MexBucs 1st Round Mock

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Mexican Buc, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. Mexican Buc

    Mexican Buc Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Though I believe the 1st round will be full of trade, at least 3, I won't include any here. explanations

    1. Detroit Lions- Matthew Stafford
    They rather follow Atlanta's blueprint than Miami's. He'll do an Eli can come in mid season if not, sit this whole season out all together.

    2. St. Louis Rams- Jason Smith
    Departure of Pace solidifies this pick. If Smith is gone, no worry Monroe is as close as a "close 2nd" can be.

    3. Kansas City Chiefs- Aaron Curry
    Chiefs cannot past on arguably the best player in the draft. He'll play along side other 1st round pick Derrick Johnson.

    4. Seattle Seahawks- Eugene Monroe
    QB talk is slim. Matt is still a young 32. Monroe can start to solidify the future of the line for the future QB they'll get... in the future....

    5. Cleveland Browns- Brian Orakpo
    Browns need help up front and off the edge, O-sack-po can give them both. Don't rule out a draft day trade involving Edwards, which could lead them to select Crabtree here instead.

    6. Cincinnati Bengals- Andre Smith
    While center is a bigger need positionally, Andre Smith fills both need and BPA cups more than any other player. Simply put Bengals need a lot of help up front.

    7. Oakland Raiders- Darrius Heyward-Bey
    Call this a classic Al Davis override. Last time Davis went "safe pick" he got Gallery. He's still sour. He'll invent some monster offensive dream of Russel/McFadden/DHB killing defenses in his head and go with it. Who says a 40 time can't make you millions? The old saying "speed kills" is true, as it's been killing the Raiders franchise for awhile now.

    8. Jacksonville Jaguars- Michael Crabtree

    Jags won't be sharing a pitcher with Al Davis, and they select the top WR in the draft.

    9. Green Bay Packers- Tyson Jackson
    GB needs help up front and Tyson is a lot of it. A massive frame, Jackson will help them lock down the LE in both the 4-3 and 3-4 they plan on converting too. You can bet their eyes will be wide on space eater Brace in the 2nd. GB is also a very very tasty trading partner for any team that wants Sanchez as they would hop right over SF and DEN. Bank on a trade down here.

    10. San Francisco 49'ers- Mark Sanchez
    If a trade does hop a team over SF, you can bet they'll take Everette Brown, but since this is where we find ourselves, this is who they take. Local boy turned local hero. Don't get your hopes up yet, he has a lot of work to do and will likely not see the field until week 15, unless SF makes a surprise run with Hill.

    11. Buffalo Bills- Everette Brown
    Maclin is still on the board and would be the pick here pre-TO. However, with the WRs the way they are and the severe need for a pass rusher they go Brown.

    12. Denver Broncos- BJ Raji
    You can bet Denver will be involved with trade talks with GB to hop SF. However, if that were to fail they go Raji. Seeing their other top DL going fast they don't hold off to take him later.

    13. Washington Redskins- Brian Cushing
    With their preferred DL already gone they look to fill the hole left by Marcus Washington. Oher is a good choice here as well, but they opt to bring a face and voice to a defense that would rather not be represented by the mug of D Hall.

    14. New Orleans Saints- Malcom Jenkins
    Saints need help at CB and S, Jenkins can play both. The signing of Greer will likely push him more towards the safety spot, all together he's a safe pick for a team hurting at DB.

    15. Houston Texans- Vontae Davis
    Texans need help for franchised player Robinson, as well as insurance in case they cannot get him to sign long term. Davis is a CB that has all the tools to help right away. Signing of June and Davis really makes LB an after thought.

    16. San Diego Chargers- Jeremy Maclin
    Chargers thanks their lucky stars. An unfortunate fall for Maclin is a blessing for SD. Chargers don't have many glaring needs, so they jump on the idea of upgrading their WRs and giving Rivers a real solid go-to-guy for many years to come. Maclin will go on to make his passer-byes regret their choices. SD cannot get to the podium fast enough.

    17. New York Jets- Percy Harvin

    Rex Ryan is building one of the best defenses of '09 as we speak. He might continue to do that here, but seeing most of their choices already gone they opt to help out their young QB... whoever he may be. You can also bet they're kicking themselves for being so close, yet missing out, on Maclin. They make up for it taking the next best WR.

    18. Denver Broncos- Aaron Maybin
    With out missing a beat Denver continue to improve their horrible defense. They may take a hard look at Freeman here, but he's not a McDaniels QB- which we know is all really matter to the new HC.

    19. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- Peria Jerry

    Bucs sit back, field a few calls, and watch the action unroll. They take a hard hard look at Alphonso Smith here, however with a deep talented group Raheem decides to pick a CB to groom later on and select the major need now. Jerry fills a major hole for the Bucs whose only answer at DT right now is Sims and Hovan.

