bashing this weekend as they ran a story about the ongoing 5,000-7,000 empty seats in each stadium. The Jets need to be proactive, and fix this while there is still time. They must see how poorly the PSL sales are going, and only they know the true numbers. Hopefully they come to their senses, and let the true fans back in the game.
  6. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I agree, and at the risk of being overly dramatic, I think the time is now for them to do something about it. I wonder how strong their sales have been during this phase 1, and how many of these expensive PSLs have actually been sold. If it's a really small number - as I'd expect it would be - they can probably fix the prices and just start over and only be a few months late. I think it would all fit in nicely, and they'd only have to redo PSL agreements with the (presumably) small amount of folks who've already jumped on expensive ones.

    Go Jets management! Do the right thing and set a good example for the other major sporting teams in the area!
  7. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    For some reason I doubt the Jets are going to have problems selling these off.
    It's only 10 games a year, not 81. PSL's are expensive and I truly hated the announcement, but it is becoming more and more common in the NFL.

    One thing that really angers me is when the Pats opened up their new home, they didn't any PSL's. That was right smack in the middle of their "dynasty".
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    There are many ways the Jets could come close to fixing the problem of PSL sales.

    One would be to allay fears of future ticket price hikes by guaranteeing a fixed price for the next 10 years (or at least fixing a guaranteed minimal increase). The buyer would then know in advance what he's in for.

    Another would be to offer to do what car manufacturers are offering... to buy back the PSLs within the first two years or so (less 10% or something like that) if the purchaser contracts buyer's remorse or runs into financial hardship.

    Another would be to offer interest free financing. This could be over a short term, like 5 years, but would entice buyers to buy and wouldn't cost the Jets very much, since interest rates are at all-time lows and are likely to stay there for the forseeable future.

    All three of these measures could be done without the necessity of reducing the PSL prices, but would work best if done in conjunction with all of the above. That would probably get the job done and get the PSLs sold.
  9. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    227 those would all be face saving ideas for jets management. they wouldnt have to look like jackasses by lowering the psl or having to give back any money to people that have already bought.

    if i remember correctly they are offering financing and it wasnt a great interest rate, i am sure someone can answer more in depth on that.

    i really just dont see them doing it at this point. i think the greed and arrogance will keep them from realizing what is best for them and their product.

    people really are starting to think very differently, i read an article yesterday about kids born after 1988, those that will be coming out of college in the next few years and they have found that rather than being a generation of excess and greed as my generation is so well known they are very much more a generation about giving of their time and energy to those in need.

    i am coming to the point where i dont want to support greed and am becoming more willing to replace greedy enterprises with something else. i refuse to shop at walmart for these reasons. it would be tough but i am coming to the point where professional sports are becoming less important. i can see the possibility of me turning my back away from it. i have already come to the point where i will not purchase anything nfl related as i refuse to give my money to an enterprise that operates as they do.

    hopefully there is a change in store in the near future. otherwise i will just be going to games on fridays and saturdays at local high schools. i really and truely enjoy the games and love to watch them. i am disgusted with the term fan experience as it is just marketing bs for we want people who dont care about the game to come and spend money.
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    While I think ur post is extremely thoughtful I think Woody should waive all PSL fees until he puts an elite product on the field that will win us CHAMPIONSHIPs every couple of years ala the Steelers
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I just received the following email from the New York Jets:

    "Thank you for your continued support of the Jets and for your interest in being a season ticket holder in the New Jets Stadium. In just 17 months, we will take the field in our own home. It's the biggest upgrade in NFL history and a spectacular venue worthy of the best fans in football. I know you are anxious to secure your seats. I am pleased to announce that we will now begin the seat selection process for all season ticket holders in order of account seniority.

    Here are some important things you need to know:

    1). We have your seating preferences. There is no need to call us. A specialist will reach out to guide you through your selection and choose the right seats for you. We will offer the opportunity to choose seats in order of seniority ? the year our records show that you became a season ticket holder. The Jets Box Office records date back to 1977. All accounts from before 1978 are considered the same seniority year, and pre-1978 seniority is then based on seat location. Those season ticket holders with 1977 seniority will have the first opportunity to select seats anywhere in the new stadium. We expect to have reached out to all of our season ticket holders by the end of June.

    2). All seat locations will be on sale. From lower bowl, sideline PSL seats to the best club seats in sports to non-PSL seats in the upper level, you will be able to select your actual seat locations from our real-time inventory based on availability.

