Official Cutler on the trade block news, rumor and speculation thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Titans, Mar 31, 2009.

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  1. CleanFernandez

    CleanFernandez New Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    If the Jets were to get Cutler i wonder if Rhodes would be mad.
  2. PJ4Ever

    PJ4Ever Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Listen, I love Jay Cuter. I think he's, talent-wise, a top 5 qb. He can make every throw, he can move around and he's generally cut down on picks every season. But, I can't help but be put off my this guy's attitude. I've really never liked him. Saying he has a better arm than Elway? Kinda disrespectful, even if he didn't mean it that way. He seems like a me player and this situation with the Broncos just proves it more.

    So, I'm pretty 50/50 on getting him. Is he better than what we have? Most likely. Do I want him? I don't think so.
  3. Sinjz

    Sinjz Active Member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    I'll probably read that comment some time tomorrow during a TV commercial. :smile:
  4. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Why? What has he done 4 them?
  5. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    More than anything Eugene Chung ever did for the Pates.
  6. BleedingGreen55

    BleedingGreen55 Active Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Freeman trashes Cutler:

    What a spoiled, petulant baby.

    Denver owner Pat Bowlen said he attempted to reach his quarterback, Jay Cutler, by telephone for the past 10 days and Cutler didn't return calls.

    Now the Broncos are attempting to trade Cutler. Good for them.

    Whatever team makes that trade had better be careful because Cutler is without question one of the more thin-skinned quarterbacks we've seen in a long time.

    Poor, poor Jay-be, way-be.

    Not returning calls? Are you kidding me?

    You can't pick up the phone Jay and call back the team that has paid you millions of dollars? Not even one return call?

    Who do you think you are, Plaxico Burress?

    This is spoiled athlete territory and few people seem to agitated by it. In fact, Cutler will be rewarded for his petulant behavior by probably being traded to a contender like Chicago or New York.

    My guess: Cutler ends up in New York which would be typical Jets. They'd trade for him and then Cutler would disintegrate the first time a New York tabloid sticks his gigantic head under an unflattering headline.

    Don't worry Denver. It'll be addition by subtraction.
  7. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I don't think NYJ have enough to give compared to Detroit or Tampa. Detroit has two firsts including #1 overall. If they had any sense they'd have this deal done by tomorrow.

    I'd be willing to trade this year and next year's firsts, but again Detroit can offer the same including the #1 overall. It will be hard to come up with the best package.
  8. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Exactly what will happen if we get Cutler, he hasn't got the think skin required.......can't believe he didn't even return the call, even just to say trade me. He sounds like a immature cry baby
  9. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    It worked for Elway and Eli Manning.
  10. JetsFanInVB

    JetsFanInVB New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I think the Broncs try to send him to Detroit to punish him. And the #1 pick wouldn't hurt either.
  11. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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  12. bigbucks24

    bigbucks24 Active Member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    I would think the Bronco's want a starting QB in return. And I don't know if most of the league consider the 3 NYJ QB's starting cailber QB's. I think the Bronco's will be dealing with teams that can provide that starting QB, so the Redskins (Campbell) and Vinkings (Jackson) come right back into play, along with the Browns (Anderson or Quinn) and maybe the 49ers (Shaun Hill or Alex Smith). The only way I see the Jets getting involved is if it becomes a 3 way deal. The other teams I might see are the Bears (Kyle Orton) and possibly the Lions (only because they have a plethora of picks). Not sure I see the Bucs as a good trade partner. Who would the Bronco's get back to start? Luke McCown? Brian Griese?
  13. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    I just don't get the continued fascination with Cutler. He doesn't seem like the right fit to me. If, as most seem to concur, Ryan is looking to run a smashmouth, run-first type of offense, why would they need a guy like Cutler behind center? I understand that he brings a certain set of skills to the table, but also a certain amount of risk - and a high price as well.