    20. Detroit Lions (f/DAL)- Michael Oher
    Continuing to follow Atlanta's blueprint the Lions go OT here. Oher actually has an anti-Sanchez draft, as Sanchez is blessed by the lack of good QB that came out Oher is cursed by being in a draft of such good OTs.

    21. Philadelphia Eagles-Chris Wells
    Scary though, but Eagles go with a bruiser to compliment the sly Westbrook. Could very well end up the best "Thunder/Lightning" backfield in the league- that's exactly what Philly will be hoping for. Also a great backfield from which to launch a new face at QB should the season start rolling downhill. Wells adds a BIG boom to the Eagles rush attack and will hopefully be able to take enough load off of Westbrook to keep him healthy a whole season.

    22. Minnesota Vikings- Eben Britton
    Vikes will take a hard long look at Freeman but ultimately decide to sure up what they already know works. Vikes needs help up front and since Peterson looks like their whole gameplan anything that helps him is a good move. Also a good spot for the fence WR like Nicks and Britt to sneak into.

    23. New England Patriots- Rey Maualuga
    BB goes with what he knows. Maualuga is a gift from the football gods who, for some reason, always seem to make things easy on the Pats. With their LBs aging and leaving, there could not be a more perfect fit made in rich-get-richer football heaven.

    24. Atlanta Falcons- Brandon Pettigrew
    Matt Ryan is the new face and the face needs more weapons. If ANY team knows how much a TE can help a QB it's the Falcons. Pettigrew will give Ryan a solid best friend for years to come.

    25. Miami Dolphins-Clint Stintim
    While WR is a big need the Tuna goes with what he knows. Sintim will give Miami one of the better LB corps in the league lining up next to Crowder. You can also bet he will follow Joey Porter around everywhere like the Boy Wonder. The idea of having essentially two Porters off of any given edge at any time is just too good for the Tuna to pass up.

    26. Baltimore Ravens-Alphonso Smith

    While a bit undersize the Ravens know how to spot playmakers. Smith is one they don't let get away. The recent departure of McAlister leaves the position thin at best and while Domonique Foxworth is a nice addition, Smith can be a playmaking starter for this team in the future while filling depth need now.

    27. Indianapolis Colts- Evander "Ziggy" Hood
    Can the Colts try any harder at DT? Signing former first rounder, spending their own 1st day picks, doing everything they can they still fine themselves thin. Hood is a perfect fit for the Colts D and will hopefully put an end to the Colts woes at the position, if not only slightly.

    28. Philadelphia Eagles (f/CAR)- Hakeem Nick
    Eagles are the first to go dipping in the fence class of WR selecting Nicks. Beatty is also a very likely choice here, but since they are going with the "best of the fence" 1st round talent they opt to go with Nicks who is far less 'fency'. McNabb is given every weapon being sent a clear message- Win, win now.

    29. New York Giants- Kenny Britt
    Giants follow suit taking the next fenc-ee in Britt. Don't be surprised to see this pick dealt away to the Browns for Edwards. Overall NY is in one of the best shapes of any team in the league. The WR position, however, is really shot. (see what I did there?)

    30. Tennessee Titans- Robert Ayers
    Titans really need a WR, then again they needed a WR last year. Still, they signed Washington in Free Agency and if history tells us anything they don't look for wide outs in the first. Ayers, however, is a perfect fit to help bring some youth to an aging position. Both Vanden Bosch and Kearse are up there, so Ayers makes a lot of sense here. Don't rule out a CB like Butler out either.

    31. Arizona Cardinals-Knowshon Moreno
    Probably the only team that can sit pretty and get their top guy- late too. Moreno is arguably the best RB in the draft, and Cards need the best RB in the draft. Sitting pretty Cards nab up what seems like a perfect match. Then again Leinart was a perfect match too.

    32. Pittsburgh Steelers- Darius Butler
    Recent loss of McFadden leaves a whole in CB. Townsends age makes that hole into a possible FEMA disaster if left unchecked. No reason not to address it now. Butler is a great smooth corner with good hands who will come right in and fill in for McFadden. Has all the tools to develop into a classic Pittsburgh playmaker.

    Notable fallers out of the first round:
    Clay Mathews
    James Laurinaitis (who I have #33 overall to the Lion in the 2nd Round)
    Josh Freeman
    Larry English
  2. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I would be shocked if Smith goes that high, it wouldn't surprise me if he falls out of the first round all together. You can't invest that much money into that kind of guy, I could see a team outside the top 10 maybe taking a chance on his talent.