    3). All seats in the new building require a deposit in order to hold your seat location(s). PSL seats require a deposit of 20% of your total PSL cost; the PSL balance is payable over 5 or 15 years. Non-PSL upper level seats require a $500 per seat deposit in order to reserve your loca- tion; the balance of your ticket purchase for the 2010 season will be due in April 2010.

    We can't wait for you to join us for kickoff in 2010. Watch history unfold as the Jets storm out of the tunnel for the first time as the true home team. It will be worth the wait."
  12. BADMOO

    BADMOO New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Oh so now they want 1000 bucks up front BEFORE the season - FUCK THEM.
  13. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I Am Sooooooooooo Pissed Off!!!!!!!!!
    I Couldnt Wait To Share This With You Guys When I Got It At 8pm But My Cellphone Died. Where Is Champ I Hate Woody Johnson

    Why If I Buy A Psl I Only Have To Put 20% Down.but If I Buy A Non-psl I Have To Put 50% Down???????????????
  14. tubro

    tubro New Member

    Jan 30, 2009
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    yes but the phone calls are about to start. i'd love to tell them to fuck off, but i'm keeping my tickets so i guess it's 'bend over and spread 'em', fans.
    is there a forum heading or another site where people compare what they've been offered by the jets? baseballfever.com had a nonstop thread about everything to do with how the mets doled out locations at citi field. it really helped.
  15. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think that's a good idea, and can really help fans make the most informed decisions.

    I'm near the top of the waiting list (having deferred seats last year when offered...I know I've said that here 7000 times...sorry :)

    I wasn't contacted at all yet, which surprises me a little. I guess they're diving right into phase 2 without exhausting the waiting list first for possible high end PSL sales. I'm a little surprised, but I'm still confident I'll have a chance to buy seats if I want them.
  16. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    uggg i am truely sorry for all of you guys that have gone to these games for years and years.

    these greedy scumbags are really putting it to everyone in any way they can.

    a grand doesnt seem like alot but that is alot of money for most people. think about having an extra grand to throw at your mortgage or credit cards. quite a bit of money you could save yourself.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've got 4 seats... that's a $2,000 deposit for 2010 tickets (in addition to the $4804 that I just sent in). I'll be out a total of $6800 this year.

    The raping of the fan base has no bounds.
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    People aren't going to Yankee and Mets games because of the cost of seats sp both are now talking about lowering prices. Why do Jets fans feel it's their duty to let the Jets rape them anytime they want? You deserve what you get.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    First off, I find it odd that you choose to use that terminology... that we feel it's our "duty" to let the Jets rape us "any time they want." The question is bogus and obviously intended to be inflamatory. State your opinion if you want to, but don't twist the current ticket situation into something it isn't. No one that I know of feels it's his duty to be raped. You really can be quite an abrasive fellow when you put your mind to it, which is usually most of the time.

    Furthermore, we don't "deserve what we get" because, in case you haven't noticed, most of us have resisted the PSL onslaught. I know of very few ticketholders who have bought into this program. Most have told them to shove it and informed their rep that they're taking the PSL-free zone. So again, I don't know why you would construe that as "deserving what we get" other than to make such a statement stir up shit, which you seem to do with promiscuous regularity. For the most part, most season ticketholders have done everything they can to let the Jets know they're upset with the situation, so no way in hell do we "deserve what we get."

    The Jets deserve what they get when the PSL sales program falls flat on its face, which should happen shortly.
  20. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I wish we knew how many people actually bought the expensive seats offered in phase 1. I thought they'd go through the entire list of ticket holders, get a few takers while most would say they'd wait for phase 2. Then, I thought they'd go through the waitlist offering the expensive ones, and again get a few takers while most would say they'd wait for phase 2.

    I guess they stopped with the current season ticket holders, but we have no information on how many expensive seats have sold. I guess they'll now just do that deli-line concept of starting with the highest seniority and walking their way down, but this time they'll offer any available seat.

    An interesting metric would be how far they get before the no PSL ones are gobbled up. 27k seats, I believe. I think a reasonable guess would be that those 27k seats would be gone within the first, say, 35-40k seats sold (total guess). Then I'd guess the 4-5k PSL seats will be gobbled up at a similar, but slower, pace, with much more folks declining. I'm still guessing they'll reach me in the waiting list at this point, but I could be deluding myself. Also, I don't think I'll bite since I have a ton of big expenses coming up soon. I can still see all of those eventually selling, though. I think it will get really dicey with the 10k+ PSLs, though. Anyone feel like plunking down $40k+ for their 4 seats to see the new stadium in 2010? Of course, that's before the $16k+ for you'll be paying for the actual tickets that year.

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