I think some of you are putting the cart before the horse.....does anybody know what the Jets would have to give up to move into the 4th slot?? My assumption is a boatload of draft picks from this year and next year....and quite possibly Tanny's and Woody Johnson's daughter's testicles.........am I wrong?? What's the draft chart say? I really don't think this scenario is feasible without the Jets severely crippling their draft future.
You know... the more I think about all the bad stuff written about him the more I'm afraid he may slip to #17. After all after Jacksonville there aren't many teams in dire need of a WR before us right? Please Al Davis take him... pleeeeeeeeeeaaaseeee... or Mangini.. just someone!
If they draft a QB they are conceding that KC or BR or DA are not in our future. H'mm I wonder if we do draft a QB what that will do to the confidence level of the QBs presently on the roster
If the Jets trade up to 4, they could select anybody available in the draft who did not get drafted 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Hey, that's about as good as anything else presented in this thread. It's a big guessing game. Almost all the GMs and personnel men in the league don't know what the heck these players are going to do in the league.
Its basically an impossibility, but if in fact the jets were picking 4, they should take that LB out of Wake Forest.
This list is horrible what about aaron curry bj raji crabtree... And if anyone picked freeman that is ridiculous hes a third round talent at best he would be the worst pick in nfl history if we picked him... If we did trade up to the fourth pick id have to go with crabtree hes great playmaking wide reciever this kid has superstar written all over him and thats something the jets really need
The Jets are not going to #4. There is a reason that 7 out of the top ten team want to move down. Nobody in this draft is a sure thing.
Sure we do. A first this year, and Next year, with maybe a third this year as well. Not that I would do it, but you always have the ammo if your willing to spend it, jsut ask Dan Snyder and his 4 picks a year.:wink:
I'm beginning to hope our team is just trying to fuck with every other team in the NFL for the hell of it right now.
1) It's highly doubtful Stafford and Sanchez will go #1 & 2. 2) To trade from 17 to 4, would require an insane amount of picks to give up, and I don't think the Jets FO would ever do that because they're trying to build a system that fits Rex's style 3) A lot of things happen in the past, that doesn't mean you can apply them and make it relative to the present just because it happened in 2003. Yeah, crazy things happen in the draft, but it was Herm Edwards. Things have changed with the Jets organization. Obviously, DRob didn't work out, did it? 4) Seattle wouldn't take Freeman at #4 because they have so many needs, and although quarterback is one, the third best rated quarterback going at number 4? I think they'll wait a year and look at the talented group of Qb's next year. Hasslebeck would obviously start this year anyway, so why would they waste a #4 pick on Freeman? 3 quarterbacks in the top 4? Yeah Right. They could have Raji, Curry, Jason Smith or Eugene Monroe, and they'd take Freeman!? 5) I've seen some mock drafts with Tyson Jackson in the early 2nd round, and the highest I've seen him from NFL experts, is to a team like the packers or the broncos. Why would we trade up to number 4 to take Tyson Jackson, if we could grab a guy like Gilbert with the 17th, or trade down and grab him. 6) I honestly don't know if this is a serious thread or not. I hope not. But the draft is 3 days away, lets not get ridiculous and pose unrealistic hypothetical situations.