    GB would be crazy to take Jackson over Raji and I would be shocked if they do in real life, although I don't think they get a chance with Raji going before they pick.

    I find it very doubtful the Jets take Harvin, if the draft played out the way it did, I could see them either taking Moreno or Freeman or maybe even Gilbert. Either way Moreno I believe will go higher than where you have him being selected.
  3. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    If the Jets take Percy Harvin and pass on Knowshon...I'll be ill.

    I'd take Peria Jerry and Michael Oher over Harvin too!

    Not having Sean Smith in Rd 1 is a crime.

    DHB at # 7 to the Faiders...looks like an Al Davis move.
    #3 WW85, Apr 8, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  4. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Every draft needs a big surprise or two. And Oakland is as a good a place to have one as anywhere else.

    Seattle has their LT locked in for the future with Sean Locklear. They also resigned RT Ray Willis. I think they're locked in at OT. This is why it comes down to QB or WR IMO.

    I think Raji goes higher. His ceiling is #3 (although a longshot) IMO.

    Again, not a Percy Harvin fan. I wouldn't cry over it, but I don't like the pick..

    I always see the Falcons taking Brandon Pettigrew.. I see them addressing defense whether its DT, LB or DB..

    But no big problems with this one. Nice mock..
  5. I hate Revis

    I hate Revis Member

    Mar 7, 2008
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    PHILLY will you use 1 of their picks on a OT. Either trading up with the jets or another team but they want an OT. This is Reids MO!
  6. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Its a mix up for sure.

    Raji does not make it out of the top tem IMO. Now that the reports of his falied drug test have been proven false. The latest is GB at 9. Really Ciny or even the browns would make great sense.

    Darrius Heyward-Bey to Oakland looks insane. So it may just fit. I still see Crabtree or Maclin there if it falls out like this. Hell even Harvin over DHB if Crazy Al wants explosiveness. Harvin and D-Mac in a wildcat would be scary as hell.

    I'm not going to be shocked if Malcome Jenkins is not the first DB off the board. I think both Vontae Davis and Sean Smith go before him.

    I ahte your Jets pick. If Maclin is gone at that point I don't see us going WR in the first. A DE (Jarron Gilbert) DB (Sean Smith) or RB (Moreno) would make more sense to me. There should be a quality WR like Robiske in the second for us.
  7. DHarris52

    DHarris52 Active Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Not a snowball's chance in hell that Maualuga falls to #23.
  8. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    That one I could see happening. His physical skills are there, but the mental and maturity aspects come into question. Often taking the big hit over wrapping and making the safe tackle, Being stiff in passs coverage, and over pursuing can cause him to drop.

    Not saying it will happen, but I could see it.
  9. DHarris52

    DHarris52 Active Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    If the Jets take Harvin over Maualuga at #17, I'll cry. Seriously.
  10. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    It would not want either one of them for us. I just don't see the value at 17 for a guy who is going to be at best a rotational MLB for us for at least a few years.
  11. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Why would we want another MLB?
  12. DHarris52

    DHarris52 Active Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    ...why would we want another Leon?
  13. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    He's a bit overrated.. Do a little research and you'll see he has some pretty big question marks.

    I have him going #26 in my mock right now.
  14. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Maualuga is a classic case of over analyzing by the so called draft experts. The kid is a natural born football player, the team that gets him(likely in the top 15) will be getting a future pro bowl linebacker.
  15. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Leon Washington - 5'8 202 lbs

    Percy Harvin - 5'11 195 lbs

    Kind of a difference there. Oh, here is another, they don't play the same position.

    We have wiggle room in the WR and RB area at the moment, we could use instant help in either area to be honest. Our LB core, not so much. We have plenty of money invested in those specific postions already, it wouldn't make much sense to me.
  16. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    fuck you, you can have percy harvin in tampa
  17. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Please see any TBJF thread to see why you're completely wrong. Harvin is not a #1 or #2 receiver, which is what we need. He should find success in this league, but he'd be a terrible waste of the pick. As he admits, he will be best used in the backfield and the slot. He's not effective split wide. He's like Leon in the fact that he can be explosive, but his team needs to find creative ways to get him the ball. We have a hard enough time doing that with Leon. We don't need to add a similar playmaker. Thanks for the same tired arguments that have been disproved for weeks now.
  18. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Harvin played out of the backfield a ton in the flordia system. His skill set is most compairable to guys like reggie bush, Leon, and Chris Jonhson. Funny thing about those guys is none of them play wideout at the NFL level. Harvin is a Leon clone / slot receiver. We do not need one. If Maclin is gone at #17 then we may as well wait to round two. I like Nicks, but I'm not sure Wideout is the way we are going in round one.

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