    If the game plan is to win with a smothering defense and ball-control offense, why sell the farm for a big play guy who could easily go bust under the NY spotlight? I hope the Cutler talk ends... soon.
  14. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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  15. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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  16. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Because pretty much every team that has won a super bowl in the last 10 years has had a really good QB behind center who can make plays in the 4th quarter. You can get by with the mentality that you want to win with defense and running but you usually need that star qb to bail you out of a few regular season and playoff games. We can have the best defense and best running game in the world and lose to a team with a star QB who can create a comeback in the 4th
  17. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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  18. xBleedingGreen62x

    Feb 9, 2005
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    I love a lot of the logic around here. Its very ignorant to say the least. Let me give you an everyday worker example of this Jay Cutler Vs The Denver Broncos Case.

    One day, you and your boss (The man who taught u the business/took a chance on you/a close friend to you) are working on ways to improve your company. You have a good plan in place for the future after a disappointing year financially (or whatever).

    The owner of the company walks in and ups and fires your boss/mentor. Fine, it hurts but you say "hey it is a business" I will miss him and this was kind of shocking even with the bad year he had but, i need to do my job.

    The owner brings in a young hot shot new boss where he had 1 or 2 years of success in a similar Boston company (ick lol) Fine, you say. "I will work with this man and do my job"

    The next day you hear rumors about him bringing in a guy he had previously worked with in Boston and if he will accept the job offer you will be fired. You cannot believe the arrogance of this new boss but its "Just a rumor" These rumors keep surfacing until you find out it was indeed, true. If he had gotten the guy he wanted you would be out of a job or demoted (lets say) He pushes n pushes for "His man" even tho you are one hell of a worker. But low and behold, The guy your new boss wanted to replace you took a job somewhere else.

    So, you have a sit down with your boss and ask what is up? Whats wrong with me? Am i your guy? Can we try n come to an agreement? He then goes "well rite now I'm kind of stuck with you until i find someone better suited to be "my guy" so something can still happen. You walk out steamed.

    The next day he calls you up after his attempts fall short and goes "YOOO BUDDAYYY you're my guy braaaaa you ready to get down to business or what my man!"

    Little does he know, you know you can get a job for a number of different companies where you could make the same amount of money and work someplace else where they actually want you to be there and have a fresh start.

    Give it a fuckin break. Just because its the NFL and we all hear about it doesn't make it any different from any other work related incident. but ignorance is bliss i guess eh? /end rant
  19. discostu570

    discostu570 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    My two cents: if he was a free agent, Id probably lean in favor of signing him. In a trade, hes going to end up going for waaaay more than anybody should pay for him.

    That said, I dont think the Lions would give up that #1 pick. If the Broncos took Stafford with said pick and he went on to huge success, the Lions would never hear the end of it. I dont know what else theyd have to give up, but some player of value and the entire rest of their draft basically? If they walked with Cutler and the tackle from Baylor they'd have to be feeling pretty good about themselves. Of course even if the Lions are willing to trade that pick, the Broncos may not want the contract that comes with it.

    Given what I suspect the price would be, I really would be disappointed to see this go down, but I have a hard time ruling it out, because I think Schottenheimer would probably be thrilled to have a quarterback with Cutler's arm. That ability to move the ball down the field may outway his interception total, or it may not, I dont know. But it must be tempting.

    And btw, I dont get all the 'thin skin' talk. From what I can tell, hes arrogant as hell, and he might be a dumbass, but he doesnt seem to care what people have to say about what hes doing. I give the guy credit, he figured out pretty quickly that McDaniels wants something else, so he did what he had to do to force his way out of town. I think it took guts, but I guess he doesnt come across as very sympathetic given his salary and all so people and the media would rather characterize it as crying.

    Whether or not the Jets are involved, this trade, if it does indeed happen, should be interesting. You just dont see quarterbacks, talented young quarterbacks, getting traded, this could end up being one of the priciest transactions in league history. Heck, the Bills gave up a first rounder for Bledsoe when he was in his mid thirties, and the Patriots already had Brady as their starter so its not like they had any leverage there. My money says in ten years people may not remember all that much about Cutler on the field, but they'll remember this trade.
  20. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    For the Jets to get Cutler they are going to have to endure the sort of treatment that normally is reserved for pretty boys in prison. And then you add in Cutler's ego. So of course as a phins fan I'm all for it!!! Cutler-Jets '09!!!!
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